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American Thinker is one place where readers of what is posted can still comment. To read the comments reveals more than the article. In a twist, I am paraphrasing and taking samples from some of the comments to the article below before it’s even read.

What has taken place in America, and especially throughout every Western nation IS NOT A FAD. Contrary to the blind thinking which is non-thinking, really. What is revealed in the article below and in the comments is just how alien American people are to God, to Christ, to the Holy Spirit, and to the Holy Bible. As most proclaim to be Christian! On average in survey upon survey and poll after poll.

Not a fad. Nor insanity.

What has and is taking place is Scriptural. It’s in the Bible. If only people would read it, think deeply on what is read, study it, and believe it. Because when a person does that the foolish declarations conceived and birthed solely from worldly indoctrination with no evidence of God’s Word in their speech, in what they write of what is taking place vanishes. Then a person is seeing, and understanding clearly. The fog, the thick suffocating dark blanket of thistles and briars and dense thickets attempting to wade through to get to the destination is removed. And the how, why, what, and who of it all is clear. For anyone willing to go to God, to go to God’s Word and drink and eat of it and be nourished healthily unlike the deadly drink and food the world provides that only leads to increased confusion, a rise in banality — that is called insanity, but it is merely the prophecy of the Holy Bible coming into being, the people being given over to their wickedness, their unholiness and unrighteousness being so mired in sin and evil to the degree there is no turning to God for them [see Romans 1 if not believing this] — and with that here is a sampling of some of the comments to the article below;

“This too shall pass. Fads do this: They burn brightly for a time, then they peter out (no pun intended.) Unfortunately, real physical and psychological damage can accrue in the meantime.”

“Unfortunately, the transgender fad will claim many more victims before the insanity ends.”

“The insanity stops when numerous legal settlements (paid by hospital insurers) to the mutilated, disfigured and sterile victims make it financially impossible for hospitals to to continue the surgeries.”

Finally, a thinking person…

“How can one be “gay” and “non-binary” at the same time? If you’re homosexual, you are attracted to members of the same sex. If you have no sex, to whose members are you attracted?”

Right, comparing what has and is taking place is akin to the Hula Hoop [which is still around], bell-bottoms [which are still around], big hair [which is still around], and rap music [which is still around], quite the observer, Bible illiterate, real thinker this next one…oh, and the actions, the very real actions of sexual immorality, sexual perversion, sexual deviancy, the destruction of lives through such sin IS NOT VERBAL GYMNASTICS!

“It is all verbal gymnastics. Designed to influence the misguided teenager who just wants to fit in. Unfortunately the alphabet people have become the trendsetters. Like the Hula Hoop, bell-bottoms, big hair and rap music… this too will pass.”

This next one, is all true, except for a return to love and truth in our culture. Once again Bible illiteracy, a lack of Bible fluency, and Bible belief. Part of the truth, but not THE truth. For there is no return and only the coming judgment as the people of the world degrade, debauch themselves, delude themselves, destroy themselves…

“Sexual messages saturate our culture. They are all about power. Love and truth are not used to mediate or temper them because Eros has supremacy and must be worshipped as god of all. When we are ready to humble ourselves, accept our mortality and recognize the God given purpose of sex in human existence, love and truth will return to our culture.”

And then some blunt reality…

“You can love your gay child and maintain a relationship with him but still hold fast to your beliefs, morality, and traditions. You may think you can, and the only difference is they’re a blood relative of yours, but if they weren’t, you wouldn’t cave to their BS, and you’d probably drop and ignore them like a bad habit.”

With an accompanying reply from someone else…

“Agreed, there is no returning to normal.”

And some speaking/writing words as folks used without fear, and just saying it as it is…

“Sorry I don’t buy any of this. The author is protesting too much, they obviously failed at parenting. “Millions” of conservative parents have not gone through this because they raised their children correctly. But the author is trying to absolve his/her (I haven’t a clue what sex the author is) culpability in this. My parents always told the seven of us they would NEVER jeopardize their souls for us. Enabling sodomy is not the answer.”

And I saved the best, the spot-on comment, for last before you, dear reader, friend, brother, sister, or just casual non-believing visitor continue…

“The great starting place to help prevent this behavior from creeping into the life of a child is found in Proverbs 22:6 – “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” and Hebrews 10:25, “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.”
Our country was founded on the Word of God and `it’ has guided us down through the generations until the mid-20th century when parents and their families began replace worshiping God – in Whom We Trust – with alternate activities on Sundays especially. How long do we as a nation expect God to bless us, our marriages, families and children when we so blatantly ignore Him!”

