Be a separate and peculiar people. Do not be conformed to the world. Do not embrace unsound and false doctrines. Live to please the Lord and not please other men or women, or yourself.

Trust in the Lord, turn to the Lord, turn to the Scriptures, and be humble, sincere, peaceful, and true.

Do not partake in the actions of sinners giving them an indication of approval of their sin.

No one is Jesus except Jesus. While we as true disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ live to be more like Jesus every day, or we ought to, that does not mean we can do what Jesus did while He was on earth.

Pride comes before a great fall.

And it is apropos that the sexually deviant, sexually perverted, sexually immoral movement that is anti-God, anti-Christ, anti-Holy Spirit, and anti-Holy Bible would adopt that word as one of their main mantras and indoctrinations.

It is not loving or what a true Christian ought to do to endorse, put a stamp of approval, be accommodating of the sin of homosexuality or transgenderism. To comply. To join in. To adopt and approve of their sin by not taking a bold, firm stand with God and His Word against such sin — but to do so is in truth love, being loving and by example standing with Christ and against the worldview. To do so is not being a Pharisee, or legalistic.

The do’s and don’ts involved in this are not legalistic but ought to pour out from a truly changed heart for God and Christ. The Holy Spirit ought to be at work in a born-again believer to know, be directed to not be conformed to this world or imitate, resemble, or partake in being indistinguishable from the world.

Pride is not the answer.

Growing deeper, and stronger in individual faith is. Spending more and more time in not only reading but studying the whole Word of God and not only studying but meditating upon what is read — deep thinking, pondering, putting into daily practice what is read to truly be a light unto the world.

Marches, protests, and attending homosexual or transgender so-called weddings, which are an abomination and as against God as can be, to be in the midst of those in attendance thus putting a blessing, and approval of the union before God and every witness is not the path to love, understanding, getting through to the sinner and building a healthy bond with the sinner.

To the contrary. It plays right into the Evil One’s delight in causing weakness, a mixed message, and confusion. All delights of Satan who works tirelessly to weaken and alter the inerrant Word of God by having those professing faith in Christ begin to question the Bible and to adopt and even approve of such immoral and deadly acts as homosexuality and transgenderism.

If you know a pastor, a professed Christian espousing it is fine to attend a homosexual or transgender so-called wedding, which is not seen as such in the eyes of God, Who established marriage, it is better, wiser, the course to take to please God and abide in the Word rather than be more concerned with upsetting a person, more concerned about a familial or friend relationship.

Do not grieve the Holy Spirit, do not live to please other people, and do not conform to the world by attending a homosexual or transgender union in supposed marriage. You are then in attendance before God and every other person as a witness and your attendance is giving approval of the sin being doubled down on — not only practicing a homosexual or transgender way of life but then mocking God, spitting on God and the Holy Bible, making what Christ did on the cross for naught in being more concerned about a relationship with a grandchild, a child, a friend, or someone you know that is living a sexually deviant, perverted, and immoral life before God.

None of those will inherit the kingdom of God.

And it is actually better love, more love, real love to explain clearly, calmly, and precisely using Scripture as to why you cannot attend. More concerned about your relationship with God than the person sinning in such an immoral manner.

Do not permit the ways of the world, the wisdom of the world weakens and erodes the inerrant infallible unchanging Word of God. Do not abandon the true gospel to follow another gospel, a false one.

Do not fall for the lie “Well, if Jesus were here on earth now He would attend a homosexual or transgender marriage.”

Whoever says such a thing is speaking out of utter ignorance and stupidity. For they ought not to speak for Jesus, especially in such a manner that gives others the impression that Jesus is tolerant and accepting of sin.

If we’re to spread the gospel and help make disciples how can this be accomplished when sending a very mixed signal to the unbeliever? Especially if we act, practice, speak, preach, or write that, sure, attend, and make sure to bring a gift!

And then you expect to have that person living a homosexual or transgender life to accept what is in the Word of God? To understand what it means to repent and truly accept Christ into their heart and life?

No, don’t follow pastors or professed Christians telling you it’s just fine and dandy to attend a homosexual or transgender wedding — and to bring a gift. And then these same when called out for this unbiblical teaching, this false doctrine refuses to repent and declares from the pulpit, or to your face, that anyone who is not in agreement with them is a Pharisee.

Pride, pride, pride, and arrogance are everywhere. Rebellion is in the air and in the hearts and minds of more and more people —especially those declaring to be faithful servants of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Showing a greater love for the world and its ways than their love for the Lord and His unchangeable ways.

Wake up. Wise up.

Do not be deceived.

