Why Obama Will Lose… Maybe – Science, POLITICS, & Religion


People get ready…

Are you among the “I want to believe,” or “I already do believe crowd?” 



Tuesday, June 13th, 2023

by Ken Pullen



Let me be clear right now. I do not believe in aliens from other worlds coming to Earth. Not keen about all of the increasing noise taking place on this topic. I will let you know what I think is going on and why.

Need a sign? From spending any amount of time online for what the growing buzz is about even a mildly investigative person, someone not looking deeply will find article upon article, news story after news story about extraterrestrial life, aliens visiting earth, and UFO sighting after UFO sighting.

This is all about the overture building to the aria. The main event.

But first…

For a hypothesis, a proposed explanation for a phenomenon,  an assumption or concession made for the sake of argument, to be a scientific hypothesis it must be able to be tested. With valid results from the experiment. Repeatable. No longer just a theory or idea that popped into the mind of an individual.

In the 164 years since Charles Darwin told the world about the origin of species and he and the world adopted, accommodated, and approved of the THEORY of evolution, which was not proved in 1859 nor since it still remains a THEORY, what Darwin witnessed and any keen observer does is the adaptation of a species or species.

In the resulting 164 years since an individual set the world abuzz and aflutter adopting and approving of one man’s notion that has never passed the test, never been proved multiple disciplines in science, with the resulting advancements in technology, research and testing have revealed more and more holes and errors in Darwin’s THEORY. The indoctrination of evolution to lead people away from God, from Christ, from the Bible has faltered and failed since it cannot be proved and all research into this THEORY does more to disprove and discredit Darwin regarding evolution than prove Darwin correct.

Adaptation is totally different than evolution.

The complexities of life on earth, life only found on earth could not have rationally, logically, reasonably, objectively, actually, factually evolved from gases, various solids and liquids, bacteria and muck and ooze and goo as proclaimed. And any truly thinking and observant person thinking rationally knows this within their soul. If they would actually observe, think, and admit defeat in their belief and promotion of the bogus theory of evolution. Though it’s still taught and indoctrinated in the young that it is indeed proven and factual. Which is a lie perpetuated. For the last 160-plus years. Are we great, or what?

I mention Darwin and his errant THEORY falling into disfavor and even ridicule among a growing number of scientists because the minions and ministers, those in bondage to Satan and evil in their God replacement theories and efforts realize to truly enslave and attempt to conquer mankind that failing theory of evolution isn’t going to make the cut. And they had really pinned their hope on it convincing folks there was no God, no need of God. That part has worked for the most part. Because even though in poll after poll and survey upon survey the overwhelming majority say they believe in God in reality the fruit they bear, their daily lives and actions, their words do not bear this profession out.

Darwin’s THEORY of evolution is falling out of favor, being disproved rather than proved and those on earth devoid of God, in constant rebellion against God need something else to preach to the people and convince the people in an effort to keep them from turning to God.


Enter higher intelligence extraterrestrial life and unidentified flying objects taking center stage. Constantly in the news online and more and more within broadcast mainstream media and government agencies.

In conjunction with the Washinton Examiner article; What should we make of UFO whistleblower David Grusch? A poll as up-to-date as possible completed on Monday, June 12th, 2023 asked the following question with the following results:

Do you believe some UFOs are actual alien objects and the U.S. government has been covering up their existence for decades?

81% — Yes, I do.

12% — No, I don’t.

7% —   I’m not sure

From data compiled with the National UFO Reporting Center [their link is found below] from June of the year 1400 to July of 1905 there were 23 known UFOs reported. From January 2023 to May of 2023 there were 1,374 sightings reported.

Know when the unidentified flying object mantra began being sung among folks? Right after World War II. And the noise, the media attention, the push within society that alien life forms, with most people convinced they are of higher intelligence than human beings. Before moving on to the real point all this is taking place in America as of the latest surveys and polls 81% say they believe in God. Just as 81% say they believe UFOs are actual alien objects.

How can this be? Someone is confused. Someone isn’t telling the truth. Many do not know the truth.

How is it that in a span of 500 years, only 23 UFOs were reported seen, in a time before humans took to the skies in flight before man put anything into the sky? While in July 1905 there were 2 sightings reported, in July 20o2 — 443, in July 2005 — 466, in July 2007 — 474, and in July 2014 — 1,129 to name a few. I guess even aliens from other worlds like a good fireworks show, eh?

If so highly intelligent what took them so long, and why the great rise in sightings since the dawn of the 20th century?

