George Clooney’s wife: ‘I’m behind ICC warrants’

Want to know what two of the faces of evil look like? Well, here you go. Mr. and Mrs. Two-Faces of Evil themselves, George and Amal Clooney.



Either after reading the article below, or before doing so, take a few moments to open and read;

Israel – The Most Moral Army in the World

Try a Little Honesty About Israel 

When those possessed of the spirit of antichrist, brought up in faiths having nothing to do with the God of the Holy Bible, denying the Lord Jesus Christ, in truth serving the Serpent who has seduced them with his cunning, his lies — these are then lead and working for demonic powers. The spirit of antichrist is in them. Even if they refute this and proclaim they are humanitarian, good people, working for good. They are deluded. They replace good with evil, the sweet with bitterness. This is evidenced by their words, and by the fruit they bear. Deeds. Works.

They do not know what good is. What right is. They are blinded as they stumble about in utter darkness claiming they are so enlightened and people need to fall in lockstep with their deluded and lost thinking.

The IDF, Israel, and every Israeli prime minister are the least murderous of any and every army, nation, or leaders on earth.

The hatred of Jews and Israel needs to be seen for what it is. Who is stoking the flames of hatred and bitterness, lies pertaining to Benjamin Netanyahu, the IDF, and Israel.

Isn’t it incredible that Amal and George Clooney, in their righteous indignation and such strong beliefs about crimes against humanity, starving people, and murdering people have not made any effort to bring an arrest warrant before the International Criminal Court [can you spell and say, “farce, always a farce and having nothing to do with justice”?] for Yahya Sinwar or Ismail Haniyeh? Or for that matter Antony Blinken and Joesph Robinette Biden, Jr. as they made it financially possible, as well as politically possible for Hamas, financed and directed by Iran, to carry out the brutal beyond most people’s comprehension of murderous raping, beheading, burning alive, having sexual relations with beheaded and dead Israeli women. Placing living babies in ovens and murdering them. Murdering the children of women in front of the bound women, murdering and raping the mothers of children making their children watch. And Netanyahu and Israel are the monsters? Israel needs to submit to the lies and demands of this evil and the evil people of the world.

This is what members of the Islamist terrorist organization that invaded and attacked Israelis and Americans on Israel’s land on October 7th, 2023 did. And the political party leading Gaza, Hamas, with over 70% approval of the Gazan people are the victims? — Why haven’t Amal, George, and their colleagues, all utterly lost ministers of Satan, seeking arrest warrants for the above-mentioned if they are so moral, so ethical, such good and deeply caring and compassionate people?

Why only the venom and attempt to arrest were directed at some Jews in Israel?


Read on.

Oh, and planning on paying, spending any of your time watching George Clooney films, wasting your precious time given in such endeavors? Or finally, becoming objective and vocal about who these people are? Idols to many. Idols to fools and the deluded.

Make no mistake — if Amal wasn’t married to George and his money, his high profile, his political ideologies, his demonic possession she would not be in a position to do what she did. George is in it up to his dead eyeballs revealing an evil soul behind them. Do not be deceived. Seduced. Taken in. Too many have since the first appearance of the Serpent in the Garden. And that Old Dragon has never shut up for a moment spreading his lies and deceptions to billions. Do not be among them.

How loud does the alarm clock need to ring for people to wake up?

Ken Pullen, Wednesday, May 22nd, 2024



Revealed: Who’s Behind Arrest Warrant for Netanyahu: George Clooney’s wife: “I’m behind ICC warrants”


Amal Clooney says she and colleagues found that Netanyahu may be guilty of “crimes against humanity,” including murder and starvation.


May 21, 2024

By World Israel News Staff

Reprinted from World Israel News


Amal Clooney, the wife of Hollywood A-Lister George Clooney, took credit for the impending International Criminal Court (ICC) warrants targeting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, and several Hamas leaders.

Clooney, who was a human rights attorney before marrying the movie star, posted on the Clooney Foundation for Justice website that the ICC had approached her, along with several other prominent lawyers, to serve on an advisory panel regarding filing charges against the Israeli government and Hamas terrorists.

Along with her colleagues, “we unanimously conclude that there are reasonable grounds to believe that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant have committed war crimes and crimes against humanity including starvation as a method of warfare, murder, persecution and extermination,” she wrote.

Notably, Clooney did not provide any evidence for that claim, nor did she elaborate upon her reasoning for that conclusion.

“I support the historic step that the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court has taken to bring justice to victims of atrocities in Israel and Palestine,” Clooney added, equating the October 7th terror onslaught with civilian casualties in the ongoing fighting between Israel and Hamas.

She also announced that the panel of legal experts had “determined that the Court has jurisdiction over crimes committed in Palestine,” despite the fact that Israel is not party to the court.

The ICC’s non-jurisdiction over Israel has been confirmed by the U.S., which also is not a member of the ICC.

Clooney, née Alamuddin, was born in Beirut, Lebanon to a Druze father and Sunni Muslim mother.

Her family immigrated to the U.K. when she was two years old, and she was raised and educated in London.