The Ominous Ecumenical Movement
Part I in a series
by A.W. Tozer
From his book “Reclaiming Christianity: A Call to Authentic Faith”
Link to purchase Reclaiming Christianity by A.W. Tozer as compiled and edited by James L. Snyder
And all that believed were together and had all things in common.
Acts 2: 44
One of the dearest doctrines in the Scriptures, in my opinion, is the unity of the church of Christ, not only with each other, but also one with Christ.
There is a movement on, and has been for some time, to bring all the Church into one organization. The word “ecumenical” simply means universal, all over the earth. That is all it means, but it has been adapted to mean that all over the earth, where there are Christians, they are in one organization. It does not mean the whole Church. If there is an ecumenical council, it does not mean that all the churches are there, but it does mean that all a represented or that the representatives of the whole Church are there.
Then there are those – though they would not say this was their reason – who just want to get together with all like-minded Christians, and that is fine. There have been quite a number of mergers in recent times, and some of them have been right. They are all believers, they all get together, and instead of having two heads and two headquarters and two official magazines, they only have one. That is always desired.
Then we have a movement among the Protestants with certain aims. One of the aims I do not believe in at all, because I think it has already been fulfilled. Our Lord, when He prayed, “That they all may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me” (John 17: 21), wanted His church to be one, and He prayed in that direction. Now the ecumenical movement is saying, “You need to join our organization for the unification of believers so that the prayer of Jesus would be fulfilled that ‘all may be one.’ ”
Some believe that Christians ought to get together and fulfill the prayer of Christ, even if they have to sacrifice truth. It started in Amsterdam in 1948, during the great world movement called the World Council of Churches. I do not make it a practice to preach against things. I am 99 percent for things and 1 percent against. This happens to be one of the things I am against. The Anglicans, the Eastern Orthodox, the Protestants and the old Catholics got together. Then into the World Council of churches have come denominations or at least parts of denominations until it is a vast, sprawling octopus all over the world.
Christendom Is Not the Church
I would like to say that if it takes Jesus Christ 1,900 years to get His prayer answered for the unity of His church, and if all down the centuries this has not been answered, and the Church has yet to become unified, then my faith in the Lord would suffer a staggering blow. The simple fact is that the prayer of Jesus was answered dramatically in the fiery outpouring at Pentecost when all believers were baptized by the Holy Spirit into one Body.
One thing we ought to remember is that the unity of the Christian church in the Spirit is one thing, but the union of all Christian groups is quite another thing altogether. We ought to remember the doctrine of apostasy found in the Scriptures. “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables” (2 Timothy 4: 3-4).
There is much else there where it said that a time would come when men would be lovers of their own selves and having the form of godliness but denying the power thereof; and he said from such to turn away.
There is a fundamental difference between Christendom and the Church. What the present ecumenical push is trying to do is solidify Christendom – all who are on the Christian side of things in any way – and bring them together in one vast body. That is Christendom. But there is in the Scriptures a great difference between Christendom and the Church. The Bible teaches that Christendom shall be apostate and shall give up their faith and shall wallow in her own self-righteousness and deny the power of God and shall be totally unprepared for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. When the Son of man cometh, will He find faith in the earth? That is Christendom. But the Church is another thing.
What I desire is the beautiful church of Christ that we read about in Ephesians:
One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ. Wherefore he saith, when he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men. (Now that he ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth? He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, the he might fill all things.) And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ (Ephesians 4: 5-13).
The perfecting of this unity takes place when anyone is baptized by the Spirit into the Body of christ. The perfecting of that Body, until the whole beautiful Church is brought into the presence of Christ, is the business of the Holy Ghost through the Scriptures, and through pastors and teachers and prayer warriors on the earth. In the meantime, there is a great body called Christendom made up of Christians of every stripe, color and kind throughout the whole world. This is not included her, and the Holy Spirit never intended it to be here.
To be continued…
NEXT: Guarding the Church Against Christendom
I have developed a deep and profound love for the Catholic faithful that I always spend time with outside Planned Parenthood praying and pleading for the lives of the children who are being aborted there.
Event though they have some “wonky” practices that they observe, it isnt so much that a careful reading of Romans 14 will not clear up for me. Jesus came to save SINNERS, not GENERALITIES like Baptists, Methodists, Calvinists, Arminians, Catholics or Protestants.
