If you have a problem, a dilemma, or a critical situation in your personal life that needs proper addressing in order to solve it, resolve it, fix it, heal it, repair and restore it you do not go to the wrong place, in the wrong direction, seeing the wrong people, taking their advice and implementing it. And stopping there.

Not if you really want to get matters right and continue on healthy, well, and at peace understanding the problem and doing what was required to get it fixed correctly.

Why then, in the most crucial of matters, do so many go to the wrong place or places, the wrong people, and the wrong direction, adopting, accepting, and accommodating errant advice and incorporating it into their lives? And stopping there. Thinking, convinced they took care of matters. That was the problem and now I see!

No, you haven’t. Because the problem, the dilemma, and the critical situation has only been masked and disguised. Like putting duct tape on a smashed fender or vase and thinking it’s good as new!

If wondering why a cultural or secular article appears here it is precisely because almost everything, tragically, in this present time is cataloged as cultural, secular, or political, including most of what occurs in the Christian mind, and the Christian church.

The following article, written by Mr. Daniel Greenfield a highly skilled and intelligent journalist, as he can bear that moniker as few can these days, is the perfect example of what I have been railing on about for so many years now. The failure, the utter failure among the overwhelming majority of people to acknowledge, see, and thus act accordingly to exactly what is taking place within them and around them every nanosecond of every day.

Words are created, especially in our time, that are in reality the exact opposite of what they are adopted to mean. Woke is one of those words. For all those that either wore and pushed the so-called horrible word to describe a major offensive put forward by evil, ahh, we’re getting to it now! — yes, a major offensive discharged by evil to gain ground. Cause casualties. Attempt to win the war. Yes, it is a nonstop war with nonstop battles every person is engaged in.

As Mr. Greenfield will elaborate on below, the woke movement is similar to the Nazis; Sturmlied of the SA [Sturmabteilung in German, or “storm division”] with its concluding command, “Deutschland, erwache! Erwache!” or “Germany, awake! Awake”. And other dictates from fascists.

But none of this is cultural, secular, or political. To believe so, to think so, to thusly live accordingly is like holding a piece of fruit in your hand, or an onion, and only looking at the surface and no deeper. Refusing to cut into what is before you to find the core, the seed at its heart, the layers leading to the inner root that can be discovered.

No matter what words are created by EVIL, yes, EVIL to disguise their warring objective the seed, the root from which those words, those movements stem are based 100% in EVIL.

Something almost no one will admit. Speak of or write of. I understand those who are lost and consumed in the cultural, political, and worldly fight ring, but what of all those professed Christians, in America alone among the now almost, as I just checked the real-time population clock, is a tick over 335,000,000 — with a little over 6 out of 10 of that number claiming to be Christian — why then is America, the people in such a state?

Someone is lying.

Someone is lost.

Someone is utterly lying and lost.

Someone is totally confused.

As to what it truly means to be a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Contrary to one of the popular lies, not everyone is a child of God. A remnant is, but the overwhelming majority, no matter what they may say, are children of disobedience, children attached to the greatest child abuser and domestic abuse criminal in world history — Satan.

Again, until and unless each individual becomes aware that everything taking place in the so-called cultural, political and worldly arena fighting not as the preliminary match, not as advertised and believed by all the patrons — no, all that is transpiring within every person, around every person with regard to what is defined as cultural, political, or world current events and few go any deeper of further, few, it appears to have the ability to take a knife in hand, the sword of the Word of God, to cut into that which is before them, right in front of them, and go to the core. The seed of how it all came about and grew into what it has.

Do people go to a boxing match, a sporting event, or a concert to watch the preliminary things? The warmup? Do you enroll in a class to show up, receive the syllabus, and then imagine you’ve acquired all there is to know and you get up, leave, and never return?

No. Why then do almost all address the most important parts of life then in such a manner?

Only going to hear the warmup band, watch the players stretching on the field, and then go no further. Feeling satiated and having achieved the desired result leaving their seat and leaving the arena, the stadium, and then claiming to know what took place on the field, on the stage, in the arena?

It began in a Garden in Eden.

And it has become the world today.

And the world tomorrow.

The only possible altering of this? Is accomplished on the individual level. Not via a nation’s election, or a politician, or the enacting of a new law, or a movement of a mass of people, or a new world doctrine or order, or adopting, accepting, and accommodating such. Going along with the crowd, all of whom have lost their minds, have no sense, are appearing deaf and blind though always vocal and given places front and center on the world stage — the only altering from the course taken by almost every person is achieved individually. Not collectively. Not in group think or actions.

An individual must come to their true senses, and if desiring to awaken something truly, awaken the spirit, the soul within them that has been soaked in the rhetoric of the world rather than drinking in the Word of God.

