

Revenir, Shuwb, Longing for Return
Ken Pullen – copyright 2010
Revenir return O Lord
Shuwb return O Lord
Longing for return
I seek Him
while within my heart of hearts
my spirit yearns
to return to Israel
a land in which I’ve never been
Revenir our Messiah Yeshua!
 the name for every nation
with faith to believe
the love and mercy of our Lord shall never leave
of your Spirit Lord I pray I never grieve
I, Gentile by birth
now more Jew
by rebirth
in heart, spirit, and soul
I long to go
to live the remainder of my days in Israel
waiting on Yeshua’s revenir!
Shuwb Yeshua!
Return my Lord!
My faith lies in thee
in my heart believing alive I’ll be
to witness thy return
while standing, living upon the land
feeling, tasting, inhaling
Longing for return
O Lord
I pray thy will be revealed
my hope I will be standing
with love hand in hand upon
that hill
in Israel
in the flesh
with grown spirit of wisdom from thee
on a hill
in Israel!
I wait on thee Yeshua
revenir, shuwb, O return me
to the land I’ve never been
return Yeshua
to claim and judge this world of sin