I believe when Jesus is manifest and we “see Him as He is” and are thus “Like Him” that 90% of our doctrines and notions about Him will collapse like a house of cards in the reality and the Glory of who He truely is. It will be much like at the Transfiguration where Peter was reproved for being so bold as to imply that Jesus was on some kind of equal ground with Moses and Elijah. After the reproof, Jesus Stood alone. “When they lifted up their eyes they saw no one but JESUS ONLY” Mathew 17:8
Hello Kevin,
I sincerely thank you for your comments. I agree with your belief regarding when we finally see Christ the Savior we will be awestruck. Speechless. As every prophet and Biblical person was when in the glory of God – and that glory tempered so the person present could withstand His glory it is so beyond our feeble comprehension. I have written and said many times that what we know is like one atom within one drop of water compared to all the water on this earth, or all there is to know.
We are not intended to know everything. Much is in mystery and sadly too many have reduced God and Christ down to our level rather than allow God and Christ to elevate them closer to heaven and the perfection that is Christ and the Word of God.
I do not and never have subscribed to the belief certain Christian denominations are better than others. I do not know the hearts of others and believe there certainly will be some Catholics that reach heaven, as there will be souls of every kindred and nation in paradise for eternity. Certain sects professing to be Christian though have greatly perverted and corrupted the truth – and in my mind, as I am led by the Word of God and the Holy Spirit they are organizations created by men following this world or worse if it could be worse – cults. But – and it is a very clear but – there is much false teachings among the professed believers. And the ecumenical movement has been behind that. In their quest to bring the gospel they have instead aligned themselves with the world rather than Scripture.
As you visit “A Crooked Path” more and as the other parts of this series I’m adding to ACP by A.W. Tozer regarding the ominous ecumenical movement unfolds I hope it clarifies everything and increases understanding for us all. There is only one Church, one Body and One Head. But what has transpired in the past 50 years or so has grown from a seed into full blown perversion of the Word. Men shedding the truth of God and implementing their word – placing themselves ahead of the truth and God Almighty.
Denominations are ever increasing as the push towards One World Religion presses on – and make no mistake the current ecumenical movement desires One World Religion and not just the honoring, glorifying, and praise of God and Christ the Lord. Not the pursuit of Scriptural truth – and we have also permitted this false belief that whatever one interprets from Scripture is just fine and dandy. It isn’t. Not our way – God’s way. Are we exalting Christ and God in the pure truth of the Word of God? I find it difficult – no impossible – to believe those bodies bringing in pagans, bringing in every Eastern religion and Islam into their churches are exalting Christ and God. There is nothing new under the sun as Solomon pointed out. And much of the New Testament discusses the mingling of worldly beliefs, pagan beliefs with those of the true Church and how they should be cast out. Not tolerated – but cast out. There is much about this on ACP. In the “Last Days News” section and in other areas on ACP. We Christians as a mass of human beings worldwide are embracing paganism and inviting it in, we are embracing numerous abominations very clearly defined within Scripture as against the Word of God. We are disregarding the Word of God while with our lips professing to promote Christ. That is impossible to do. And if living in the Spirit we know these things in our hearts.
And none of this that I write of that is taking place within the ecumenical movement these days exalts God, Christ the Lord, the Holy Spirit, or the true inerrant living Word of God.
“Enter in at the narrow gate; for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be who go in that way; Because narrow is the gate, and hard is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there will be that find it.”
Our Lord speaking to His disciples in Matthew 7: 13-14
We want everything to be easy. Just say you believe in Jesus Christ and accept Him as your personal Savior and you’re going to heaven! Everything is permitted. No boundaries. No discipline. No reproof. No chastisement. Just come on in and profess Jesus Christ as you Savior and we’re all fine.
Well, Satan certainly believes in the Son of God and knows Him personally. And I doubt Satan is going to heaven. So there must be more to it then am I correct?
The New Age Movement which is nothing but repackaged idol worship, earth worship and paganism was revived on this earth from dormancy right about the same time the World Council of Churches met and began the ecumenical movement. There is a connection because the ecumenical movement and many modern era churches have allowed themselves to be ensnared in the New Age Movements ideologies. Our rabid need for political correctness has its roots in the New Age Movement. The 1960’s turbulance. The changes in education. The breakdown of families and institutions. The rise of feminism and the scorn of all that preceded. And those seeds, those roots which grew have become a dark blakenting shadow upon our nation and this world. And that following of darkness has entered into the churches professing to be founded upon Scripture and Christ the Lord. Woe to them! I fear many will hear the words our Lord spoke to Judas Iscariot during the last Passover observed by our Lord n the flesh – better they had not been born. (See Matthew 7: 21-23 reference above).
