Mystery of the Expansion of the Universe Solved? Theoretical Physicist ...



Another longstanding theory of man about to bite the dust. Always seeking to explain everything and the explanations always have to be changed. Because man and woman, in their quest to deny the existence of God, to disprove the Holy Bible, come to realize that which they once held as rock solid scientific proof is nothing more than vaporous smoke. Once viewed in their house of mirrors only to dissolve in the course of time. Just as the theory of evolution has been dismantled and all but dismissed as total rubbish after over 180 years of attempting to prove that theory, that tragically is accepted and believed by far too many as proved. When it always was, is, and will be nothing more than a theory of man concocted to turn ever more folks away from God in the noise, confusion, and adopting of such theories — illusions, delusions, thus lies. Since they cannot bear the test of time.

There is a direct correlation between the demise of the theory of evolution and the noise, the reported sightings, the government now making noise and claiming extraterrestrial life forms have visited earth, because they increase in their rebellion against God and His Word and must, they must concoct some other reasons, some other beings, and just cannot believe or submit or accept the truth and reality of God, of Jesus, of the Holy Spirit, and all that is contained within the Scriptures.

With each passing day now more and more appears in so-called news reports as to the sightings, the existence of UFOs, and extraterrestrial life coming to Earth. And NASA, other space agencies of other governments, and the American government are in some conspiracy that is quickly unraveling. As I’ve written in the past the Vatis Cana believes more in UFOs and extraterrestrial life than they do in the whole inerrant infallible unchanging Word of God.

People can readily, easily believe in extraterrestrial life, of higher intelligence, visiting Earth yet they refuse to believe the Holy Bible calling it some mythological storybook! Think about that for a while.

And, as if that was not absurd and irrational enough the overwhelming majority of Americans, more than 6 out of 10, believe in higher intelligence extraterrestrial life. With over half of those polled claiming that extraterrestrial life as “friendly.”

Ahh, the strong delusion that hangs over the land and can actually be seen, heard, felt, and even smelt! I guess those that know with certainty that the fictional highly intelligent being from outer space are friendly because they were probed with consent, gently when whisked back to the mother ship? They returned unharmed and still producing good milk that Holstein they stole for a while as it was sucked up into the belly of the hovering craft? Or did these being from out there graciously accept a dinner invite and prove to be perfectly manner higher intelligence beings? Just curious about how it was determined after believing in such beings that they are, of course, friendly. These might be the same individuals who at age 40 collect figurines of unicorns and still believe in Santa Claus…

How is it that the same percentage of Americans regularly polled believe in God, are claiming to be Christian, yet also believe in higher intelligence extraterrestrial life that has visited Earth, and most of them say those aliens are “friendly?” I guess those aliens that have come to Earth all got jobs as WalMart greeters?

So many place faith in man, in woman, in the discoveries that for a time appear to solve a riddle. Wasted time, vanity, foolishness, as the time invested in such endeavors [and this is not spending time to cure a deadly disease, improve the safety and quality of life for a people]. Let’s see, we all evolved from the result of this big bang in which something, a lot of something appeared in a vacuum of absolute nothing if following the line of irrational, illogical, unsound reasoning put forward by the majority and by science [and by the way, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are the Master Scientists, for were it not for Their Creation and all the properties known and unknown man and woman would not be able to begin dissecting the parts of Creation and calling it their own, putting various named disciples upon their course of study] so, there was this BIG BANG! of so much matter that just appeared in nothingness, and all those rocks and that matter had living bacteria on it — surviving the vacuum and radiation of space — to eventually form a perfect world just the right amount away from the sun and we arrived from that to where we now are. Right. And that has more holes in it than an amateur in Antarctica thinking they are going to become a Swiss cheese maker.

So, the theory of evolution is being slowly pushed aside. To adopt the belief in extraterrestrial life forms coming to Earth! And another illusion, the delusion of man bites the dust, has his theory of an ever-expanding universe is proving to not be proved and evidence to the contrary is now coming to light.

Imagine that.

When will lost men and women learn to come to the proof of God, the evidence of God, and all that is contained within the Word of God and stop in the pursuit of such vanities and foolishness as they do — imagining they are going to colonize the moon, or Mars, or find an earth-like exo-planet to inhabit? That lies only 50,000,000 light-years away?

