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Don’t let the aerial photo of Portland, Oregon on the Home Page deceive you. Portland, Oregon, once rated the top city in America to live for quality of life has become a seething cesspool of drug addiction, anarchy, fascism disguised as anti-fascism [isn’t that just the way it’s always done?], crime, homeless people taking over entire sections, streets, and sidewalks of the city, and a totally lost out to lunch [ consisting of a glass of wheatgrass juice, getting on a yoga mat and humming “ommmmm” a lot while eating a few bites of a tofu burger] for years now.

This really escalated within the past few years.

I know what Portland once was. When I graduated from the New England Culinary Institute in Vermont my wife and I moved from our home in the Midwest to Portland, Oregon. We lived there just shy of two years.

Physically, Oregon is one of the most beautiful places in America. Amazingly beautiful.

These were the years from 1992 to 1994.

We moved from Portland because except for one normal person, one friend, and his family who were very gracious to us, we concluded it wasn’t a place for us due to the people who inhabited the place. At least in Portland. Saturated in New Age doctrines and practices — paganism, occultists — zero morals, totally lost, and difficult to have a normal conversation with someone.

It goes beyond liberalism or liberal politics as almost everyone categorizes these things. No, it goes to the root of sin. At enmity with God. Signs of already being given over by God to their wicked, reprobate minds.

And that was 28 years ago. The continued erosion, rotting away, rebellion and wickedness have only increased greater than compound interest in good economic times.

It is tragic.

But folks, THIS is America now. In many more, so many more places than Portland, Oregon, or our coastal states and cities.

I don’t know if you recall or not, but I posted the information here on ACP and wrote about it, in 2020 Oregon decriminalized ALL DRUGS. Heroin, LSD, cocaine, ALL DRUGS in Oregon have been made legal.

Anything goes.

They believed this was a good idea.

These are so-called adults leading in the state, and so-called adults having the right to vote. And they are conceiving and giving birth to children — and raising them in such a place as this.

Tell me how great we are? How we’re the greatest nation ever? How things are going to get better if only the politician YOU support gets elected if only more people from your church paint some signs and march down a city street. If only those awful liberals would get voted out of office!

Have you read the Bible?

Are you aware of man’s fall and sin increasing ever since? And what had to occur in world history for any person to have the opportunity of salvation and not just be condemned to the pit of hell for our sin?

No, this is far more than a ballot measure, who is in office, and whether a person aligns themselves with a certain political party.

Parents and parenting almost universally in America have been devoid of true, sound parenting. Permissiveness does not only belong to one political party. Worldly philosophies and teachings do not only belong to one political party.

Wake up! Shake the scales from your eyes, remove the virtual reality blinders and see and hear and smell what is REALLY going on.

Depressing? No, not at all if you’re a true believer and know and discern well and wisely the Word of God.

Tragic? Sad? Sure, but not depressing. Not being pessimistic if declaring the true state of affairs in this lost nation.

How did it get to this point?

Well, almost everyone, very few paying any attention, almost everyone doing whatever they pleased, seeking their own pleasures and ways, a massive turning from God and the Bible, and even the so-called conservatives being a lot more lax, liberal, and lost in worldly ways than they will admit or acknowledge. The professed Christians not living a truly changed by the Spirit and their faith life according to the Word of God. Most adopting a modern times viewpoint thinking they could adapt the eternal and unchangeable Word of God to suit them according to their feelings and personal beliefs rather than they submitting to and believing and living God’s beliefs and clear instructions to us.

Only 6% of the American people possess a Biblical worldview.

Do the math.

Stop lying and deceiving yourself about what the causes of our ills are and finally wake up and actually go to the root cause. And if you aren’t one of the 6% possessing a Biblical worldview? And you still contend that you’re a Christian?

How can you do so if your foundation is the world rather than the Word and the Lord Jesus Christ?

Christ alone. Not some of Christ but mostly the world.

And don’t come back at me telling me what you do, how dare I write this, who do I think I am, and so on.

You have to contend with God. Just as I do. So tell it to God and see if he’ll accept any excuses or lies or deception.

It doesn’t matter what I may think about you. All that matters is what God knows about you and how are you truly living, what do you truly believe?

I do know one thing. I am a little piece of dust, nothing much save for the grace, mercy, love, and forgiveness of the Lord, but I am a wee little piece of renewed of mind and spirit dust within that 6%. Not of my doing — but by the Lord saving me, working in me and I finally stopped being darkness, in darkness, selfish, and lost and heard Him and turned from the world and turned to Him. I look at everything in this life through the mirror, the glass, the lens of God’s Word.

And you know what? Everything really is either evil or righteous. It all really is clear, black and white. There are no little white lies. Not to God. There are no excuses that will carry any weight. Not to God. It’s clear within God’s Word what He expects of us.

Read it. Study it. Pray about it. Read it again and again daily, nightly. Hold it in your heart. Believe it and live it.