The church has fashioned itself after the world and wants to appease and please. Like many modern day parents. No discipline. Just as long as you’re happy and keep coming whatever you believe and practice is fine with us. Because we love, love, love you! They do not want to go the hard way through the narrow gate. They do not want to be a peculiar people, a separate people. A godly and holy people. They want their cake and to eat it too. And that doesn’t work. Not because I say so – because God Almighty and Christ the Lord say so in their divinely inspired Word and in the very words of God when He was on this earth as a man before being killed and rising from the dead to offer the only path to salvation and eternal life for all us sinners.
And we have lost our way. We have allowed the wolves in sheep’s clothing to enter in. And we live in very precarious times. My entire intent and purpose is to pursue and please the Lord our God and to not grieve Christ the Lord or the Holy Spirit. I am just a man. A failed and feeble man. A sinner among sinners who thanks God each day many times for making my eyes to open, my ears to open, my heart to open to His truth and to take up my cross and follow Him. To make Him Lord of my life. For me to serve Him. To bow before Him and exalt Him in reverence. To obey. Not to talk back or think I’m on the same plain as God or Christ – and far too many in our times think themselves on the same level as God or Christ. The majority of those so-called shepherds going out to lead flocks of believers in our times do not believe in the virgin birth. Nor the resurrection. Nor that Jesus Christ was literally God on earth. They go to theology and seminary schools to pick apart and argue. To try and find loopholes in the truth and when they can’t? They then make things up and instead of following the inerrant Word of God they follow the world – because that path is wide and much easier. From my research over 60 percent of those leaving seminaries or divinity schools do not believe in the resurrection of Christ or that He was born of a virgin. And these are the shepherds to lead a flock? Or are they the wolves in sheep’s clothing we’re told to beware of and flee from in the last days in Scripture?
I find in my walk too many professing one thing but following this world. And that isn’t right. It isn’t according to Scripture. And we should not follow this in silence. We should flee from it. Run from it and look to the Lord and His Word and find sanctuary there. Always looking ot Christ but becoming more and more discerning in these times so we do not become ensnared as so many are.
I agree we will all fall prone and in awe; on bended knee trembling and quaking at the sight of the Lord’s return – both unbeliever and true believer. None can truly know the glory of that time until it appears. Only the true believers will also be trembling with joy and love and happiness coursing through their entire spirit, soul, and body in delight at the sight of the Savior – while most will be trembling in fear in the knowledge of their fate as the Lord returns as Judge.
Also read Matthew 7: 15-27. Many will be crying out “Lord, Lord! I did this and I did that for you!” And Christ the pure, true, and just Judge and Savior will say “I never knew you; depart from me, ye that work iniquity.”
I thank you Kevin for your comments and for visting ACP. I hope you will continue to visit and comment. I only hope and pray more people do. In the Spirit of the Lord to edify Him and increase our faith and knowledge. Please feel free to let me know when I err or fail for I am only a man of lfesh on this earth and need all the help I can get from God, Christ, the Holy Spirit and those brothers and sisters in the faith guided by the Spirit of God to help. I am glad to have a brother in the Lord as you.
Thank you for your kind words and shared insights. You spoke a good word Brother!
There is scarcely a line in your reply that I could not add something that Our precious Lord has not laid on my own heart to affirm or reinforce your words. Wow, point by point we walk in agreement.
Jesus went from exhorting that the path to life is difficult and few are willing to pay the cost of traveling it to straight way talking about “False prophets” and “Sheep in wolves clothing.” Which I believe Jesus is implying that a “popular” “easy way” salvation is a characteristic of false teachers. “Wolves in sheep’s clothing”
A principle I call “Proximity” in scripture. The Apostle Paul did exactly the same thing when in Acts 20 he said “Therefore I testify to you this day that I am innocent of the blood of all men for I have not shunned to declare to you THE WHOLE COUNSEL of God…” Then he almost immediately says: “For I know this, that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock.” Denoting that not “Declaring the WHOLE COUNSEL of God” is akin to being a devourer of the flock.
I am still amazed at how many things that you emphasized are along the lines of what I share and what burns in my heart. (Many convictions of which I felt I stood almost alone in holding. Like your speaking of trembling as we stand before God in judgement, either trembling in awe of His glory, mercy, love for us and His unfathomable grace. Of how He forgave us and redeemed us when we were yet dead in sin. He is indeed a Strange and Magnificent God! Or else trembling in anticipating a fate that is unspeakable. I will share the first verse and refrain to an old hymn written about the time of the Civil War that the author puts into words better than I ever could. Then I have to Go to bed. Tomorrow is an abortion day here at Planned Parenthood in Fort Collins Colorado and I have to get up early.
