If refusing to believe there is a worldwide movement that has existed since the Garden of Eden, growing in followers and intensity through world history and since the end of World War II accelerating at a pace unheard of or known, to where in the past 30 years, to the recent 3 or 4 years intensified to such a level it can only not be known, felt, or witnessed by those already dead and buried in body or otherwise consumed by what it is that I’m writing about — Evil.
The real source from which everything the world is experiencing that sounds, or appears random, horrible, troublesome, and confusing emanates. One source. The Evil One and all those doing his work and all those enslaved to him refusing to break their chains of bondage and to think, to finally no longer be deaf and blind, and no longer dumb [as in not speaking as they ought to, while also showing tremendous signs of not having that which God put between their ears, in that bony skull working properly, or at all].
Numerous nations around the world outside the Western realm already had severe instruments in place to suppress, oppress and deny the truth of God, the truth of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit suppressing and denying either God’s existence and making that a vital part of their government’s policy and propaganda doctrine indoctrinated into the population. Now every Western nation that once founded their government on the Holy Bible, the Christian faith, at least in large measure, obeying and abiding in at least a goodly amount of God’s Word, the morality, the sense, the wisdom of the Word have now been given over wholly to their wickedness and complete surrendering over to serving their master, Satan, openly. Pushing the agenda not of liberalism as is understood, misunderstood by the overwhelming masses that refuse to see and understand — and I address this specifically to those espousing their faith in Christ and thus supposed to be His disciples while placing their hearts instead in this world, on the politics of the nation they reside in rather than placing all their soul, heart, mind, spirit and life on and in Christ, trusting in God, trusting in God’s working here on earth. In all things — that they, along with those in utter darkness, so lost and existing solely on the lies, mayhem, and chaos fed to them by their government, their approved and large so-called news outlets, their schools, various agencies, and institutions, all in league with the devil rather than abiding in Christ and in the Word.
When will they, you, begin to truly pay attention? Knowing it isn’t politics, it isn’t those “#%&* liberals!” or the politician you don’t like and didn’t vote for that got into office. That it’s all about, only about the ever escalating and increasing in white hot intensity as we come closer to the end of all things as they have been known spiritual war [see Matthew 24, Romans 1, and Psalm 1 & Psalm 2 either to refresh if you once perhaps read them and knew, or if you’ve never read them and in those words can find the beginning of wisdom, understanding, truth and the only knowledge that matters]?
What is transpiring to irk you, anger you, rile you up, and make you unsettled has nothing in truth to do with America, American politics or its political system or parties, or with any other Western government’s political parties, elections, and so on. As it all has everything to do with the rise of evil. Openly. Intently. Boldly and brazenly as Evil knows better than most people on earth do what reality is, that the Word of God is 100% accurate and true and that its days are greatly numbered.
The following ought to help enlighten as you proceed along the way.
Just one more piece in the puzzle further makes clear the picture to behold. A picture of horror and suffering and travail — Tribulation such as the world has never seen and never will again as the minions and ministers of Satan and the Evil One’s billions of enslaved follow them and him deeper, faster, further into the abyss…
Or else, as an individual you can break those chains, free yourself of the greatest slavery ever on this earth and come into understanding, wisdom, and knowledge — the only understanding, wisdom, and knowledge that matters an if of worth, of lasting worth — the understanding, wisdom, and knowledge of God, of Jesus, of the Holy Spirit and what is that source, the Holy Bible. The Scriptures.
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!
Isaiah 5:20
Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him.
John 3:36
Ken Pullen, A CROOKED PATH, Tuesday, February 28th, 2023
The government’s counter-terrorism strategy: “C. S. Lewis’ works could radicalise children”
25 February 2023
By The Christian Institute [in the U.K.]
What could be more heartwarming than a child stepping through the pages of a book into an enchanting tale of redemption, justice and sacrifice? Where the imaginary can invite the mind to see beyond any concerns or objections to the Gospel and cause it to appear there for the first time in its “real potency”?
Well, the Government begs to differ with C. S. Lewis — by seemingly categorising his works, which could include his fairy tales and theological reflections, as potentially ‘radicalising’ to readers.
Such is the nonsense revealed by a review of the Government’s controversial counter-terrorism strategy, which found that the Prevent programme had flagged material that “falls well short of the extremism threshold”.
Joining C. S. Lewis on the Government’s blacklist was his friend and fellow writer J. R. R. Tolkien, George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984, and even a BBC documentary series following former Conservative minister Michael Portillo on train journeys across the country.
Great British Railways
Since 2011 Prevent has been more focused on ‘non-violent extremism’. Its definition of extremism — “vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs” — has been widely criticised for endangering free speech.
As The Christian Institute highlighted in ‘The little book of non-violent extremists’: “Sometimes unpopular ideas are just what a society desperately needs.
“Ideas put forward by people once thought seditious, dangerous or just plain crazy have greatly blessed our land and others. Democracy needs dissent, and silencing it undermines its very foundations.”

The little book of non-violent extremists
This little booklet makes the big point that some non-violent ‘extremists’ turn out to be heroic people of global significance. The Government wants to introduce a law to silence non-violent extremists who show “vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values”. Our little list of heroes could easily have breached this threshold were it in place in their day.
Under Prevent, historic pioneers such as Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks could have been labelled as extremists for advocating overturning society’s view on segregation. Now its vague language seems to regard reading C. S. Lewis as a dogwhistle for the “Extreme Right-Wing” movement.
These latest revelations are just another example of how activists have weaponised the Government’s counter-terrorism strategy to target opinions they don’t like.
Back in 2015, an Institute-led campaign gained a key victory when the Government ditched a section of Prevent guidance that would have forced university societies in Britain, such as Christian Unions, to hand over external speakers’ talks two weeks in advance for vetting.
The Government amended the guidance to ensure that universities give “particular regard” to freedom of speech when fulfilling their duty under Prevent.
Undermining democracy
Although the Government has now confirmed that it will accept the Independent Review’s recommendations on Prevent, it must ditch the vague language on extremism.
Christians must not be able to be branded as potential extremists for holding socially conservative beliefs, and nor must C. S. Lewis, Tolkien, or even Michael Portillo and his trains be baselessly accused of promoting radicalisation.
You cannot protect democracy by undermining the foundations of democracy. Sense must return to the country — our historic liberties of freedom of speech and freedom of religion are ever in need of protection, not destruction.
God’s Word: Medicine for All the Ills of Life
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