I realize it can get redundant and the urge within the nature of people, especially in these times is to be antsy, agitated, unsettled, and thinking there must be something better, something new that will do the trick! As people don’t like to hear the message, the truth, the reality of everything — but the fact remains no matter how weary, how much a person desires an altered state, to live in delusion or create their own fantasy world to reside in, hide in, denying the truth — the most important nonstop not going away event in EVERY life, no exceptions, no exemptions is the spiritual war.
Every person is enjoined in this longest-running, most widespread, the highest number of casualties war. There is no sitting it out or escape.
Although the overwhelming majority work endlessly through drugs, sex, entertainment, keeping busy — anything and everything to avoid confronting the truth.
Well, time to gird those loins, put on the full armour and engage. No longer rage. No longer hide. No longer deny. No longer blather on about an election, politics, nationalism, this, that, and every other thing. It is long past the time to make God, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Bible, and all things spiritual, of heaven, of the Scriptures the focus and priority.
For it is the spiritual realm that is REALITY and goes on for eternity. Each soul, every individual having a day of reckoning before God their Creator (that being the Lord Jesus Christ Who is fully God and one-third of the Triune God of Father and also Holy Spirit).
If you doubt you’d better come around to believing. And living it.
If you’re a professed Christian on auto-pilot time to stop leaving the course taken to something you don’t need to actively be hands-on with. God is in control of all things. God is Providential and over all — but that does not mean we are to be asleep at the wheel. Coating. Not using the brain God gave us. Not increasing in spiritual wisdom, understanding, and knowledge. Not bearing fruit. Not growing. Not contending for the faith. Not engaged fully in this spiritual war within each person and surrounding every person. In their homes, at their jobs, in their churches, schools, everywhere, every place within and around everyone — all the time.
Redundant? Tiring? Yeah, but what is done here in this blink of God’s eye in time called a human lifespan determines eternity. On an individual basis.
And there won’t be any excuses permitted.
And no one no matter who, no matter how arrogant or smug can imagine, reckon what it will actually be like to be before the Lord Jesus Christ, God the Creator, God the Judge…
Ken Pullen
Friday, August 27th, 2021
ACP — A Crooked Path
The Church, the Culture, and Politics
Thursday, August 26, 2021
By Col. Tom McDonald, III (Ret.)
Reprinted from American Family Association
Today’s guest writer is Col. Tom McDonald, III (Ret.). Tom is retired from the U.S. Army, is a friend of AFA, and has a blog site that you can visit HERE)
Had not scores of pastors and hundreds, even thousands, of members of their churches in the 1700s become vigilantly, vocally, vibrantly, virulently, viably, even violently involved in the politics of their day, there probably would not be a United States of America today.
Many pastors were vigilant to know and tell their people what the British were up to. They did not think their only role was to preach the vital gospel. They were vivid and vibrant in vocally using their pulpits to call out the British for their oppressive rule of the colonies. Their virulent and viable stances garnered them the name “The Black Robe Regiment.” Some pastors became “violent” in their political involvement, by taking off their black robe and donning a Continental Army Officer’s uniform. Several pastors proceeded to form their own company, battalion, or regiment. The members of such units were predominantly men of their own congregations – and then their pastor led them into combat against the British Army.
So, there is ample evidence in our history and in Scripture that the Christian church, her leaders and members, are to be ardently and winsomely involved in their culture and in politics, especially when the existing government is going counter to God’s Word and God’s way. To claim otherwise is to deny the Christian church’s proper, beneficial effect upon the culture – to be salt and light.
There are two sides in this battle between good and evil. If one side doesn’t show up for the fight, it is obvious who the victor will be, unless the Lord Himself intervenes.
So, now the Questions: As a Christ-following American patriot…
- Are you personally involved in bringing goodness and light into our culture?
- Are you vocal in exposing evil?
- Are you sharing the gospel regularly?
- Are you faithfully praying for God’s help in all this (Proverbs 16:9)?
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