Woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees, and that write grievousness which they have prescribed;

Isaiah 10:1 — King James Version

Woe to those enacting crooked statutes and writing oppressive laws

Isaiah 10:1 — Christian Standard Bible

How horrible it will be for those who make unjust laws and who make oppressive regulations.

Isaiah 10:1 — GOD’S Word Translation

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Isaiah 5:20 — King James Version


Better, oh, so much better than anything I or anyone could write or say. God’s Word is clear. Understood. True. Unchangeable. Exact. Pure. And to be taken to heart. To be known and lived. And at this point, this pandemic is all about control. Power and keeping it. Keeping people in fear. Continuing “the experiment” and “seeing it to its next phase.”

Things, life on earth is not going to improve. It’s only going to grow worse. Much worse. Because evil grows in the hearts and minds of men and women. They turn from God. From God’s ways, God’s Word, God’s Son, Jesus Christ, God’s Holy Spirit.

We are living in Biblical times. The end times. The last of the last days.

Evil has grown due in large part to the absence, the passivity, the laxness, the worldliness, the not seeing any difference in professed people of the world and those who call themselves “Christian,” but then when only 6% of those calling themselves Christian from about the 70% in America who do possess and carry daily with them a Biblical worldview.

Evil grows and increases and consumes because the so-called people of God had been absent. Lost. Turning to false teachers, unsound doctrines, idol worship, and worldliness rather than living as true disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ and true children of God. They have joined the children of the world, the children of disobedience. Loving the world more than God, more than the Word, more than Jesus.

And as a result? We now have the nation, the people, the place, the present we do. And unless there is a TRUE massive repentance and turning back to God? Back to God’s Word? A true REVIVAL? These present days are going to be looked upon, longed for, as “the good old days” things are going to grow so bleak, so painful, so awful.

Don’t believe this?

Tell you what. Go get a Bible and finally open it up. After praying to God for discernment, for spiritual wisdom, for spiritual knowledge from His inerrant infallible living and active Word. And learn. Discover. Have revealed for you. And then? How about finally living it? Doing something other than what we have been doing all these past years coasting? In neutral? Lukewarm? Lax? Living falsely? Which we have.

The starting point? Being ruthlessly objective honest and truthful with oneself. And then with God. Because if anyone imagines they can go to God lying? Pretending? Artificial? Insincere? Unrepentant? Not humbled and truthful?

That person is an utter fool!

Time for a REAL change of heart, mind, and living our daily lives brothers, sisters, friends, dear ones. And to any here now that don’t believe? Time to go off somewhere quiet. Private. With a Bible. A prayerful heart. And go to God. Speak to God. And then listen…listen within your spirit, soul, and heart…believing.

I was once in utter darkness. Consumed of the world. A child of disobedience, a child of Satan’s, this world’s and not of God’s people. I once ignored. Lived for self and pleasure and worldly gain and pursuits.

Real transformation and regeneration happen. It is real. It is going from death to life. From the darkness into the Light.

Seek and you will find. Knock and it will be opened. Ask and it will be answered. Believe and go from death and darkness to life and light.

Because it’s only going to get worse here on earth. A whole lot worse…

And heaven, hell, God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the words within the Word of God, Satan, evil? They are all very, very, very real. The spiritual realm IS REALITY — this we imagine is reality is but a passing thing, A temporary thing. The flesh, this earth as we know it. The things on and of this earth. All passing away.

But the spirit? The spiritual? Those are ETERNAL matters, ETERNAL things, and thus the REAL REALITY!

Think on that for a good bit today…and tomorrow…and the next…


Ken Pullen

Wednesday, August 4th, 2021

ACP — A Crooked Path


Pursuing perpetual power by means of a permanent pandemic


August 2, 2021

By Pete Riehm

Reprinted from Renew America


Former Obama White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel once infamously quipped, “Never let a crisis go to waste.” A corollary to that liberal proverb also cherished by Democrats is “Never let go of a crisis.” After decades of doomsday declarations that have not materialized, Democrats are still screaming climate change will destroy the planet in just a few short years. Despite living in the most racially diverse nation on earth, with the most widely distributed prosperity and institutional equality under the law, Democrats are constantly scolding us that systemic racism requires us to dismantle capitalism and our Constitutional Republic before our society’s imminent collapse from bigotry. But now Democrats may have found the ultimate crisis—one that potentially affects every American, so it’s hard to ignore when it’s in your face non-stop.