We’re at war folks.

It’s about time all the combatants finally recognize the Enemy and begin using the correct terminology in this war, in every battle, because the Enemy surely is. And the Enemy is strong and has more individuals enlisted in its service.

And aiding and abetting the Enemy in lowering oneself to its terms is not how the war is won.

Truly wake up!

Not as the fascists, dictators, tyrants, and all those ensnared in the web of evil have been throughout history and presently are.

No, wake up to the One True God, the One True Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the inerrant infallible unchangeable living Word of God!

Begin seeing, hearing correctly. Begin speaking and writing correctly.

According to God’s ways and Word — rather than the ways and words of men and women. Otherwise, how can what is supposed to be the light of the world be seen within you? Can they taste the salt you are made of? Recognize you as one of the separate and peculiar people of God rather than blending in and appearing no different than them?

Do we want to appear to the Enemy as one of them? Falling for their cunning, guile, twisting and perverting of language, their lies? Falling into their trap?

Then why do we continue to do so? Every single day. Day after day.

The time is short. If not waking up to God, to Christ, to the Holy Spirit, to the whole inerrant infallible unchangeable Word of God today and finally appearing peculiar, separate from the enemy, finally possessing that light unto the world, if not today, when?

For no one knows if they have another year, month, week, day, or even hour ahead of them.

When will we begin to finally live as if we are truly alive and not mere game pieces moving moved about by the forces of this world, the force of EVIL, yes, EVIL — not the culture, not a political party, election, nation, or politician, or issue on the ballot.

But we’re allowing ourselves to be moved by EVIL rather than by God!

Shame on all of us.

Woe to all of us!

It is all black or white. There is no gray area. No off-ramp. No third, fourth, fifth, or infinite options as the world professes and prophesizes in grave error.

Wake up to that and only then can there be vision in order to know where to place our feet, where to walk, where our hearts and minds ought to be…

The fall of “Woke?”

Only in the rising of true understanding, true language, and the arising of true, faithful obedient Christians. Individual revival. Leading to a greater revival.

It won’t happen any other way. Not be any election, not by putting a certain man or woman in office or removing a certain man or woman from office. It has never been accomplished according to the world and it never will be accomplished according to the world.

The only true accomplishment of meaning took place on the tree of shame by God sacrificing a part of Himself on that cross, by the Lord Jesus Christ, fully truly a man, fully truly God being murdered for our sin, resurrecting from the dead on the Third Day according to God’s promise.

And the only true and LASTING individual accomplishment is to hear Him, know Him, respond to Him, submit to Him, follow Him, live by, for then through Him, as His true disciple.

And that change is the only real, true, lasting change.

And the only real, true possible change here on earth for the better.

Not in adding another Republican voter. Another conservative. Passing some new law. Removing the individual you do not like from office.

No, want real change True change? Have enough individuals become truly transformed by the power of the Spirit of God to be renewed of mind and spirit to humble themselves to serve and follow the Lord Jesus Christ — according to the Holy Bible, not according to modern-day politicized perverted Christianity which is no Christianity at all.

And watch and hear the change.


Evil will only create another word to carry out its same goal, enlist more combatants, seduce, beguile, confuse, and add to the mayhem, angst, and rage with those claiming to be otherwise dragged along as they refuse to recognize the seed, the root of that which is right in front of them and they are partaking of daily.

Imagine that.

Ken Pullen, A CROOKED PATH, Tuesday, August 8th, 2023


The Decline and Fall of ‘Woke’

Wokeness, once a badge of pride, has become a symbol of shame.


August 8, 2023


Reprinted from FrontPageMag


Walking into the children’s section of a public library, I spotted a copy of ‘Woke: A Young Poet’s Call to Justice’’. Published in 2020, it’s almost a cultural artifact because ‘woke’ has gone from a hip term for leftism to a battered conservative punching bag in the culture war.

‘Woke’, the term, peaked in 2020. In 2017, it was added to the Oxford English Dictionary and appeared as a category on Jeopardy. Next year, Essence magazine announced its list of ‘Woke 100 Women’. In 2020, Disney’s Hulu aired ‘Woke’:, a tedious series about a college activist.

By 2023, wokeness has come to mean leftist extremism. It’s most often used by Republicans and hardly ever by Democrats who act baffled at the idea that there was ever such a thing as wokeness. Much like ‘Defund the Police’, a set of sounds that once defined lefty culture, has been flushed down the memory hole and everyone is pretending they never heard of it.

In Seattle, the home of wokeness, “race and equity experts” say it’s “time to get rid of woke.”

