The Noise Ascending to Heaven
Ken Pullen – copyright 2010
Scripture is in Italics and from the Authorized King James Version
O the noise!
Ascending, wafting, raging up to heaven
the schism of every ism
not of God
of errant man
not of Scripture
well founded and true
one church
one faith
One Way
man has decided unfitting
in the seat of righteousness
they can’t be found sitting
unsound and false
teachings leading millions astray
each day
the noise rages
clinking, clanging, banging
sounds of man as crass brass
almost countless in number
God and His Word
teaching, preaching, exhorting the absurd
God’s Word Elohim’s very creation
these blighted diseased sects infesting
every nation
not of God’s doing
devices of man
Seventh Day Adventism
misleading millions
a scourge of evil encompassing the world
like blood flowing over a sphere
suffocating truth wherever it comes near
not so idle idol worship
of false gods
all of whom
the One True God
will one day soon trod
under His foot
and wipe them away like dirty soot
just more pollution
perversion of the truth
Jehovah’s Witness
wit less
in the Way of the Lord
all following upon the crooked path
leading them astray
following the scent of Satan’s beguiling aroma
the perfume of hell
ode de delusion
and death
than on the Word of God adhere
keeping the Word of God ever near
living their life in the fear [respect, honor,glory,perspective]
that is the fear of God
to keep in one’s heart and near
Christian Science
an experiment gone awry
its followers causing so many to needless die
just another lie
lest we neglect
the perversion and disunity
of the Unity School
where they fail each test
while upon blasphemy of unity of God’s Word
we must acknowledge more of the absurd
and tragically misled
Unification Church is where to go
if you want your spirit to remain dead
Osho Rajneesh
good grief!
Hare Krisna
is mockery and delusion times 10 squared
to the tenth power
as more are walking the false path
every hour
Transcendental Mediation
continues to sweep across the nation
time and time again
like an old dirty broom
raising up the dirt and dust
the self absorbed self obsessed souls
of grand perversion
making their master Satan O so happy!
As they propagate the lies of their
New Age belief
professing their self elevation brings the ultimate relief
their New Age disorder and strangulation
just more spiritual disease infecting most every nation
this nothing more than invoking
of Paganism past
of worship of the goddess and of creation
instead of the Creator
all this would make great theater
except for the masses of falseness
is so true
yet the truth they will not abide
and in their almost limitless lies
and creations of man hide
In the last day, that great day of the feast,
Jesus stood and cried, saying,
“If an man thirst, let him come unto me,
and drink.
He that believeth on me,
as the Scripture hath said,
out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.”
“I am the true vine,
and my Father is the husbandman.
Every branch in me that beareth not fruit
He taketh away:
and every branch that beareth fruit,
He purgeth it,
that it may bring forth more fruit.
Now ye are clean through the word
which I have spoken unto you.
Abide in me, and I in you.
As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself,
except it abide in the vine;
no more can ye,
except ye abide in me.
I am the vine, ye are the branches:
He that abideth in me,
and I in him,
the same bringeth forth much fruit:
for without me ye can do nothing.
If a man abide not in me,
he is cast forth as a branch
and is withered;
and men gather them,
and cast them into the fire,
and they are burned.”
O the noise!
Ascending, wafting, raging, rising unto heaven
causing God so much grief
He must soon end this age,
end this world
to bring about relief!
For the One True God
and His Holy Word
are the sounds
that should be entering all men’s ears
the sound most heard!
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