Rashida Tlaib a member of closed Facebook group that celebrated Hamas atrocities – report

U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) (YouTube/Screenshot)



The enemy within.

And the nationwide blindness.

Much more took place after September 11th, 2001 than the horrific terrorist attack Islam perpetrated on America by Islamic Saudis and other Islamist jihadists. It was a turning point in world history. Because prior to that day no nation receiving such an attack bowed to the attacker and took the route of appeasement as America did.

Oh, yes, Britain a while ago when Neville Chamberlain was prime minister and the nazis had raised their evil head and began occupying lands and subjecting people to their tyrannical dictates took the path of appeasement, but not after being directly attacked and suffering the loss of life in the thousands.

Only America has done that in world history. The president at that time, on September 12th, 2001 made it clear, as he took his shoes off and bowed in an Islamic mosque that we were not in a religious war with Islam — though Islam has been at religious war with all non-Islamic nations and peoples since its inception, various times in history gaining and waning, but always at war with all those considered infidels.

I recently had an email conversation with a lifelong friend of mine, also a relative, and he mentioned how Muslims just won’t assimilate into our society as other people have. We have had this discussion in the past, and my lifelong friend and relative is not a born-again believer and subscribes to a worldview, a modern view rather than a Biblical view of things, therefore he sees things much differently than I do though we both are very conservative in our views. It’s just that there is a vast difference between anyone holding a non-Biblical worldview and one holding a Biblical worldview.

I mentioned, again, to my friend, that there is one reason and only one reason why it is that the people who have faith in Islam refuse to assimilate while other folks always did throughout our brief history [America’s] on this earth.

It is Islam. Their faith in Islam which is so vastly different than any other belief on earth.

I read an article Wednesday evening in which the question was asked, “Why won’t Hamas surrender?” This is evidence of just how naive, misinformed, and not informed at all — lacking all knowledge of Islam’s history. Because Hamas is not like Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan, or any enemy an army or navy went up against in world history in which the defeated surrendered to the victorious. Asking the question posed in the article reveals the overwhelming naivete and lack of knowledge prevalent today — Hamas, no Islamist jihadist group will ever surrender, ever, because they live for, and die for the establishment of an Islamist caliphate. A worldwide Islamic state. There is no surrender in them. Only hatred towards anyone, not only Jews, anyone who is not Islamic — and they even murder their own in their pursuit of their twisted, dark evil hope.

From the first settlers, colonists, and peoples from the Netherlands, England, Scotland, Ireland, Scandinavia, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, the Baltics, the Eastern European countries, Russia [the Jews that were permitted to leave the Soviet Union and other Russian people to immigrate to America], to people from South America, Central America, the Caribbean islands, from much of Asia [even if Buddhist or Hindu] — all those people whether Christian or atheist or in much smaller numbers Buddhists or Hindus assimilated. There might be vast differences among the various Christian denominations, but almost all the people who immigrated to America possessed the same human traits. Similar values. Similar belief system and while nationality and cultural differences existed, oftentimes for the betterment of American and Western society, the similarities outweighed the differences.

Enter Islam.

Especially after 9/11/2201. The Age of Appeasement.

Islam has never assimilated. Islam never will assimilate. Any Muslim who has or does is not a Qur’an-believing, Qur’an-practicing devout Muslim.

Years ago I knew such a Muslim. He was originally from Kuwait. He had come to America. Spoke better English than most Americans I knew or know. Was very well educated. Married and American girl. They had triplets and my mother watched their triplets while he and his wife worked. This was when I was in my teens and still living at my parent’s home.

This man and I had numerous conversations. He told my mother and father, and me what life was like in Kuwait and he was very open, honest. And he was clear that while raised from birth a Muslim he did not go to any mosque. He was not a practicing Muslim. He had become 100% Westernized and assimilated — but that was only due to his abandoning the Qur’an, abandoning everything he had been taught when living in Kuwait in his family home. His parents, who were living in Kuwait at that time, were none too pleased with their son. He loved his parents and had not turned his back on them — just turned his back and life on Islam.

This is the rarest of exceptions.

A true Muslim, a Qur’an following, Qur’an believing practicing Muslim will not assimilate. Because their faith will not permit it. Not if they believe and abide by the teachings they were raised with and then hold to as they grow up.

Our presidents — all of them, not just the Democrats who have gained that office, almost every politician in America over the past 50 years, almost every person in media be it broadcast or print or online, our educators, our corporations, and their executives, our government agencies and our people refuse to acknowledge this truth.

They avoid it. They deny it. They hide from it. They pretend it isn’t there. Either out of arrogance, ignorance, or some form of avoidance of facing history, facts, reality, and the truth.

Our leaders, our people can say with their mouths that we are not at war with Islam…

…but Islam is at war with us. And always has been. Always will be. There is no assimilation, no peace, no coming together, and nothing factual, historical, in the Qur’an or within Islam that may lead one to think differently. It is an illusion propped up and supported by pure economics. Money. Oil. Strategic locations to have bases and American interests. It’s all a compromise. Walking on thin ice. On hot desert sands.

This is nothing new. Thomas Jefferson, one of our great Founders, a man with a brilliant mind, who became our third president, a man who had big plans when becoming elected president had his administration upended and mired in what could be described as his own, and America’s version of Vietnam War, only this war was called the Barbary War in which Islamic pirates were seizing American ships, American sailors and wreaking havoc on the seas. It’s why the line, ”to the shores of Tripoli…” is in the U.S. Marine hymn.

There cannot and will never be peace between Islam and any Western nation. Oh, there have been and will be times of apparent peace and civility and cooperation, and certainly, America and various Western nations have and do have certain cooperations in place with various Islamic nations, as we turn our eyes from the torture, tyranny, and tribulations they bring upon numerous people within their own nations and around the world

Where does every Islamic terrorist come from? Japan? Ireland?