I dreamed that the great judgement morning
Had dawned and and the trumpet had blown
I dreamed that the Nations had gathered
For judgment before the White Throne
From the throne went a bright shining angel
And he stood on the land and the sea
And he swore with his hand raised to heaven
That time was no longer to be
And oh what a weeping and wailing
As the lost were told of their fate
They cried to the rocks and the mountains
They prayed but their prayer was to late
I love the Charles Wesley Hymn you shared in your earlier post. One of my favorites is “And can it be that I should gain” A hymn that the words have many times sent me to my knees or to my face in awe of Him.
I feel that i met a Precious Brother today Ken.
Blessings, kevin
What a wonderful hymn. Thank you for adding it. Proximity is vital. I am of the belief too many read or recite a line or two of Scripture but fail to know or add the context preceding that verse or coming after it. We are a people that like to cut patterns and pieces out from things but tend to not want to live with the complete suit, or structure.
I once was in a conversation with an elder of a church I no longer attend and asked him about a certain doctrine. I was told “I don’t believe that is a doctrine of our church. To my knowledge we’ve never had it as doctrine.” To which I replied “Is not the entire Bible from Genesis 1:1 through Revelation 22:21 doctrine for true believers?”
There was no reply. Selective belief. Like eating the icing out of an Oreo cookie and discording the chocolate cookie wafers supporting the icing. And the “Proximity” as you stated is so vital to our understanding as you used a perfect example that directly applies to the series on the ominous ecumenical movement by A.W. Tozer. Unless the WHOLE COUNSEL OF GOD is adoted and adhered to then we are at the mercy of devourers of the flock if we do not discern and flee from such a thing.
i find too many people also attracted to personality. They are in awe of the men on the pulpits rather than in awe of God. I am a fairly new regenerated man, a saved by the atoning blood of Christ the son of God man. About 3 years. So I’m still a beginner always striving to grow in my spiritual life. I mention this because God has blessed me with an indwelling of the Holy Spirit so that my spirit and soul can know if a sermon given is one where the paster has placed his trust in God and the Holy Spirit, or if it’s more show business and performing. It’s clear in the words used and emphasis given. And I thank the Lord for affirming I am saved and have the Holy Spirit within me to rely upon. I only wish more would have that trust and faith in God’s Word and His Spirit and discern what kind of shepherd they are being guided by and where is he (or she) really taking them.
I also am thankful to have the Lord provide a brother in the faith as you. I, too, have felt isolated and alone at times. Not totally alone because I always turn to God in prayer and study upon His Word; the Lord lives within me and I in Him so there never is true lonliness, but alone among others here in the flesh. I don’t like discussing trivial matters and chit chat. I do not like spending so much time on the things so many think are so important while they completely ignore the truly important. I like people that think deeply and do not shy away from the most important matters impacting every persons life. Like-mindedness is a good thing. I had come upon a sister in the faith around the time I was renewed in mind and spirit by the grace of God but over a period of time that relationship deteriorated. For many reasons. The major one was we discussed spiritual matters less and less and became like any other 2 people corresponding in the world. Becoming carnal while professing faithfulness to God does not work. I grew weary of the imbalance on political discussion and she grew weary of me. Brother and sister in the faith but not of like-mind once we sojourned down a path for a while. Not that believers must always agree. That is impossible. But when the views widen and create tension and things begin being said that should not come from the mouth of someone counted as the elect of God that is not edifying and something to pursue. Especially when one is so adamant they are right and have no fault and are insulting yet they never apologize or see the hurt they inflict. And when approached asking forgiveness for anything I might have done they snap back “I never asked for your forgiveness.” Too carnal. Too much of the world. Time to move on and not have such a yoke upon ones neck. But there are others out there. Perhaps only a remnant, but there are others of like-mind bond servants to the truth of God’s Living Word and living to serve His Son Christ the Lord.
May the Lord be with you and provide you the words and strength in your efforts on the abortion front lines. An entire website consisting of thousands of pages could exist regarding how nonchalant and ignoring so many are in this nation of the murders permitted each and every day. Without much thought or discussion ever really given to them unless its something the media can cash in on. Murder under the euphemism. Sin under the perversion or moral law. The murder of millions of unborn in America is but one reason our nation, once the most blessed on earth and a truly Christian nation at its founding and through much of our history has been in a downward spiral and state of decline. Sin and abomination, turning from God and His truth, reviling and mocking His Son do not go unnoticed or unpunished. Of course those in the world mock at such talk but they will one day soon see and know. I firmly believe we are swiftly approaching the end of time for man on earth as created and known. The mockers will soon be prone and shaking from fear…praying, but far too late as the hymn writer you wrote of writes. Men shall fall dead from fear in their tracks as Scripture tells us. May we pray in earnest the Holy Spirit works in the hearts of many and they become firm and fruitful in their belief in God, His Son, and Scipture before that day. Of course, we know human nature and what Scripture tells us – even in the years of tribulation and when the 2 messengers of God bring numerous plagues and troubles to the sinful people of this earth they STILL mock and scorn God and the truth. And murder the 2 messengers. And actually have a worldwide holiday exchanging gifts as a result of the murders! So few will truly enter in…but we still must pray because the last man or woman to be saved has not been saved yet.