Americans haven’t noticed any historical aberrations in catastrophic weather events or seen any cities reclaimed by rising sea levels, so they don’t pay much attention to all the climate change nonsense, much less monitor the polar ice caps. The vast majority of Americans aren’t racist and don’t know any racists, so all the BLM burning and looting is just aggravating and perplexing. However, the Chinese virus pandemic has forced almost every American to wear a mask during the last year and a half—and a majority of Americans have at some point been locked down and many still can’t send their children to school. So nearly every American has been affected by the Chinese virus, and therefore been forced to consider it and make choices.

Over the past half century, leftists have incrementally made business and life more difficult for Americans with absurd policies and onerous regulations, but they have always failed to get the average American to embrace their radical socialist dogma. But who can oppose public health? Democrats swear there is a distinct danger to you and your family that, left unchecked, could result in millions of unnecessary deaths, so it’s simply prudent and really your patriotic duty to rally behind the government edicts to save your family and community. Sure, some of the measures are drastic, but the government is only doing this for your own good. And you only have to give up some rights temporarily; the government will certainly restore your rights in due time.

Just as the Patriot Act undermined our privacy rights to protect us from terrorists, those rights were forever lost, and so too will your individual rights to decide your own healthcare be lost. Unless stopped now, the pandemic will NEVER end. It’s too delicious for leftists to just relinquish such awesome, pervasive, pernicious power. Democrats are drunk with power. They can tell you what to wear, where you can go, and even what you can say. Don’t question their pandemic prescriptions or you will be censored or cancelled. And most disturbing, they are trying to mandate what treatments are available and force vaccinations on us all. How is this different from Communist China?!

Preying on people’s fear of death and disease, this scheme is particularly sinister because it targets your most personal individual right, your health. The incessant pandemic hyperbole is getting into the American psyche; Americans wonder if they even have a choice.

It’s all an enormous psychological operation to scare Americans into ceding their rights and submitting to government control. Remember back in February and early March 2020, Dr. Fauci said healthy folks didn’t need masks; we only need be cautious while the virus runs its course. Then we needed social distancing and maybe masks. Then we only needed 15 days of lock down to slow the surge so as not to overwhelm the hospitals, but in some states that turned into more than 15 months. Then we just needed to test everyone to know who to quarantine, but then we needed to wait for the vaccine. We got the vaccine and about half of Americans are now vaccinated, but that’s not good enough, we’re told. Leftists want EVERYONE vaccinated including YOUR CHILDREN! WHY?!

The goal posts keep moving and are still moving! Despite all the draconian measures forced on the American people, the pandemic reached its climax this past winter. It appears it was only after the vaccine became available that the pandemic ebbed, so arguably with the most vulnerable vaccinated, the vaccines seem to have have worked. Red states are open and not suffering, but blue states are still largely locked down and still suffering. Science is based on observation, so why are we not following the states returning to health and normality? Because it’s not about public health—but rather public control.

The Chinese virus is certainly real and dangerous to those with comorbidities, but how much worse is it than a bad flu season? The pandemic was demonstrably under control this spring, but then we had the dreaded “Delta” variant and the fearmongering increased. Oddly, COVID tests do not distinguish what variant you have—so how convenient that they can keep rolling out variants to maintain this pandemic permanently. And more oddly, the flu this past year was almost eradicated, but that was not newsworthy. COVID-19 is more hazardous than the flu, but that is largely because it’s new without established treatments. We have learned a lot the past 18 months. There is a recent surge in infections, but hospitalizations are only up marginally and deaths are still relatively flat. So why the renewed panic?

The short answer is that Democrats need to maintain fear and consolidate control. The same way the government colludes with Big Tech and social media to censor free speech, they are looking to Big Business to enforce vaccination mandates. Many large corporations are already requiring employees get vaccinated, and Democrats are pressuring more to require vaccinations to travel and maybe even shop. The concept is eventually we will have de facto vaccination passports enforced by Big Business, but government will be the beneficiary because they will have to step in with some universal system to ensure access by all. And that’s how we will lose our right to privacy regarding our health. The government will have to know your most personal information and thereby control what you can and cannot do.

Comply or you will be ostracized from participating in normal activities like schooling, shopping, and travel. And that’s how government establishes ultimate control of its citizens. Welcome to the Socialist States of America.

“Woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees, and that write grievousness which they have prescribed” (Isaiah 10:1).

Pete Riehm is the host of Common Sense Radio heard 8 pm every Thursday on FMTalk106.5 or streaming at fmtalk1065.com. Email him at peteriehm@bellsouth.net or on MEWE @PeteRiehm or read all his columns at http://www.renewamerica.com/.kraien