I have opted to leave every mind-numbing acronym used to deflect from the immoral act, and every word that has been corrupted and mislaid to deflect and mislead handed down from the fascist and militant homosexual agenda intact that the author below uses.

I did remove that mind-numbing used to defuse and deflect acronym and inserted the real words required to define just who it is this is about.

The following is a glaringly clear indicator of just how lost our nation is and how there remain few firmly founded in the Word of God traditional families. Having family values, and being conservative is not enough, not the answer. The author of the piece below mentions having morals and family values without any mention of belief or faith in God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, or anything within the Bible. To proclaim having family values and morals without evidencing a foundation in God, in Christ, in the Holy Spirit, in the whole of the Holy Bible is merely spewing words as most people define, shape, and create their own morals and values in the past 70, 80 years in this relativistic in utter darkness land refusing to mention God let alone turn to Him, trust in Him, learn from Him in His Word.

What are your beliefs unless clearly stated? Think about that. Adding more fog to the existing fog is not clarity. Why not make things clear when having the opportunity? Hedges around a physical property can be nice if done well. Hedging in verbal or written intercourse just adds to the rubbish pile already reaching higher and higher toward heaven.

The Log Cabin Republicans claim to be conservative and hold American values. And it is a 100% homosexual group.

Strong delusion and relativism have consumed the people.

Unless the foundation within the home, taught daily to children, believed and lived out daily by two parents, married to each other, in a loving marriage of a father [male] and a mother [female] is one built upon the Word of God, and living that out in all of family life, what passes for modern-day, 20th, 21st century family values, or conservativism means nothing, really.

Without God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, the Holy Bible leading anyone and everyone is rudderless. Lost at sea. And doomed to perish.

It’s called sin people. It’s called evil folks. It’s called being at enmity with God people. It’s called the escalating spiritual war everyone is enjoined in — NOT A FAD, NOT MERELY A CULTURAL OR POLITICAL WAR…

Read on…

Ken Pullen, A CROOKED PATH, Saturday, July 8th, 2023



The Lesbian, Homosexual, Bisexual, Transgender, And Queer+ Cartel Can Override Even The Strongest Family Values


July 7, 2023

By Locuta

Reprinted from American Thinker


Almost a year ago, I “buried” an adult son freshly graduated from an elite university. He informed us that he was gay, non-binary and wanted us to use they/them pronouns. Knowing who I am and my very clearly expressed beliefs on pronouns and all things non-binary, he knew this would rankle his parents, but we received this news with grace and class. No one was thrown out of the house. Nothing was thrown in anger.

But this came out of left field. We were in shock and deeply saddened. The boy and young man we raised and knew so well vanished in an instant and was replaced with someone we didn’t know or understand. Somewhere along the way, he fell asleep, and the pod people got to him despite everything we did to protect, forewarn, and even arm him against the tentacles of the LGBTQ+ Cartel.

Years back, when I fought this in California, our school’s headmaster derisively asked if I was afraid my kids would “catch” being gay. My concern, I retorted, was the impact this messaging would have on impressionable kids, all of whom have moments of self-doubt and confusion. Telling them that their feeling of being different and alone could be solved by being gay – which was at the heart of the Diversity movement in the schools—would mislead kids and ruin lives.

Seeing where we are today, I’d say I won that argument.

It’s never easy to hear the “I’m gay news” unless you’ve always known a child was on a different path in terms of his/her sexual orientation. For many parents, the knee-jerk reaction is to embrace this revelation out of fear of losing the relationship. That is an individual choice. But if your values and the future of this nation are important to you, don’t be afraid to stick to your guns even if those relationships suffer. Don’t capitulate like Ohio Senator Bob Portman did. Once a staunch opponent of same-sex marriage, he became one of its loudest advocates after his son came out. You can love your gay child and maintain a relationship with him but still hold fast to your beliefs, morality, and traditions.

That said, with Woke-Cancel culture and the intrusion of all things LGBTQ+ into all aspects of our lives, and demands for acceptance versus tolerance (more on that later), it has admittedly become challenging to accept a child’s choice while maintaining your values.