“That word has been taken,” Erin Jones, a DEI consultant who charges $1,000 an hour for her workshops, admitted. “There’s no good way to use that term. I think it’s been so weaponized at this point that there was not a positive way to use the word ‘woke.’”

What happened to ‘Woke’ is the same thing that once happened to ‘Liberal’. Conservatives seized on it and used it to sum up everything wrong with leftist extremism. Before long, no one wanted to identify as a liberal because it meant being seen as a lunatic fighting for sex ed for kids, free needles for addicts, political correctness in the office and surrendering to enemies.

Leftist support for these policies never went away, but leftism underwent a rebrand.

Unlike conservatives who have retained the same name over time, leftists are chameleons. Leftists were first characterized by that name during the French Revolution because they tended to cluster to the left during legislative debates. More specific ideological terms like socialists and communists came and went, and became tainted by association with leftist policies.

There is no name for the Left that doesn’t have negative associations even for leftists.

Senator Bernie Sanders has spent most of his otherwise useless career trying to redeem the term ‘socialist’ in the United States. And recent polls show a growing approval for socialism among younger people. But, as the example of ‘Woke’ shows, that appreciation may not last long once conservatives turn whatever term the Left uses now into a political scarlet letter.

The destruction of wokeness within a matter of years shows why conservatives should not underestimate their cultural power. Barred by the media, censored by tech companies and shut out by the entertainment industry, conservatives were nevertheless able to take the hip new term that leftists had rebranded as and make it as toxic as yesterday’s radioactive waste.

That is something worth taking a moment to appreciate.

Wokes argue that ‘wokeness’ has a long pedigree and will be back. They’re probably right.

In 1923, the Nazis deployed the Sturmlied of the SA with its concluding command, “Deutschland, erwache! Erwache!” or “Germany, awake! Awake”. That same year,  Marcus Garvey, a black nationalist fascist, incorporated it as “Wake up Ethiopia! Wake up Africa!”

Black nationalists complained that white leftists had “appropriated” a black slogan, but it was the black nationalists who appeared to have appropriated a Nazi slogan.

Garvey, usually described as a civil rights activist, was an unabashed fascist. “Hats off to Hitler the German Nazi,” he had cheered and urged his followers to read Mein Kampf.

“What the Negro needs is a Hitler.” he had suggested and had himself in mind for the role.

But Garvey claimed credit for inventing fascism and argued that the Nazis had appropriated it from him. “We were the first Fascists,” the civil rights leader bragged, “Mussolini and Hitler copied the programme of the UNIA.” But just as Garvey copied Mussolini and Hitler, it’s more likely that Garvey borrowed ‘wokeness’ from a Nazi call to arms that included genocide.

Much like its Third Reich inspiration, wokeness has undergone its own decline and fall.

The Nazis, black nationalists and leftist wokes all meant the same thing by the use of the term which was to distinguish those who are ‘awake’ and aware of the crisis from those who aren’t. The hipness of the term required a certain amount of insider cachet which became impossible to sustain when Republican politicians became the ones to popularize wokeness.

When people think of wokeness, they no longer envision the BLM activists who used to appear on TV shows and on children’s books, they think of Gov. Ron DeSantis or an episode of FOX News. Republicans went to war on wokeness and in doing so, they appropriated it, they took the word and made it their own. Destroying the brand value of wokeness is not the same thing as defeating woke policies, but marketing is fundamental to leftist recruitment and expansion.

And now, once again, the Left is between descriptors. Some call themselves “progressives”: a longstanding and twice dated term that sounds like an eyeglasses prescription. Social justice still hovers around the margins but its users still remember when SJW became the derisive acronym of choice. The media, which rarely recognizes the existence of a separate leftist movement, describing its members only as ‘activists’, ‘experts’ or ‘concerned citizens’, likes the idea of an invisible ideology that, much like 1984, no one even has the words to describe.

Wokes still control most major cities and companies, the educational system and the government’s policymaking apparatus, but the backlash has inflicted some casualties. America is still a long way from 1988 when Saturday Night Live aired ‘The Liberal’ depicting a hunted Matthew Modine on the run in a conservative nation. (Like most SNL cultural guesses, it was actually wrong and conservatism had peaked while liberalism was in ascendance). The long-awaited backlash that would usher in a new ‘Reagan America’ has been promised many times in the last two decades, but has never actually been able to survive and take root.

And yet conservatives, who operate in a counterculture, should remember that they have the power to hurt the Left. The decline and fall of wokeness is a demonstration of the fragility of leftist cultural power which commands budgets in the tens of billions of dollars, controls private and public institutions, yet is deeply resented and vulnerable to some pointed mockery.

Wokeness, once a badge of pride, has become a badge of shame.