And I am thankful to the Lord a like-minded brother in the shed blood of the Living Savior found ACP and I have come to know you. Feel free to comment or add content any time. The number of people visting “A Crooked Path” is small but it has slowly grown over the 13 months this website has existed. About 40 people on average visit each day. Sometimes more sometimes less.I only hope and pray I bring honor and glory to God and Christ by what is found at this place. And that the truth of Scripture is found here.
OH, I just remembered a “Quaker Quote” I want to share.
It is said that a Quaker said to George Whitefield; “Friend Whitefield; I will not argue with thee about thy GOWN if thee will not argue with me about my HAT.” :-)
I absolutely love the “Storm Pictures” you use here! They convey a profound sense of awe of the power of the storm and Him who rides it. The first verse of a 1700s Hymn by William Cowper is something I often share to illustrate how God often makes use of and often engineers storms in our lives because he knows that is what it will take to make us hear and respond to the Shepard’s voice.
The Lord works in a mysterious way
His wonders to perform
He plants His footsteps on the seas
The Scripture says that “God prepared a great fish” and “From the belly of the great fish Jonah repented”
I have only recently found your website and have been really enjoying it. Good job!
I like the “Quaker Quote.” Very apropos. Thank you. I try to find good photographs. I know they don’t always seem to be in sync with the content of a post but sometimes I use them just for their beauty, quality or visual impact. Such as the microscopic photos which to me also shows the great detail in the Creator’s work. And I love storms, lightning and volcanoes.
I am so pleased within my heart that you included the verse from William Cowper’s hymn. Personally I love the old hymns. I find them having their origins more in the Holy Spirit working in men and their love, reverence, appreciation and awe of God than the modern so-called hymns that are sorely lacking on many occasions. if you have more of these please add them any time. You may have noticed a “Hymns” section here on ACP and all I have posted there thus far are hymns by Isaac Watts or Charles Wesley. That section could use expanding of other hymn composers from the 1700s and 1800s. If you have ideas, hymns, or composers please let me know.
I also am thankful you mentioned the Scripture of “God prepared a great fish” and Jonah. We all can learn much from Jonah. Given a commission from the Lord. Being lazy and thinking we knew better. Complaining. Whining. Annoyed that he wasn’t listened to. Not seeing the work was done and done well by God but we get upset and allow the ego of this human flesh to enter in because we wanted the credit. I believe we all must reside in the belly of a great fish at sometime and have that time of solitude and contemplation in order to finally see the light and error of our ways, and to repent and finally bow before and serve God. It’s the ever and on-going battle of who do we serve? And contrary to the prevailing belief professed believers are constantly bombarded and tested by Satan. We just need to yell at him, set him straight and do this by asking God to intervene. We’re all tested continually. Will we be lazy? Complainers? Egotistical? Will we do the work and give God the honor? Will we rejoice in all things? Even if we’re tossed in chains and cast into jail or presecuted as almost every prophet, apostle and believer was in Scripture which is to instruct us. I don’t know if many read all of apostle Paul’s words and take them to heart, but those letters were written by a man in prison – an ancient Roman prison facing an eventual death sentence. I strive to be of that mind and service to the Lord.
Hope you continue to visit. Thanks for your kind words but all the praise goes to God. I am only an instrument and without Him and His Word and my relying upon Them and knowing the truth that I am nothing of myself without God even providing my next breath I live to do His work.
If I seem to fail or fall short do not hesitate to mention that to me for I make dozens of mistakes each day if not more.
Good morning Ken,
I didnt know John Newton wrote a hymn about Jonah’s gourd. One of my favorite Newton Quotes is about Jonah’s gourd. I have to get going or I would find it and share. My email is if you email me I will send you my compilation of Newton Quotes. He is amazing! Like God’s grace.
I dont know if it is a “Proper” thing to do or not but I maintain in my head a “Bear Hug” List of folks I intend to search out in God’s kingdom for the express purpose of giving a bear hug to. Newton is on (or near) the top of that list!
Please pray I will be salt and light and led by the Holy Spirit at the “Hood” today. Also that the Lord will work in my behalf of a job I am seeking.