Artist and illustrator, Sergio Aragones Domenech
Quotes From Individuals Elected to Hold Office In America
Wednesday, January 31st, 2024
by Ken Pullen
The following illustrations were sent to me by a lifelong friend of mine.
The artwork is from Sergio Aragones Domenech, who was an illustrator at Mad Magazine for many, many years…
The quotes are the real words spoken by the individual in the illustration…
We the people get the government, the nation we deserve since these are the people we have either chosen to elect into office at one time, or they have been reelected and remain in office. I realize you may not have voted for them, I did not vote for them, but this is the REAL state of our lost, dysfunctional, and decaying union.
We have a government chock full of idiots who don’t even have basic civics knowledge, are self-serving all the time, and have lied so much their entire lives that they no longer know what truth is.
Keep voting America, you’ve done a bang-up job of things thus far, and it’s getting better and better all the time as every president declares in every State of the Union message, isn’t it?
We have quite the brain trust in place in America, do we not?
Enjoy the following…and keep voting these buffoons, miscreants, idiots, liars, and corrupt individuals into office because they have really made sure our nation adheres to our foundations and they are truly serving the people, right?
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