While refusing to open a Bible. Pray for spiritual guidance and wisdom. And discover wonders and things beyond the realm of finite man and into the realm of God? Which leads to eternal life, something no exo-planet, no other planet or place, no extraterrestrial being can offer or provide?

This ongoing divisiveness and war between science and God, science and Christianity is total blindness and foolishness. Science and all its wonders could not exist were it not for God.

And evolution is a grand delusion and lie. There is adaption, which is quite different than the theory of evolution. Just because a man travels to some island and notes the existence of many birds, resembling each other, with subtle differences, does not mean they evolved, but rather were either directly created by God as they appeared to him, or they adapted to their environment.

Expand one’s heart and mind towards God, towards Jesus, towards the Holy Spirit, and towards the Holy Bible to then hopefully, in faith and obedience attain the regeneration and transformation of heart and mind, a renewing only the Holy Spirit can bring about within an individual heart, mind and life — to live a life then ever expanding towards the eternity of heaven.

For everything here, everything is going to disappear. Be forever forgotten. Every pursuit of man, every so-called theory, illusion, delusion, law and lie.

Only the individual spirit, the individual soul, only God, only Jesus, only the Holy Spirt, only the Holy Bible are eternal, and only those who come to hear, to see, to then know and believe, who confess their sin, repent, submit and obey the Lord will enter into the reward, the assured hope and treasure that is eternal life.

Expanding universe? Theories of man?

Let us expand our spirits, our souls, our hearts, and minds towards God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Word of God instead, shall we?

Is Genesis History? VIDEO

Genesis 1-11: The Creation Model Versus Modern Pagan and Pantheist Models

Americans Say They Wished They Used the Bible More. So Why Don’t They?

The Serpent of Genesis 3

Ken Pullen,  A CROOKED PATH, Wednesday, June 28th, 2023


Scientist Says Universe Expansion May Be an Illusion


Wednesday, June 28, 2023

By Noor Al-Sibai

Reprinted from Futurism


Expansion Mirage

Anew theoretical physics study suggests that the expansion of the universe may be an illusion — a controversial new mathematical model that could shed light on the nature of dark matter.

In an interview with Live Science about the study, which was published earlier this month in the journal Classical and Quantum Gravity, University of Geneva theoretical physicist and author Lucas Lombriser said his new hypothesis takes a fresh look at the long-established theory surrounding the accelerating expansion of the universe.

“In this work,” Lombriser told Live Science via email, “we put on a new pair of glasses to look at the cosmos and its unsolved puzzles by performing a mathematical transformation of the physical laws that govern it.”

“I was surprised that the cosmological constant problem simply seems to disappear in this new perspective on the cosmos,” Lombriser told Live Science.

Redshift, Green Light

Longstanding hypotheses suggest that redshift — the stretching of light wavelengths toward the redder end of the color spectrum as an object moves away from the viewer — is an indicator of an expanding universe because further-off galaxies have higher redshift than those closer to us.

More recently, astrophysicists have hypothesized that the rate of universal expansion is accelerating — a process that’s denoted as the cosmological constant or lambda.

Lambda, as Live Science notes, has been a problematic concept since Albert Einstein described it more than 100 years ago because observations don’t match up with astrophysicists’ predictions, leading them to propose new particles or forces to explain the discrepancy.

Theoretically Speaking

Lombriser, however, suggests that Einstein may have been right the first time before coming up with the cosmological constant when he argued that the universe is flat and static.

The astrophysicist suggests that particles are the ones changing in mass, accounting for the difference in redshift — and not the expansion of the universe.

When it comes to explaining dark matter, which is believed to make up 80 percent of the mass of the universe, but can’t be observed directly, Lombriser’s study suggests that the strange material could work like an axion field, a hypothetical particle that’s considered one of the top contenders for dark matter’s identity.

Fluctuations in this field could even mean “there is, in principle, no need for dark energy,” as Lombriser told Live Science, referring to the mysterious force that drives galaxies apart at an accelerating rate.

The theory may seem somewhat outlandish given how well-established the expanding universe theory is, but seeing how much trouble the cosmological constant has caused, it’s probably worth considering.