But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.

Matthew 12:36 — King James Version

This appears here because to even the most casual of persons paying the least amount of attention they know, if honest, that all the rhetoric and supposed actions to thwart and stem global terrorism have been a farce. A huge lie. Pretend. A load of dung.

Because since September 11th, 2001 global terrorism has increased more than the names Bush, Obama, and Trump have been uttered or written. It’s all a big lie. A really, really big lie that America is at war with global terrorism. America is at war with telling the truth and actually doing anything substantive to halt the spread of global terrorism.

Islam — the impetus, the main ingredient behind global terrorism has spread further and faster and become more entrenched than COVID-19 and mask-wearing. Islam isn’t mentioned in the news. Global terrorism isn’t really mentioned much. It doesn’t fit the desired narrative to advance the agendas of those in high places.

Nothing much is really ever done, nor has it been done to slow the spread of global Islamic terrorism. Oh, large groups of military men and equipment have been shuttled about. And one war has lasted over 20 years only to cost many lives, hundreds of thousands of more lives shattered and torn apart physically and mentally by being blown to bits only to survive with severe life-altering injuries. Trillions, of U.S. taxpayer dollars, were spent. So much rhetoric over the years. Only to witness in less time than it takes to build a runway in the desert the Taliban devouring everything in its path and taking over larger, stronger, better equipped, better financed than they were 20 years ago. Yeah, so much was accomplished in the way of thwarting global terrorism on that front wasn’t it?

And that example mirrors every other one.

Oh, various events have been noted and stopped. As global terrorism spreads like a wildfire in the Western United States.

Prior to 9/11 Islamic global terrorism was in truth minimal. Since 9/11? Islamic global terrorism if it were something calculated as a global product would rate higher on the list than producing waste material. Cardboard, plastic, glass for recycling. Food products. Automobiles. Islamic global terrorism growth would rival any of those if considered and tabulated as a “world product.” Global terrorism is sadly “consumed” daily by far too many people around this world.

It’s all a big lie the war is being waged and won. The Bush, Obama, Trump, and Biden administrations are all equally complicit in covering things up. Lying. Pretending to make the war on global terrorism something of their priorities. Important while in truth propping global terrorism up. Refusing to speak the truth regarding Islam, terrorism, or what has been done with the telling of what hasn’t been done. Only telling a small fraction of the real story. Sins of omission. The omission is lying no matter how much it’s painted over or ignored. And being clear and transparent on just how much Islamic global terrorism has increased since 9/11, while stated as a priority be each executive administration mentioned above has never followed up on living that transparency. That, too, was a lie they told…

The truth will never be told. (Or will it?)

The coverups will only increase.

There is coming a time all is revealed and nothing will remain hidden when the Lord Jesus Christ returns to judge everyone, everything with nothing going unknown, hidden, covered up, and lied about. Nothing.

True judgment for every deed, every lack of taking action, every evil action, every lie, every false word, every secret is coming.

We ought not to fret, worry, get worked up about any of this. We, if renewed of mind and spirit in the Lord Jesus Christ, in the authoritative and living Word of God then KNOW, we KNOW what are the priorities — or we ought to and thus live accordingly — and while the flesh we are composed of may become agitated, annoyed, perplexed, or troubled our spirits, our souls, our hearts for God and Christ ought to not be troubled nor ignorant, unaware.

True judgment and revelation is coming.


In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel.

Romans 2:16 — King James Version


Sooner than later.

And all the terrorism, all the lies, all the evil men have done and do will be revealed.

And anyone enamored of nationalism, elections, a politician or person above the whole of God’s Word and God’s ways — and far too many professing to be Christians fall into this category — and they can’t be objective? Honest? Aware? Knowledgeable as to what is really taking place? And they place the events and matters of this world no matter what those may be above their devotion to and love of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and all of the inerrant infallible living and authoritative Word of God? Woe to that individual and we all need to pray that priorities of every professed Christian are truly aligned with what it means to be a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ, a child of God’s and thus a true, genuine living the Word Christian. Of the body. Obeying the Head. Having God’s ways, God’s Word, spiritual matters, heavenly matters matter most to us.