Not concerned with what the world thinks of you. Be concerned with being a light unto the world as we’re instructed and that light is not us, or anything to do with us other than our faith, our obedience, and our walk in the Lord — that light IS God the Father in us shining outward, to be seen by others, and not so they give us praise — but so they recognize the Father and give Him the glory!

And I wouldn’t suggest contacting a travel agent and asking to set up a summer vacation in Portland, Oregon unless you want a really strong dose of reality in a once wonderful American city now in rapid decline and the depths of depravity and sin circa 2022. And if you don’t heed the advice? And you just must visit Portland, Oregon this summer? Don’t wear flip-flops or sandals because the inordinate number of used syringes all over the streets and sidewalks of Portland might make your trip become a nightmare…

Try Portland, Maine instead.

Ken Pullen, A CROOKED PATH, Thursday, June 16th, 2022


Portland, Oregon’s drug decriminalization effort is a “tragedy”


June 15, 2022

By Dan Springer

Reprinted from FOX News


The streets of downtown Portland, Oregon, resemble an open-air drug market.

Heroin, meth and fentanyl use is rampant and often visible on city streets. Portland police officers drive by homeless addicts buying and using.

The signs of drug addiction are actually increasing throughout the state, according to law enforcement sources. Oregon ranks second-highest among U.S. states for substance abuse with nearly one in five adults addicted.

In November 2020, voters overwhelmingly passed Measure 110. The Drug Addiction Treatment and Recovery Act secured 58% of the votes and decriminalized possession of small amounts of hard drugs such as heroin, meth, cocaine and fentanyl.

The new law made possession of those substances no more than a Class E violation, the equivalent of a traffic ticket punishable by a maximum $100 fine. But the fine is dismissed when someone who is fined calls a help hotline, Lines for Life, and completes a health assessment. The idea is to connect drug abusers with services and treatment instead of putting them behind bars.

Sixteen months into this first-in-the-nation experiment, the numbers paint a bleak picture. Drug overdose deaths hit an all-time high in 2021 with 1069, a 41% increase from 2020. And very few people are getting into treatment. According to The Lund Report, after one year, just 136 people had entered treatment, less than 1% of those helped by Measure 110. But the actual number may be even lower.

David Murray is a senior fellow in the Hudson Institute who advised drug czars in two different presidential administrations.

“It is predictable, was predicted and now, unfortunately, is coming to pass in front of our eyes,” said Murray, “It is a tragedy and a self-inflicted wound.”

The Oregon Judicial Department reports that, through the end of May, police throughout the state had written 2,576 tickets for drug possession since Measure 110 was enacted. Seventy-five percent of the tickets resulted in convictions, the vast majority because the offender never showed up in court.

Dwight Holton, CEO of Lines for Life, tells Fox News only 116 people have called the help hotline. Sixty-six of those callers just wanted verification of the assessment, so they could void the ticket, Holton said. Twenty-six, he says, were already in services of some kind and didn’t want any more.

“About 20% — 24 people — were not previously involved in (addiction) services and wanted resources, so we connected them to relevant services,” Holton says.

Mike Marshall, co-founder and director of Oregon Recovers, is not surprised by the dismal treatment numbers following implementation of Measure 110.

“It was never designed to reduce our addiction rates, so it was never designed to deal with our addiction crisis,” Marshall says, “It was always meant to deal with the war on drugs.”

Oregon’s war on drugs may be over, but other crimes are on the rise and keeping police busy.

“What we’re absolutely seeing is that as drug possession has been decriminalized, property crimes have increased and so has violent crime,” said District Attorney Kevin Barnett of Washington County, Oregon. Police in rural parts of Oregon also tell Fox News they are seeing more theft as people steal to feed their addiction.

Portland, the state’s largest city, set an all-time record with 90 murders in 2021. Police in Multnomah County link these to Measure 110, saying there’s been a rise in homicides tied to drug turf wars between gangs.

Tera Hurst, executive director of the Health Justice Recovery Alliance, which is working to implement Measure 110, says the criticism is premature. Only 10% of $300 million in available Measure 110 funds has been allocated to date.

The money is coming from cannabis tax revenue, making it ineligible to be used for treatment, which is primarily covered by Medicaid. What Measure 110 is funding is recovery and harm reduction services.

The first $30 million in grants went to needle exchange programs, peer-to-peer counseling, support housing and even Narcan, which is used to revive people who overdose on heroin.

“I don’t think it’s just about getting folks into treatment,” says Hurst. “It’s also about meeting people and getting people out into the streets doing outreach for folks and getting them life-saving drugs. You can’t save somebody if they overdose and die.”

The Oregon Health Authority, which overseas Measure 110, also defends the lack of people in treatment.

“People enter treatment when they are ready to,” said OHA spokesman Timothy Heider, “The support being built to help people will meet them where they are.”

Link to video I cannot copy and paste or insert


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