Single-minded and Devoted
Jack Hibbs
Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.
James 4:8
James’ bluntness in calling believers “sinners and double-minded” might have shocked his original readers. Today, many professing Christians would certainly be offended by this, yet how true the Word of God is. The fact that he called them double-minded revealed the division of their affections. In their attempt to love God and the world, they had drifted away from Him.
In your life, as well as mine, we must be ever vigilant to guard against double-mindedness. In 2 Kings 17:33, we read a stinging criticism of God’s people, “They feared the LORD, yet served their own gods—according to the rituals of the nations from among whom they were carried away.” You cannot worship God plus something or someone else. He will not allow it.
An altar is a place to meet and worship the one true God—to worship at any other is a second altar, where a double-minded person is found. Believer, our God is jealous (Exodus 20:5). He will not share His affections with anyone who worships at an altar other than His. Those who profess Christ for appearance’s sake but have not served Him with a pure, unadulterated heart will be surprised at the end of all things.
The double-minded believer can never be close to God, but James’ call to “draw near” assures us that God welcomes all who earnestly return to their first love. What or who holds the highest place of your devotion? Now is the time to make sure that your life and words agree with one another.
Today, may you and I be known as single-minded lovers of God and devoted followers of Christ.
Awaiting His Return,
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