And to those unbelieving? Still in the darkness and noise and mayhem and lies, constant lies of this fallen, corrupt and perverse world? Let us pray any of those hear the Lord, seek the Lord, and come out from the darkness into the Light to KNOW, to come to KNOW. And may we listen to what we ought to KNOW and not become so distracted by the lies and goings-on of this world and pay more, much more attention to the ways and Word of God and in living a Biblical founded life rather than any other sort of life. Which, sadly, most of us live rather than a Biblical founded life. And each of us needs to be ruthlessly honest with regard to — do we live a Biblical view, Biblical way of life? Or are we of and consumed by this world’s way of life?

What men, women, and nations do is lie. Lies and more lies. The foundation which almost everything is built upon and will surely fall due to the weakness and errancy of the materials used in the foundation.

What God, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the whole inerrant infallible living and authoritative Word of God do is live, speak and tell nothing but the truth and provide the way to nothing but life.

The exact opposite of any and every man, any and every government system of this world.

Which will we make our priority, which path we place our feet, our eyes, our heart on, and then follow?

REALLY follow, as we ought to REALLY KNOW?


I said in my heart, God will judge the righteous and the wicked, for there is a time for every matter and for every work.

Ecclesiastes 3:17 — English Standard Version


The big and little lies of men? Or the Truth and Way of Life in the Lord? Out from the darkness and into the Light. How secure, fluent, capable are each of us in the active, living, authoritative inerrant Word of God? More so than in the ways and words — the lies —  of this fallen, corrupt, perverted world?

Without excuse.

Without lying about it all ourselves?

The Big Lie.

Or, we can finally, truly listen to and follow the only Truth. God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the whole of the Word of God.


For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil.

Ecclesiastes 12:14 — English Standard Version


Life is nothing more than a series of choices and living the consequences of those choices. And those choices have eternal consequences.

So, it’s all a lot more important, a lot more serious than most of us make it out to be, or put the time in on it isn’t it? Really.

When will our big and little lies, our pretending, our being otherwise consumed and occupied lessen or cease and we finally relent and repent and turn to God and the Word more than turning to and being sucked into the vortex of lies and darkness of this world?

The Big Lie vs. The Way, the Life, the Light and the Truth of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the authoritative, living, active whole inerrant infallible Word of God.

Even the most casual of persons paying the least amount of attention ought to know which of those two things is the course to take in this fleeting life…


Ken Pullen

Monday, August 9th, 2021

ACP — A Crooked Path


The Big Lie of the U.S. War on Global Terrorism



Reprinted from Jihad Watch


Successive American administrations and the State Department have often shut their eyes to international terrorism and even covered it up.

As the 20th anniversary of 9/11 and America’s Global War on Terrorism (GWOT) looms, this shocks the conscience. It also endangers the homeland and our military men and women overseas.

We’ll prove that Turkey and Azerbaijan remain among the most egregious sponsors of international terrorist organizations and that the U.S. covers for those countries.

Among these organizations: ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Al-Nusra, Ansar Al-Din, Hamza Division, Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham, Jaysh Al-Sunna, Sultan Murad Brigade, Sultan Suleyman Shah Brigade/Al-Amshat, and more.

Terrorist Turkey

  • Ahmet S. Yayla, Turkey’s counterterrorism chief from 2010-13, has acknowledged that “Turkey was a central hub for … over 50,000 ISIS foreign fighters, and the main source of ISIS logistical materials [including] IEDs, making Turkey and ISIS practically allies.”
  • Veteran State Department adviser Dr. David L. Phillips directs Columbia University’s Peace-building and Human Rights Program. Its research confirmed Turkey’s alliance with ISIS: ISIS-Turkey Links(2014) and Turkey-ISIS Oil Trade (2015/2016).
  • In Turkey: A state sponsor of terrorism? (May 28), Phillips wrote that if a “non-NATO country behaved like Turkey, it would warrant designation as a State Sponsor of Terrorism,” like Iran and North Korea.

