Pastor Stam died a number of years ago yet his words below are SPOT ON! And while there is nothing new under the sun, as Solomon wrote (Ecclesiastes 1:9). Rather than a clear divergence from rightness with God pursuing the sins of this world, as people previously did, we, in modern times now use euphemisms, labels, and every excuse under the sun calling sin everything else other than what it truly is. We have forgotten the direct path to the truth as Pastor Stam writes it for us below. We live to appease the world and other men and women rather than speak directly and truthfully with the power of the Spirit of God alive, well, and working within us, with a solid foundation in the Word of God.

Sugar-coating, denying, appeasing, living to please men rather than God – all those and the rest of the chains of death the New Age Movement and being politically correct has invoked upon our society are NOTHING BUT SIN. Since they do nothing to serve God and Christ and do everything to serve this world and its teachings, its ways, how men and women desire they are spoken to and dealt with.

Yes, we have a world filled with what we call “sickness” and it is high time we begin calling things what they really are – because in truth what we have and live in is a world filled with SIN as it turns from God, mocks God, blasphemies against God, and revile the Lord and His Word, His ways, His will.

As Pastor Stam states in his article below, “Of course the man  was sick — I imagine you and I would be sick too if we lived  as he had been living! But let’s get this straight: His sickness came from his sin, not his sin from some sickness.”

We now smother and cover every sin and abomination with the words “mental illness” or “addiction” or a host of other words used to diffuse and camouflage people from thinking about or seeing the clear truth. The wages of sin. The sinful nature of all men and women. And what truly needs to be done to address this. Not as the world disguises matters – but as the Word of God reveals to us plainly, clearly, truthfully. Without a shadow of doubt.


Sickness And Sin

by Pastor Cornelius R. Stam

One thing that really concerns this writer about modern  life, is how sin is constantly called sickness. A man commits some moral outrage and they say he is sick — they even  tell him that.

I went to see a man some time ago who had fallen into  unspeakable immorality and it had caught up with him.  For years his sanctimonious life had been a sham; now the  mask was torn off and he was in trouble — deep trouble.

I had been telling him that now his best course was to  make a clean confession — to the courts and to God. But  someone else had gotten to him first. While he stood by,  listening, this man had told his wife: “You must get Jim to  see that he’s sick and needs help. I’m not condoning what  he has done, but I’m hopeful that if he gets the proper help  he can be cured.”

What a way to evade the sin question! Of course the man  was sick — I imagine you and I would be sick too if we lived  as he had been living! But let’s get this straight: His sick- ness came from his sin, not his sin from some sickness. He  would have been far better off to sob out his heart in contrition before God for his sin than to excuse his conduct on  the grounds of illness. Rom. 5:12 says: “By one man sin  entered into the world and death by sin,” and Rom. 6:23  says:“The wages of sin is death.”

The sobering fact is that while there may be differences  in the kinds of sins we commit, or in the degrees of our sin,  Rom. 3:23 declares that there is no difference in this, that  “all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.”

This is why we are so pleased and proud to proclaim “the gospel of the grace of God,” how Christ paid the penalty for  our sins that we might have a perfect standing before a  holy God, “being justified freely by His grace, through the  redemption that is in Christ Jesus” (Rom. 3:24). “Thanks be  unto God for His unspeakable gift!” (II Cor. 9:15).