During the “coming out” conversation, we realized that, with the help of ignorant and not very worldly therapists who didn’t care to meet with the family, our son had rewritten the entirety of his childhood in the most simple and yet profound way: Although the baby of the family in a vibrant, supportive, and loving home with other siblings, he informed us he never felt loved. That belies hundreds of hours of videos, thousands of pictures, and a lifetime of shared memories.

To say we were shocked is an understatement. Ironically, my husband and I walked away with the same impression—he’s so not gay! Even my adult children agreed, and they are very accepting of the LGBTQ+ community. But this is now his reality. So, what is going on?

This seemed more about a political statement; a way to “give it” to your parents; a way to be noticed and special; and a way, at least temporarily, to figure out who you are.

Young adults have always gone on journeys for self-exploration, looking for meaning and trying to find themselves. In the 60s, they dropped acid and lived in ashrams or communes. In the 70s and 80s, they trekked through Europe on a dollar a day. Today, they go on gender journeys.

There is always a way back from an ashram or trip abroad; I’m not sure that is so easy when sex and lifestyle are involved. But, if gender truly is fluid (gag), then there is some hope that lost souls who experiment sexually will find their way back to the heteronormative universe.

Why are so many young men being sucked into the LGBTQ+ vortex? Relentless messaging about toxic masculinity has played a seismic role, where straight white males are the worst people on this planet and responsible for all the world’s ills. Their evil is intrinsic and cannot be erased, improved upon, or eradicated. There can be no good on Earth until they are purged.

Strong boys and aware parents can try to combat this. But when it is David against the Goliath of the entire educational system, all political, cultural and social media messaging, half of our politics, our houses of worship, and every date, the odds are against us.

Barraged by this rejection and bigotry almost their entire lives, young men now hate their bodies, so we’ve seen a rise in eating disorders traditionally affecting females. With such intense pressure not to be a toxic male, the only way for self-loathing white males to be accepted in the new world order dictated by the LGBTQ+ Cartel and the Trans-Industrial Complex is to be LGBTQ+ and give up being straight.

I am not alone. Thousands of conservative parents reading, watching, and listening to conservative news are going through this. But it adds insult to injury when radio talk shows or Fox News hosts talk about instilling proper values in children, being involved in their lives, and homeschooling as solutions—as if millions of parents haven’t already done this to battle the LGBTQ+ Juggernaut! This toxic ideology has gnarled its way into every nook and cranny of society like a brain tumor, and the solutions aren’t as simple as finger-pointing at parents who’ve already been through the mill.

When tolerance was the goal, parents could tolerate a child’s gay lifestyle and still maintain a relationship. But today, full-blown acceptance and compliance are demanded. Parents must embrace gender choices, the sex they have and their partners, even AIDS, their dress and affect and, most importantly, their pronouns.

Parents can love but not like their children. For children, though, liking a parent (his politics, morality, choices) is inextricably tied to loving a parent. Children can always replace parents with others, but a parent can never replace a child.

Thus, with promises of rainbows and unicorns, boas and songs, our LGBTQ+ children can replace the parents they don’t like with the supposedly warm embrace of the LGBTQ+ community. Marx’s call to abolish the family a fait accompli.

This is literally an epic battle for humanity. Nor do I think we can put this genie back in the bottle or see a viable compromise.

While raising awareness is critical, and parents can do some things to protect their kids, it’s not ironclad, and that likely scares conservative parents. But it’s naïve to think the solution is as simple as values-based parenting.

The good news is that cultural pendulums swing back and forth between the ordered and the traditional, governed by religious morality and the rule of law; and, the bohemian and libertine, where mores and laws are flaunted. Renaissance, Enlightenment, Classicism, and Romanticism come and go. Victorian ebbed and Edwardian flowed. Depression and war sobered us up from the Roaring 20s. The 60s was a reaction to post-war peace, the man in the grey flannel suit, large families, suburbs, and corporate jobs.

Changing mores aren’t permission to wait for the pendulum to magically sweep the madness away. We still must seize the moment to our advantage when the pendulum heads our way.

Like many of you, I’m trying to cope, and hope conservative bloggers and journalists write with a little more awareness that thousands of conservative parents and their families have been suffering under the boot of the LGBTQ+ Cartel.