He also describes Turkey’s sending terrorist mercenaries (some listed above) into Azerbaijan against Armenian-populated Artsakh/Nagorno-Karabagh in 2020.

  • In 2014, the New York Times reported that “Western intelligence officials … track the ISIS oil shipments … into Turkey” and that Turkey has failed “to help choke off the oil trade.”
  • In January and July, the U.S. Treasury Department identified Turkey as a financial base for ISIS and Al-Qaeda. However, the U.S. has penalized only some Turkish individuals and companies, not Turkey itself. Regardless, the effect has been minimal.

As with Turkey, the State Department has largely ignored utterly corrupt Azerbaijan’s long record of supporting terrorism.

Terrorist Azerbaijan

  • In the early 1990s, Azerbaijan — with Turkey’s help — recruited Afghan mujahedin, Pakistanis, and others to attack Armenians.
  • Al-Qaeda cells in Baku helped to carry out the 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. A dozen Americans and 212 others died.
  • Throughout 2020, Azerbaijan deployed thousands of terrorist mercenaries against Armenian-populated Artsakh and Armenia. Turkey had transported them from Syria and Libya.

These included war criminal and former ISIS commander Sayf Balud.

As a result, one hundred bipartisan members of Congress (2021) and the European Union Parliament (2020) have condemned Azerbaijan and Turkey.

Azerbaijan is also violating the U.N. Convention against the Use of Mercenaries which it signed in 1997. In November, the U.N.’s Working Group on Mercenaries excoriated Turkey and Azerbaijan. However, the UN’s leading member has refused to raise this issue.

Candidate Joe Biden pledged to “rally the world” against “transnational terrorism.” Yet the White House has done nothing about Azeri terrorism. Armenia, incidentally, is the only country in that region with no ties to international terrorism.

We’ve let our government make a farce of the GWOT.

More Cover-ups

On July 21, Senate Foreign Relations Chair Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) asked Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland about “Turkey facilitating the transfer of fighters from Syria to Azerbaijan” last year.

Her “answer”? She’d discuss it only “in another setting,” as if Menendez’s assertion wasn’t already public knowledge.

Thus, Nuland covered for Azerbaijan and Turkey.

At a 2016 public forum in Cambridge, Massachusetts, I quizzed then-U.S. Ambassador to Armenia Richard M. Mills about Turkey’s support for ISIS.

I also mentioned that I’d be distributing Dr. David L. Phillips’ ISIS-Turkey Links study to the audience.

Mills angrily denied any and all ties between Turkey and ISIS or similar groups. Like Nuland, he covered for Turkey.

We know Mills lied because in 2014 Vice President Biden told his Harvard audience that Turkey and others had been giving “hundreds of millions of dollars [and] tons of weapons” to Al-Nusra, Al-Qaeda, and ISIS.

President Obama immediately covered for Turkey by ordering Biden to apologize to President Erdogan.

Just after 9/11, then-U.S. Ambassador to Azerbaijan Ross L. Wilson spoke at Harvard before a small group that included me.

I grilled him about a study on Azerbaijan’s being a terrorist hub.

Wilson angrily denied it all even though the State Department had publicly acknowledged that Al-Qaeda in Azerbaijan had helped to carry out 1998’s American embassy bombings.

Like the others, Wilson covered for Turkey.

Silence isn’t Golden

The State Department apparently believes that terrorists are acceptable — provided they’re backed by a NATO member (Turkey) or a country (Azerbaijan) with sundry gas and oil fields.

The relative silence of Americans and American organizations who favor a strong military, declare their opposition to terrorism, and lay claim to the religious high ground is similarly hypocritical.

Let us speak up and take action — or become complicit.

David Boyajian’s primary foreign policy focus is the Caucasus. His work can be found at http://www.armeniapedia.org/wiki/David_Boyajian.


Filed Under: AzerbaijanTurkeyUnited States