Evidence of further erosion, perversion, and corruption of language that goes on like a passing car on the Interstate. Unnoticed and unseen by most. There is no such an individual as a “socialist Christian,” or a “communist Christian,” or a “social justice Christian.”

Let’s use words and phrases correctly at last in these last of the last days, shall we? Finally? If nothing else? It is an oxymoron to use the words socialism, communism, social justice, woke, so on along with the word Christian.

If not clear? Discoer, come to learn what a Christian is by reading deeply, intently, longingly, and prayerfully the word of God.

There is no such a thing as a worldly Christian.

A person is either truly renewed of mind and spirit, born anew, made a new creature, a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ serving Him uppermost. Seeking to be nourished in the word rather than the world, and not loving this world, not adopting or accepting the teachings and ideologies, the philosophies and beliefs of the lost, the walking dead, those in utter darkness belonging to, enslaved to sin and Satan.

There is no part-time, part-way, sometimes, Sundays only Christians. And putting a chain around your neck with a cross attached to it and saying “praise Jesus!” while living almost every moment of your life in worldly ways, attitudes, philosophies, and ideologies is NOT being a Christian. Hate to bring that truth to you if you’re unaware of it.

There are many — it appears in these times — more with itching ears turning to fables, lies, false teachings, and unsound doctrines than those grounded in the faith in sound doctrine, Bible-centered, Bible-focused, Bible-taught, and Bible-led. That attend Bible-preaching, Bible-teaching expository preaching on the word churches.

The rise of false teachers and false teachings, unsound doctrines leading many astray and to fall away is enormous, plentiful, and ever-increasing in these last of the last days.

Do not be among the weak, the confused, the deceived, and falling away.

Do not be seduced by the cunning lies of the devil and his ministers who are firmly entrenched in the church and deceiving many — just as he did in the Garden of Eden. No different at all. Seductive, cunning, appearing as light and right when it’s all darkness and the second death and a hellish eternity dear ones…

We each need to be diligent to get words, get phrases correct. Use and know words and phrases correctly. This is vital. This cannot be stressed and focused upon and exercised enough by each of us. And let it begin with me.


Ken Pullen

Saturday, May 8th, 2021

ACP — A Crooked Path


The socialist Trojan Horse within the U.S. Christian church


Friday, May 07, 2021

By Bill Connor

Reprinted from The Christian Post


In recent years, the number of Christians identifying as “Christian Socialists” or “Christian Communists” has skyrocketed in a way not seen in over 40 years. Sarah Ngu, in her 2020 article “Why These Young American Christians Embrace Socialism” wrote the following: “Over the past three years, some American Christians have rediscovered this tradition and found themselves gravitating to socialism—in all its varieties, from democratic socialism to full-fledged communism.” Gary Dorrien, a professor of social ethics at Union Theological Seminary, writes “The revival (of Christian socialism) is a Christian flank of the current upsurge for democratic socialist”. For the most part, the orthodox Christian community has remained silent about this growing trend, seemingly oblivious to the dangers. It’s time we acknowledged how the Trojan Horse of Socialism entered the Church, and fight back.

First, doctrine and history make clear that Biblical Christianity and Socialism and/or Communism are in opposition on fundamental levels. The intellectual forefather of Socialism, Karl Marx, taught this about Christianity: “The social principle of Christianity preaches cowardice, self-contempt, abasement, submission, humility….” Marx further asserted “The more of himself that man gives to God, the less he has left of himself”. Like all future communist and socialist leaders who follow Marx, he believed: “Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of the heartless world, and the soul of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opiate of the people.” (Communist Manifesto, the Bible of Communism).

The history of the socialist war against Christianity is instructive. “The League of the Militant Godless” was developed by early Soviet leaders like Leon Trotsky and Lenin. Its slogan tells volumes: “The struggle against religion is the struggle for socialism”. In just over 15 years, the League boasted 3.5 million members and included a hundred ethnicities. This was while Soviets in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.) were executing tens of thousands of Priests, millions of Christians, demolishing churches, and ruthlessly suppressing Christianity. The official literature of the Comintern (International Communist Front), stated “One of the most important tasks of the cultural revolution affecting the wide masses is the task of systematically and unswervingly combating religion – the opiate of the people.”

Ben Gitlow was a top figure in the early Communist Party (USA), and twice ran as Vice President of the U.S. on the Communist Party ticket in 1924 and 1928. He left the Communist Party in 1929 and began hearings before Congress about Communist infiltration in America starting in 1939. According to Gitlow in answering Congress about the Communist “united front” technique of infiltrating America: “the tactic of the united front adopted by the Communists in 1922 after they realized that their militant policy for instigating a revolution in Germany and then throughout Europe and the world had failed… The united front tactic enabled the Communists to greatly increase the effectiveness of their infiltration activities.” The aims were to first build pro-Soviet sentiment in America. Second, to set conditions for Communists to capture trade unions. Third to “Spread Communist propaganda, incite discontent amount the people, undermine the loyalty of the American people and to divide them on religion, national, racial, and economic lines.”

Importantly, Gitlow said this about the infiltration of the Christian Church in America: “the united front policy enabled the Communists to widely expand their infiltration activities on the religious field because instead of using the Communist Party directly (on Christian organizations)”, they used united-front organizations not directly connected to the Communist Party. Communist Party U.S.A. leader Manning Johnson told Congress that “deceit” about the anti-Christian nature was “a major policy of the Communist Propaganda”. According to Johnson: “(Communists) made fine gestures and honeyed words to the church people which could be will likened unto the sea nymphs luring millions to moral decay, spiritual death, and spiritual slavery. An illustration of this treachery, I might point out, is smiling, sneaky Earl Browder, for example, who was vice-chairman of the American League Against War and Fascism, greeting and praising ministers and other church workers participating with him in the united front anti-war activities, while secretly harboring in his heart only contempt for them and for the religion that they represented.”

The Soviet Union collapsed in 1991 and no longer commands the worldwide Comintern. However, Communism as a worldwide movement continues. The ideology spawned during those decades made substantial inroads into the Church and academia (an estimated 18% of American Professors today identify as Marxist). United Methodist Reverend Lindsey Joyce provides a window into the modern infiltration: “Socialism gave me a politics that finally provided clarity….. It wasn’t about my individualistic faith or spiritual gifts.” Christianity centers around individual spiritual redemption, while socialism is about the collective and material. Communist “Christian” Dean Dettloff is indicative of the fraud being promulgated to soften and revive Communism within the Church. Dettloff claims “the worst abuses in history have actually been committed by people who are devoted to Jesus Christ”. This glosses over the upwards of 100 million people who died under 20th-century communism, a number that dwarfs almost 2000 years of alleged Christian “abuses”.

The Church can no longer remain silent. The Trojan Horse of Socialism and Communism wheeled into the U.S. in the 1920s, is a growing “enemy within”. Neither Communism, nor Socialism can be reconciled with Christianity, and it’s time to voice that truth boldly and loudly. We fight back with spiritual weapons and in Christian love, but against this threat we must fight back.