Yes, there has been and is an ever-escalating war on Christmas. But do not pause or stop as most do in thinking and being aware. The war on Christmas is only a symptom of the larger war on true Christians, true Christianity, on God, on the Lord Jesus Christ, on the Holy Spirit, and on the inerrant Word of God.

This war? This war is the all-encompassing spiritual war that has been taking place since Adam and Eve in their selfish arrogance believing the devil that they were like God, why they were gods themselves and did not need that Creator of all things in their life. They were their own beings!

That same war. That same arrogance. That same selfishness. That making themselves idols and turning from God. That same SIN!

That spiritual war. The same one everyone on earth is in.

The war on Christmas goes much deeper, longer, further than mere politics. Mere left versus right.

Do not be deceived. Do not pause. Do not stop. Do not allow the words of worldly men and women, the words and practices of the ever-growing number of false teachers and their out and out lying, twisted, perverted corrupting of the Scriptures (just as Satan does as they are his and not the Lord’s in their corrupting of the Word — adding to, removing of, and altering definitions).

And know this — the times, the days are only going to grow worse. Much worse. Unless there is a large, sincere, humble REPENTANCE of the people. Not until then. Only then.

The war on Christmas is but one sign of things as they are.

Know that if you are a true Christian, a true disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ, knowing the Bible. Going to a Bible-preaching, Bible-believing church not afraid of exhortation of the Word on sin, on repentance, on the Gospel, on all of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation not adding to, not omitting anything, not perverting anything, not redefining anything according to personal interpretation — and you remain steadfast in the faith to the end?

Justified by faith. Sanctified in our daily walk?

No matter what happens here on this temporal earth eternal life in heaven, in the Kingdom of God to come is ours.

This, this world we imagine is reality? It is in reality fleeting. Temporary. Going to be removed. So how can it be the most real reality there is?

The most real reality there is? It’s the spiritual realm dear ones. The spiritual world which is eternal.

Let us live accordingly.

Let us fortify, strengthen, grow in the Word, grow in grace and faith. Let us stand boldly defending the Word and the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ in this not only war on Christmas, but this war to end all wars greatest war with the most casualties in human history war — the spiritual war. Which will not end until our Lord Jesus Christ sets His feet upon the Mount of Olives once again.

Keep in mind, in your heart always the Lord is going to return. He will fulfill His promise.

The birth of the Son of God in human form, fully human while also fully God in Bethlehem around 2,000 years ago was only one of the most important events in human history. As was His life on earth, His teachings, His illegal trial, and all the events of that leading to His death on the cross. To His burial and His consequent conquering death and being resurrected from death three days after being laid in the tomb.

To His being witnessed by more than 500 people over a 40 day period before ascending before witnesses into heaven.

He is real. The most real there is. He is everlasting and the Mightiest of the mighty. King of kings, Lord of lords. High Priest. Saviour. And He is coming back.

The Lord was born, lived, died, and was resurrected from death.

And the Lord Jesus Christ is returning to this earth as it is written.

Keep THAT in your hearts and minds and continually in your daily lives dear ones.

In this escalating spiritual war.

Do not waver. And if you do? Find one stronger to help lift you up in the faith, in the Word. And be there for others if they waver and need lifting up.

For the Lord is going to return.

Be watching. Be mindful. Be prepared.

Not only this Christmas, but each day the Lord blesses each of us with our next breath, our next heartbeat, and if He wills? And we’re here for another Christmas and another? As long as it takes and we are here? Keep growing and going prepared. Eyes, mind, heart, life heavenward.

And do not halt and stop at the merely political, the worldly, the left versus right, or the nationalistic America this, America that.

Eternity depends on it. For each person individually.

Not a myth. Not a fable. Not a lie. The truest of true things there is on this temporal world in this fleeting fleshly life where the self is elevated and the spiritual part of each being is pushed aside, diminished, denied, or seeks the false teachings elsewhere imaging greener pastures for the spirit than what can be found in the Life-Giving waters and bread of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ!


Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Isaiah 5:20 — King James Version

if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

2 Chronicles 7:14 — English Standard Version

And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us. And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger. And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child. And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds. But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart. And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them.

Luke 2:8-20 — King James Version


The REAL STAKES of the War on Christmas far surpasses anything political, of the right or of the left, or of American politics or nationalism or patriotism — far more important than those things for every individual in this nation, and every individual on this fallen, sin-plagued corrupted by men and women’s sin and self idol worship refusing the truth of God. Refusing the Gospel — or believing the Gospel.

Either each rejects the Lord and the truth or they believe and embrace and accept the Lord Jesus Christ.

And every person’s eternity depends on that moment in each person’s life and which path they will continue to walk on until God removes them from in their last fleshly breath, their last fleshly heartbeat…



Ken Pullen

Thursday, December 24th, 2020

ACP — A Crooked Path



The Real Stakes of the War on Christmas

If only Americans would “listen to the science” and stop believing in “superstitions.”


Thursday, December 24, 2020

By Bruce Thornton

Reprinted from FrontPageMag


This year the annual attacks on Christmas went beyond complaints about holiday salutations or public creches. Blue-state governors and mayors like California’s Gavin Newsom and government clerks like Anthony Fauci have issued diktats forbidding even private celebrations of Christmas by more than one family at a time. These orders follow on this year’s lockdown protocols that made liquor stores, pot dispensaries, and violent protests “essential,” while church services were verboten.

These assaults on faith illustrate how far secularism has infiltrated our culture. And although in some states the Supreme Court has struck down such restrictions on the First Amendment’s freedoms of religion and assembly, this tactical victory will not stop the strategic advances being made by those who want to remove God from public life in order to monopolize the authority to tell us how we should live and what we should believe.