Can we begin to be objective and honest? Learn and know history?

Without hatred. Without striking out. But not being weak or pretending things are any different than they really are according to what Islam has been, is, and always will be — the history — as opposed to what we have been in America and Western nations.

There will never be assimilation. A coming together, picking up the acoustic guitars around a campfire and all joining in a robust and earnest rendition of Kum-by-ya…

And now?

Since September 11th, 2001?

We have bowed to embraced, ignored, and appeased Islam. Lied about Islam and its history and what Islam truly is and means to Western people and nations.

Those who speak the truth regarding Islam do not fear Islam. Especially those who are true disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, born anew, transformed from within. Any such person has a knowing within them provided by the Holy Spirit, a knowing only such richly and greatly blessed people can have. Not to lord over anyone. We’re not superior and should never act as such or give any person the idea that we think we are. We were once in darkness, we once were darkness, we once were as great if not greater sinners and in rebellion against God and against Jesus and against the Word of God.

We have no place or room for acting or thinking we’re superior. It’s by God’s merciful grace, the free gift of grace and our finally awakening to the Lord’s calling that we have been spared condemnation and wrath. Not of our doing. Of God working towards us, in us, thankfully!

There is no Islamophobia among such people, or there ought not to be.

Ironically, those who fear Islam, the appeasers, are the ones who point their fingers and their tongues at those who speak or write the truth regarding Islam and call the truthtellers they are Islamophobic!

Just one more sign, one more indicator of just how upside down and inside out everything is in these times, these last of the last days.

And now? In the years since 9/11/2001?

More and more appeasement. While with our freedoms, and our liberties we now allow the enemy within our chambers that make the laws of the land. No wooden horse needed to be rolled through the gates and the enemies waited in the belly of the wooden beast — we threw the doors open and invited the enemy in.

To use our foundations, our constitution, our laws, our freedoms, our liberties against us to gain power and to infect minds and alter the course of our nation.

We the people have permitted this, allowed it, approved of it by our complacency, our avoidance of the truth, our leanings, and our fear of appearing different from the maddening crowd. To our eventual destruction until and unless we do not fear and we do speak and write the truth.

No hating our enemy. No, loving them as the Lord commanded us to love them. But also abiding in His words when He instructed us;

“Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.”

Matthew 10:16

Not to be blind, naive, foolish, ignorant or to be silent in the face of evil. To speak out when the enemy is known. We are among wolves. Among the Enemy, and the enemy. Harmless — yet wise. Use the good mind the Good Lord blessed you with. Do not march to the beat of the world but to the words within the Word of God.

And who can come to any other conclusion when examining and knowing the evidence that it is not a friend within, but an enemy within when such as the following is discovered?

Do not misunderstand. I certainly do not hate Muslims. I pray for them. We all should pray for every Muslim that they not come around to our political beliefs, the American way, though that would be wonderful — but pray foremost that they come from where they are in their false belief of the way to salvation and paradise and pray that more and more come around to hearing the voice of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit works in them the same work He has worked in us!

Some of the greatest and largest conversions to Christianity are occurring in Northern Africa and in other entrenched Islamic states. These folks are risking their lives. Many have been tortured, killed, ostracized, and treated horribly, beyond our comprehension — all for their coming to see, know, believe, and live their lives for Christ.

All things are possible with God.

I was as lost once as those adherents of Islam now are. I have no room to talk — but only to give thanks daily, continually for God having mercy on my wretched ways and flesh and blessing me with salvation through my faith alone, in Christ alone…

Read on…

Ken Pullen, Thursday, November 16th, 2023


Rashida Tlaib a member of closed Facebook group that celebrated Hamas atrocities – report


The administrator of the Facebook group has referred to Jews as ‘satanic’ and denied that 6 million Jews died in the Holocaust.


November 15, 2023

By World Israel News Staff

Reprinted from World Israel News


Progressive Michigan congresswoman and member of “The Squad,” Rashida Tlaib is a member of a private Facebook group called The Palestinian American Congress that praises terror acts, such as those on October 7th, as reported by Fox News.

Since 2018, Tlaib has been a member of the secret Facebook group founded by Maher Abdel-qader, who has referred to Jews as “satanic” and denied that 6 million Jews perished in the Holocaust. He later walked back these comments under pressure.

Maher Abdel-qader was connected with Representative Tlaib’s candidacy and donated $6,500 to her campaign.

The Facebook group features numerous posts praising the actions of terrorism and minimizing harm done to Israelis. One photo shows a Hamas terrorist with an elderly Israeli woman with the caption, “We don’t want to throw you into the sea…we want to ride it back from where you came.”

Another poster praised the killing of IDF soldiers as one of the many “achievements” in northern Gaza.

Some group members blamed the U.S. media for the creation of the State of Israel.

Regarding the images from the October 7th attack, many of which were taken from the phones of the terrorists, “Yesterday I didn’t see Hamas I saw the grand kids (sic) of the refugees that ethnically cleansed from their homeland attacking the grand kids (sic) of the colonists whom sent them to diaspora.”

Rashida Tlaib, the only Palestinian American in Congress, was censured last week by a vote of 234 to 188 for quoting an antisemitic change and accusing Israel of “genocide” during Israel’s incursion into northern Gaza.

Tlaib’s remarks that prompted the censure include a video of the congresswoman accusing President Joe Biden of supporting “the genocide of the Palestinian People” and including the chant, “From the River to the Sea,” which ostensibly is a Palestinian liberation slogan, but would, if implemented, destroy the State of Israel.

In addition, Tlaib accused the IDF of bombing a hospital and refused to retract her statement after the radical group Islamic Jihad was proven responsible for the explosion.