Mike and Kitty Burke


Put all discrimination held towards a denomination not your own aside, and that discrimination exists, and objectively consider and weigh what is really going on in America, and in Western nations.

A total breakdown of all established for millennia institutions, beliefs, and practices. Founded upon the moral principles and practices embraced by civilized societies, becoming nations, all predicated on principles and practices found in the whole Holy Bible. Whether folks want to acknowledge this fact or not. All morals and civilized social structure emanates from God and an individuals, and thus a community of peoples awareness of this truth whether they know the Bible, read the Bible, or even consider themselves a Christian. It all began, such awareness, in the Garden of Eden. Grew with God’s people, the Israelites, and the Jewish nation, to grow further in the advent of the Lord Jesus Christ and the beginning of Christianity.

Were it not for Christianity and Christians America would never have been discovered and colonized. For the people would have remained barbaric, totally pagan, and without a moral compass. As in the days of Noah.

Which is the era those outside the true Christian and Jewish faiths desire things to be again.

And they will get their desire, as they are given over by God to their totally wicked, unrighteous, and evil minds. But be careful what you wish for — because a lot happens as a result [See Daniel, Joel, Ezekiel, and Revelation, as well as Matthew 24 and other places within the Word of God to learn of the past, present, and future history our sin and disobedience bring about].

There is a war on. A blistering, raging, open, and visible warfare directed at anyone professing and upholding true Biblical beliefs. A raging war against anyone and everyone who professes to be Christian, no matter the denomination or if non-denominational. Doesn’t matter. Remain steadfast in Christian faith, in Biblical doctrine, and face hostility, rage, hatred, and the openly evil vengeance within the dead hearts that hate God, hate Jesus, hate the Holy Bible, and hate Christians and Christianity.

The world’s #1 enemy topping the charts is, and are,  true Christianity and those true Christians upholding the Word of God faithfully, steadfastly, and unwavering in the face of such hostility, hatred and persecution.

The states, our government agencies, and our national government structure no longer abide by our foundations, our laws, and our Constitution. We can discern clearly their hatred of our foundations which were built upon faithfulness in the One True God, in Jesus Christ, in the Christian faith, and in the Holy Bible. The evil that now dominates and prevails cannot tolerate this any longer and anyone even casually looking, casually hearing cannot deny this truth.

I did not edit the ridiculous acronym used universally, including by those professing to be Christian, to show just how asinine, ridiculous, and lost anyone using such rather than the words necessary really are. Think about it. What modern, literate, even moderately educated person would talk in such a ridiculous manner? It becomes jibberish, and farcical, revealing ignorance, fear, and sin within. Yes, there is sin involved. Lazy, reckless, perverse speech rather than accuracy and speaking and writing the truth. Stop using the excuse, “Well, that’s what everyone knows these things by” — as I have had a pastor and an elder tell me. Not pausing for an instant to consider what they were saying, what they believe, and how they appear no different from anyone in the world that is lost, lazy in language and carried away obliging the evil that is the source of such things.

Consider why that is, and why you do not want to appear different from the world if obliging and accommodating sin and evil.

Such is nothing less than further erosion and deconstruction of language all orchestrated and brought about not by anyone of true Christian faith — no, all of this corruption of language, which almost all professed Christians go along with, complicit, appearing no different than anyone in the world, has been born from the lying heart and tongue of the true Enemy, the Adversary, and all his ministers and minions.

Tragically, lazy, fearful people adopt, accept, approve, and accommodate this perversion and erosion of language.

Where is the light of the world? Where is the salt of the earth?  Where are the separate and peculiar people of God who are distinguished from the world while living in this lost, fallen world?

Persecution against Christians is happening in America. Right now. And the persecution of Christians is only going to intensify, increase, and influence the unbelieving population that such persecution is justified and required. Don’t believe this? Read your Bible. And pray the Good Lord blesses you with life and spiritual discernment, and strong faith to endure such when such intensified persecution does come.

Refusing Christians to adopt, while eagerly granting the sexually deviant, immoral, and perverted to adopt is a clear sign of the times. Clearly more than mere hypocrisy. It is blatant, open hostility towards anyone steadfast in the Christian faith. It is open warfare on true Christians. It is Christian persecution. Which will only increase in America as time passes.

Read on…

Ken Pullen, A CROOKED PATH, Tuesday, August 15th, 2023


Roman Catholic couple in the U.S. rejected for fostering on grounds of religious beliefs


15 August 2023

Reprinted from The Christian Institute [in the U.K.]


Beliefs in traditional marriage and the reality of biological sex have led to a Roman Catholic couple in America being rejected as suitable foster parents.

Mike and Kitty Burke’s application to foster was denied by the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families (DCF) because they “would not be affirming to a child who identified as LGBTQIA”.

The Burkes have now launched legal action against the state of Massachusetts on the grounds of religious discrimination.

Religious beliefs

According to court papers, during the application process the Burkes shared their beliefs “that marriage is between a woman and a man and that sexual relations are to be kept within the bounds of such a marriage”.

They also told the assessor representing the DCF, who interviewed them in their own home, that due to their “religious beliefs, they would not assist a medical gender transition for a hypothetical future child”.

In a report of the interviews, the assessor expressed concern about the Burkes’ beliefs on gender and sex and believed that neither they, nor “their faith”, would be “supportive of LGBTQIA+ youth”.

Their application was subsequently rejected by the DCF, “based on the couple’s statements/responses regarding placement of children who identified LGBTQIA”.


Religious liberty specialists Becket Law, the firm representing the Burkes, said: “Massachusetts cannot exclude religious couples like the Burkes from fostering because they are religious, nor can they punish qualified families for their deeply held religious beliefs.”

It explained: “Federal law protects the ability of religious people and organizations to foster children in need without having to forfeit their beliefs.

“Because Massachusetts was unwilling to uphold law including in its own Foster Parent Bill of Rights—Becket is going to court to enforce them.”

Mike and Kitty are said to be “absolutely devastated” not to be allowed to “welcome children in need” into their home.

Also see:

Red Kite flying with wings spread

Congress members back Finnish Christian MP on trial for Bible tweet ‘hate crime’

Legal win for Christian governor axed for challenging school’s sex ed policy

Christian web designer wins U.S. Supreme Court ruling against compelled speech

Arkansas Governor signs Bill upholding religious freedom

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