The justifications for these violations of the Bill of Rights reflect another dimension of secularization, the process of removing God and faith from public life. Alleged scientific advances in understanding human nature and motivation have made religion irrelevant, if not dangerous for the ongoing progress toward utopia that will follow once we “listen to the science” and stop believing in irrational “superstitions” and “illusions.”

Yet this past year has shown over and over that the “science” is not quite as reliable or efficacious as its champions claim. The attempt to stop religious services and Christmas celebrations, for example, is based on the notion that severe “lockdowns” will halt the spread of the virus. But extensive data from the U.S. and Europe show that indiscriminate lockdowns, rather than protecting the most vulnerable, at best just postpone the spread. New York’s high rate of mortality occurred amongst some of the most severe restrictions in the country, whereas Florida, with a larger population that includes the most vulnerable elderly, saw fewer people die despite less draconian lockdown restrictions.

Moreover, those calling for lockdowns presumably to save the lives of old people already dying of other ailments seem not to care that the consequences of shutting down schools and the economy fall heavily on the young, whether students, workers, or small business owners, even though 99.95% of people under 70 will not die from the virus. The result of this sledgehammer approach that harms the least vulnerable to the virus has been an increase in “deaths of despair” like drug overdoses and suicides: “Among 25- to 44-year-olds, the CDC reports a 26% increase in excess all-cause mortality relative to past years, though less than 5% of 2020 deaths have been due to Covid-19,” report Jay Bhattacharya, a professor at Stanford’s Medical School, and Sunetra Gupta, a professor of epidemiology at Oxford.

But for decades our technocratic rulers have displayed the same callous myopia in carrying out other policies that allegedly “follow the science.” Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming––rebranded as “Climate Change” once its projections of future warming started being contradicted by empirical evidence––is based on the century-old “greenhouse warming” hypothesis applied to the most complex, non-living natural system on the planet. We as yet do not understand with scientific certainty and precision how all the factors contributing to global climate––which covers 95,000,000 square miles of earth and unfolds over billions of years––actually works.

Yet despite that uncertainty, policies are proposed or put in place for eliminating fossil fuels, the cheapest energy we have, the cost of which policies fall on the most vulnerable, particularly in the developing world that desperately needs cheap electricity to grow their economies and improve their health and well-being.

This technocratic mindset, this faith put not in a transcendent God but in fallible human sciences, has been the heart of progressivism for over a hundred years. Contrary to the tragic sensibility of both our Classical and Judeo-Christian traditions, progressivism claimed that armed with new “human sciences” like psychology, economics, and sociology, empowered elites could take control of human evolution and improve people until the evils of human existence would be eliminated and all would live in democratic freedom and prosperity: “Democracy,” progressive theorist Herbert Croly claimed, “must stand or fall on a platform of possible human perfectibility.”

Yet if we look for empirical evidence of such improvement, we won’t find it in the century of progressivism’s development. Yes, we have seen remarkable improvements in material life, but who can claim commensurate moral progress in the blood-spattered century of two world wars, the Holocaust, and the political murders of 100 million people based on an ideology, communism, that fancied itself a “science” of history? Or in the decades-long domination of eugenics and “scientific racism” in this country, which disguised in numerical data and technical jargon the ancient, dehumanizing bigotries based on superficial appearance, tribal parochialism, and social disorder shaped by poverty and tyranny?

What that history does show is the truth of Immanuel Kant’s observation: “From the crooked timber of humanity nothing straight can be made.” This means that in the end technocracy is an ideology of power and domination necessary for trying to “improve” a permanently “crooked” human nature. We have witnessed this truth in the unseemly eagerness of progressive governors and mayors to issue arbitrary orders disrupting and damaging the lives of the people whom they allegedly serve and to whom they are supposedly accountable. This petty tyranny reveals what they really think about people who won’t fall in line: they are “deplorables” who don’t “believe in science” and so must be subjected to the stern tutelage of their smarter, more righteous betters.

Finally, the domination by technocrats is politically dangerous. Tyrannies of every sort share a preference for concentrating power and eliminating or co-opting all mediating institutions––family, faith, business, education–– that the tyrant cannot control, or that differ in their foundational beliefs and aims from those of the ruling elite. No one can dispute that a hundred years of progressive-inspired policies and regulatory encroachments have narrowed the scope of freedom for civil society, states, and citizens. The lockdown policies this year have graphically demonstrated this ancient truth of tyranny.

The desire to dominate and control others in order to satisfy one’s own interests and pride is not an anomaly caused by the environment, but is latent in all of us. And power is the instrument of that desire. Yet the lust for power is never sated, but always seeks to expand. The Founders understood this truth, which is why they created a constitutional order that balances and checks its various powers in order to prevent that aggrandizement of control over the lives of others that ends in tyranny.

That’s why progressivism has chafed at that order from the beginning. A technocracy of cognitive elites based on alleged scientific expertise cannot cede authority to any other social institution or principles that can challenge it. We have seen that tendency not just in the response to the coronavirus, but also in the calls to eliminate the Electoral College or make the number of senators proportionate to population. The indistinguishable, anonymous mass of the abstract “people” are easier to control or bribe than are the diverse peoples with their different mores, customs, principles, and faiths.

And that has always been the point of the war on Christmas––keeping faith out of the public square and confined to the realm of the private, where it cannot challenge the power and authority of the technocratic elite. It’s one front in the war that the secular technocracy has been waging for over a century that has witnessed the insidious and incremental erosion of our foundational political liberties.

We are one Senate runoff-election away from finding out if that progressive ambition to control even more of our society––an effort stymied by Donald Trump’s administration––will return and move us to even more erosion of our political liberties. That’s the real stakes of the war on Christmas.