Stop blaming God

Read the Bible and finally become honest, aware, and objective about who, or what to blame. And I’ll give you a clue right now — it’s never, never, never God.


by Ken Pullen

Tuesday, February 1st, 2022

ACP — A Crooked Path


If you find yourself in hell for eternity are you going to blame God?

God doesn’t put anyone in hell. Really, contrary to what you may believe or have been told, or even heard in a sermon. God does not put anyone in hell. Each person whose soul will burn in the pit of hell for eternity — and that’s a long, long, LONG time folks — every person finding themselves in that pain and suffering beyond imagination? They will have PUT THEMSELVES THERE.

God will do what God said He would do to those who are children of disobedience. Those who refuse to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. Contrasting to those who by faith and obedience become truly renewed of mind and spirit, transformed into a child of God receiving the crown of glory, the reward of eternal life in heaven. Contrary to the lies of the world — and go tell this to clueless, totally lost Joni Mitchell for starters — not everyone is a child of God. Most are children of disobedience. And they bring about their own ends. By how they have believed or not believed, fashioned their lives. Rejecting God, rejecting Jesus, rejecting the Holy Spirit, and rejecting the inerrant living Word of God. So, God rejects them. Just as He has said all along. No surprises. Nothing new here.

God only holds fast and true to His word. God is immutable. And to know what is what? Who to really blame? All the how’s, why’s, what’s, wherefore’s of everything? Who to always blame?

Go to the Bible.

Always. Always. Always.

And then go back to the Bible again. And if you’re still blaming God? You’re the problem, not God. You’re lacking discernment, understanding, and the wisdom needed.

That can be corrected.

Repent, truly repent — and if you don’t know what that is or means find out. Then humbly submit to God and ask for spiritual wisdom and understanding. Because no person, no not one, no one can come to the necessary knowledge or understanding, the insight, the wisdom — the KNOWING — until and unless submitting to God and asking God to forgive one’s sin. Asking for help. Asking for Jesus in one’s life. Then and only then will TRUE KNOWING begin as a result of the Holy Spirit guiding, helping, leading the way. Shedding light in the darkness that once was all that consisted within that individual.

I’ve read the advice from various pastors, Christian speakers, writers as to how to respond to a person who blames God for anything and everything bad. From hurricanes, birth defects, vehicular accidents, murder, mayhem, to their cars won’t start, they stubbed their toe and everything else under the sun, moon, and stars. To anything and everything a person might not like, want, or understand. Blame God!

Enough already.

Want to know why events determined and understood as “bad” happen? Read the Bible. Stop blaming God. Learn the reasons, the truth in the Word of God. Because no human explanation will satisfy the doubting, the cunning trying to set a trap [as the Pharisees and Sadducees continually attempted with Jesus].

We live in the times of no time for anyone else. Certainly no time for a serious conversation. Or conversation period. Or hearing anything that opposes one’s ingrained indoctrination. It is the Age of Relativism full bore, full-blown. No longer the seeds of relativism sprouting and taking root. The choking weed of relativistic thought has crowded all openness, all light, all air from a person and now unless in lockstep with their worldview? Of course making everything political, unless in lockstep with them? They don’t want to give you the time of day, let alone discuss spiritual matters that their eternal souls depend upon.

So, at this point? I direct people to the Holy Bible. I give them a Bible just in case, so they can’t use the excuse of not having a Bible.

And here’s one example of how I’ve come to this point. Why I let God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and Their living and active words within Their Word speak to folks. In ways which I never could.

My wife has a nephew, who has a daughter born with Lissencephaly. Don’t feel awkward in not knowing what that is. I didn’t know until the child with this birth defect was born and diagnosed. Lissencephaly is a baby born with a smooth brain. And as a result, that child will never develop past the maturity level of a 3-month-old baby, to at most a few more months of maturity. They will never speak. Never walk. Never be able to control their bodies. Never be able to eat normally. Need to be attended to constantly. And the average lifespan for these children is around 10 years.

The baby [she is no longer a baby, but now 6 year old] grandfather — who has now died — blamed God for the birth defect even though he did not believe in God, did not believe in Jesus, did not believe the Bible. But God was where his anger was directed. How could God do this!? How could something you don’t believe in do anything to begin with? And those folks are the knowing ones? The logical ones? The enlightened ones? Really? That lost man blamed God to his dying day. The other atheists and those walking dead in utter darkness don’t see, don’t get it, stumble about. Perpetually. Endlessly.

Oh, they’ve been told otherwise. Given Bibles. Helped by careful gentle instruction in the truth. Which is rejected handily. Reprobate minds. See Romans 1.

If a person doesn’t like something? Something goes awry? There’s a tragedy, crisis, problem, something awful? Blame God!

Never self. Never the evil, continually evil nature within every person.

Every person.

None are good.

Don’t like that? Don’t believe that? Well, READ THE BIBLE!

Jesus, Himself will inform you. Search it out.

Believe it.

And stop blaming God and take responsibility, be accountable, be truthful, objective and begin assigning blame where it belongs. On the person. On individuals. On groups. On fallen, sinful people.

Stop blaming God and try reading the Bible and discerning well and wisely and knowing who or what to blame — and it’s never, never, never God.

Even if you find yourself in hell for eternity.

You put yourself there. God just did what He said He would. He never lies. Never changes. Never has any part in evil or sin.

We do the evil part, the sinning, and are to blame.

Not God.