Sir Keir Starmer, U.K. Labour leader and possibly the next Prime Minister.
Most people finding themselves on A Crooked Path seeing this article will pass right over it. Not interested. Doesn’t affect them, they think. It’s about something across the Atlantic Ocean about a politician they don’t know and don’t care about.
That’s too bad because so many folks these days, as in every age, but especially now want a sign, a sign of the times, a sign letting them know what’s coming and how much time is left.
Here’s a clue; not much.
Currently, 10 U.S. states plus the District of Columbia have made assisted suicide legal.
19 more states are considering doing so.
Death with Dignity U.S. Legislative Status State Map
More states are considering bills allowing medically assisted death this year (
Canada not only has made assisted suicide legal nationwide but euthanasia is also legalized and strongly pushed. Strongly pushed.
Along with Canada, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany, Australia, Belgium, France, and Japan have either legalized assisted suicide and euthanasia, or they are in the process of working on legislation to do so.
Homosexual marriage is now legal in 35 countries. America is one of the 35. And counting.
Cocaine, marijuana, and heroin among other drugs have been legalized in 30 countries.
Marijuana is legal in 25 states. And counting. And just yesterday, in the White House, one of the priorities of the Biden administration is to make marijuana legal nationally. To keep America high, numb, dumb and lost.
In Oregon all drugs are legal. Including LSD and heroin. No restrictions. No laws.
America has become an utterly lawless and lost nation.
These are just a few of the myriad actions taken revealing glaring signs that the world is in its last days as it has been known. The Day of the Lord is swiftly approaching. The End of Days.
So, yes, what happens across the pond ought to matter. Ought to be paid attention to.
Because the world is consumed in sin. Consumed in evil pursuits and destruction. Destruction of everything from the individual, to the family, to every foundation that has been established for thousands of years.
All blindly pushed as progress, as individual rights, as making the world a better place.
Need a sign?
Don’t believe the end of all things as they have been known is very near, that the fulfillment of every word within the Holy Bible isn’t occurring? That the Lord Jesus Christ isn’t about to return?
How high are you? What are you on? Where have you been? What are you doing and what are you paying attention to, or are you paying attention?
Or, is all of this merely political to you? It’s those rotten leftists, you know. Nothing to do with evil, nah, could never utter that word or acknowledge the fact it isn’t at all political but spiritual in nature. Spiritual warfare. Continued escalating rebellion and hatred of God.
Worldwide the fallen world is falling apart as it never has before in history.
Perhaps, if you haven’t been paying attention or seeing the signs maybe now is a good time to begin to pay attention, recognize the signs, see how the threads are woven together creating the rope that is strangling this world, keeping billions in utter darkness, and leading to the fulfillment of every word within the Word of God.
We are living in Biblical times. We are living Romans 1.
And the revelation of Revelation is about to occur…
Really too bad so many passed over this article.
So it goes, so it goes…
Read on.
Ken Pullen, Saturday, March 16th, 2024
Starmer wants to legalise assisted suicide if he becomes Prime Minister
16 March 2024
Reprinted from The Christian Institute [in the U.K.]
Sir Keir Starmer has pledged to hold a parliamentary debate on assisted suicide if he becomes Prime Minister.
In a phone call to Dame Esther Rantzen, filmed by ITV News, the U.K. Labour leader said he is “personally in favour of changing the law” and committed to making parliamentary time for a conscience vote within the next five years.
In 2015, MPs voted by 330 to 118 to protect vulnerable people by maintaining current end-of-life safeguards.
‘Real dangers’
While Sir Keir acknowledged the “very powerful” arguments against assisted suicide, he claimed “most people coalesce around the idea that there is a case where it is obviously compassionate, it is the settled intent of the individual, and there are safeguards with teeth to protect the vulnerable”.
But Dr. Gordon Macdonald, CEO of Care Not Killing, stated: “Sir Keir needs to recognise the real dangers associated with legalising state sanctioned killing, such as the pressure it puts on people to end their lives prematurely, and the growing body of evidence showing assisted suicide appears to normalise suicide in the general populations.”
He said that voters will rightly ask if the killing of terminally ill and disabled people is really “Labour’s top legislative priority if they win the next General Election”, so soon after the House of Commons Health and Social Care Select Committee highlighted the need for “massive improvements” in palliative care.
The Committee, which examined evidence from jurisdictions that have legalised the practice, outlined the dangers of legalising assisted suicide but failed to oppose a change in the law.
‘Protect the vulnerable’
Earlier this year, Labour MP Sir Stephen Timms challenged the notion that legalising assisted suicide should be championed by the political left.
Writing on the website LabourList, the MP for East Ham said it was inaccurate to portray the left wing as ideologically in favour of assisted suicide, as “less than a decade ago, in a free vote, fewer than one-third of Labour MPs voted in favour”.
He highlighted that “attempts to legislate for assisted suicide have failed to command majority support in the parliamentary party under both New Labour and in the Corbyn-led era”.
Sir Stephen said, “data shows that people with disabilities, the poor and those who fear being a burden to their relatives are all at risk when assisted suicide is permitted”, and the UK should instead “protect the most vulnerable, while supporting greater investment in palliative and social care”.
Scots medics oppose McArthur’s death bill
Bake Off’s Prue fears she is helping to unleash assisted suicide ‘nightmare’
Poll on assisted suicide reveals ‘stark judgements’ about vulnerable
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