Pride coming from anyone about anything is a disease. An infection. Possibly leading to death. Eternal death if not caught, diagnosed, and treated properly in time.

And there is a reason why the homosexual and transgender movement adopted the word pride. Do not be complicit in using that word regarding them, their marches, and their designated month for accommodating, applauding, lauding, celebrating, and approving of their sin.

No matter who you are. Whether an internationally known celebrity pastor or the lowliest of humble disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ new or old to the faith.

No excuses. No worldly excuses can or will outweigh or remove the Word of God.

Pride is the “complete anti-God state of mind” the author of the article below writes.

Read on…

Ken Pullen, Friday, March 1st, 2024



The Problem With Pride


“The complete anti-God state of mind.”


February 29, 2024


Reprinted from FrontPageMag


LGBT Pride Month isn’t until June, but planning is well underway. This concept, which began to formalize itself in 1970, has been recognized by presidents from Bill Clinton to Joe Biden, issuing proclamations recognizing this observance. It commemorates a series of riots in New York City in 1969 following police raids on a popular homosexual bar in Lower Manhattan.

Where I live in north Texas, LBGT activists are gearing up for the Dallas June Pride observance. According to Dallas Voice, which promotes itself as ‘The premier media source for LGBT Texas,’ Dallas Pride Executive Director Sherrell Cross said, “Pride is not just once a year. We don’t want to be like corporations that show up once a year for Pride Month and then disappear on July 1.”

It’s been suggested that Christian Pride become a counter-weight to LGBT Pride. “Time for Christians to take pride in their Christianity and go loud, go proud and go bold,” opines one commentator. It may be a tempting proposal, but I don’t think it’s something to pursue for a very simple reason: Nothing good ever comes from pride.

“Pride leads to every other vice: it is the complete anti-God state of mind,” wrote Oxford scholar and Cambridge Professor C.S. Lewis in his book Mere Christianity. If you think that’s a harsh assessment of pride, Reformed Christian theologian, R.C. Sproul, Jr. took the issue back to its biblical core. “Pride is what brought the devil down in the first place. It is then the root sin of sin, both for him and for us.”

Many Christians believe pride is the single worst sin, and in truth, we all suffer from it. It’s a spiritual affliction that’s impossible for us to cure or escape. “There is nothing into which the heart of man so easily falls as pride,” said 19th-century pastor Charles Spurgeon. Regarded by many as the Prince of Preachers, Spurgeon observed, “There is no vice which is more frequently, more emphatically, and more eloquently condemned in Scripture.” Philosopher and Christian apologist G.K. Chesterton went so far as to declare, “If I had only one sermon to preach, it would be a sermon against Pride.”

This is probably why we don’t see efforts to coalesce around Christian Pride events in the style of LGBT Pride. Setting aside whether one agrees or disagrees with LGBT theology or Christian theology, either (or both) are equally problematic in that they promote a cancerous weakness that spawns all manner of bad behavior.

Pride can be tricky. On one hand, the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes tells us “Nothing is better than that a man should rejoice in his own works.” On the other hand, Jesus Christ taught that pride is among the “evil things come from within, and they defile a person.” How does one reconcile rejoicing in their accomplishments while defiling oneself with evil? It’s a difficult circle to square.

The crux of the matter is the sort of pride one has and why one has it. Personal fulfillment in an accomplishment or being recognized by others for a job well done isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Neither is the pride we might feel in our admiration of someone for what they have done. On the surface, good achievements may seem to arise from talent, perseverance, and other traits. But Bible-believing Christians know the attributes that bring success are given to us by God; He gets the credit.

The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association notes, “This kind of pride isn’t boastful or self-centered, but is a feeling of satisfaction over what we’ve accomplished.” Pride becomes a problem when it is “self-centered and boastful, and makes us take credit for everything we are and everything we do. Instead of realizing that we are dependent on God, in our pride, we ignore God.”

Eve ignored God when her pride prompted original sin. The biblical account of the fall of man teaches that Eve believed the lie that her “eyes will be opened, and you will be like God” if she disobeyed and ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and pride’s been a problem ever since.

I’ve never been ashamed of the Bible or my belief in it, but I don’t think Christian Pride is the answer. I am proud of how Christianity has fostered civic liberty – our Constitution is infused with many Reformed Christian principles – and I’m proud of how Christianity has brought countless people closer to God through its works. But I don’t see myself marching in a Christian Pride parade. I’m a lowly, corrupt sinner whose only chance for anything good in this or any other world resides solely in the grace of God through my faith. I think the answer is a little less pride and a little more quietude.