I’m in the 12% group mentioned above. I do not believe in aliens from other worlds coming to Earth. Not keen about all of the increasing noise taking place on this topic. I will let you know what I think is going on and why. I touched on it above. The godless, the God-haters, the Christ haters, the Bible haters need SOMETHING to use to perpetuate their war against God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the truth of the Word of God. The ministers and minions of the Evil One cannot stand people turning to God and having faith in the Lord and believing what is contained in God’s inerrant infallible living Word.

Evil needed something!

Initially, as time passed and Evil knew its days were numbered it came up with Darwin and his faulty theory. Even though Evil knew the lie would never last for the duration. Since the Evil One knows the Bible better than does the most Bible-literate and fluent man, woman, or child on earth.

I spend an amount of time daily in research. I have done this for decades. I read a lot and trust and believe little. I’ve lived long enough to know that is the best approach.

I’ve read and heard men and women, highly educated, writers and speakers from many cultures and backgrounds declare that the Antichrist will be…from Europe. An Islamist. A Jew. An American. Someone very young. Someone old. Someone Asian. And on and on it goes. The blowing of a lot of hot air, conjecture.

Well, here’s a bit more. From me. For consideration. How about the Antichrist, who will be the son of perdition, the offspring of Satan who will have supernatural power using the technology of the time he appears, along with the belief in highly intelligent alien life to show himself as a god from another planet? If we want to waste our time on conjecture and guessing, which is what all this who will the Antichrist be discussion is. Read the Bible. Meditate upon the word of God. Faithfully. And when he appears then we will know. Not until then.

While keeping in mind…

The developments of technology in our age, and much of it unknown to us as to the research, development, and capabilities of today’s technologies, let alone what will be possible and known 2 tears from now, 5 years from now, and imagine 8, 9 years from now as the advancements outpace man’s ability to control them.

So, we have our technology. Out of this world technology only the stuff of science fiction a handful of years ago.

Presently a person cannot believe what they see with their eyes nor believe what they hear with their ears. For the first time in world history. That is today. Imagine, if you can or will, what technology will produce in such a short span of time that lies ahead.

We have the innate sinful and evil hearts and minds of man.

We have a world growing in turmoil, hostilities, violence, lying, immorality, confusion, mayhem, and faithlessness. Turning in greater numbers daily from God and turning to their own pleasures, their own strong delusion minds.

We have the church of Rome with its own observatory in Arizona, manned by a Jesuit staff, and its own division within the church solely dedicated to finding alien life. And directing it to the pope when it arrives on Earth. Don’t believe this?

UFOs are back in the news—and Catholics are ready to deal with any theological questions on alien life. | America Magazine

Pope Francis Says He Would Definitely Baptize Aliens If They Asked Him To – The Atlantic

Shocking New Findings Reveal That the Vatican Is Waiting for an Alien Savior – Exemplore

This is also a sign. Brighter and bolder than if in large neon. How so? If the church of Rome popes and hierarchy actually believed in the Word of God, actually believed, preached, and lived the Word of God, and had ever read the book of Genesis? They would know that God, along with Jesus and the Holy Spirit — the Triune God CREATED ALL THINGS. EVERYTHING. EVERYWHERE. Within all of the heavens. There is no ancillary, outside of God’s creation realm.

If there were higher intelligent life forms than human beings in creation and they came to Earth they would not be holy, spotless, sinless beings. God is consistent. Unchangeable. So, if believing the One True God of the Christian and Jewish Bibles created all there is that is known and unknown as Genesis tells us, that means He would have created those extraterrestrial life forms so many believe in in error. And since God is unchangeable and consistent, He would have created the highest life forms in some distant world in space in His image, as He did here on Earth. He would have given them free will as He did here on Earth. And He would have instructed them to obey Him and live, or disobey Him and suffer the consequences. It is in all likelihood if God created this other world somewhere in space, being consistent, and unchangeable, He would have created a Tree of Life and a Tree of Knowledge. And if eating of the Tree of Knowledge in direct disobedience — for you see the force of evil would be an option to obey for them, they would have the choice of who to serve. God or themselves, or evil. And if they choose God and never ate of the Tree of Knowledge where they were created far, far from Earth they would never have the mind, the desire, the will, the knowledge, or means for space travel now would they?

If they existed and were such they would be serving God where they were created. Not out seeking to find life elsewhere in an effort to discredit, deny God and install themselves as gods. Which is the root behind all of space exploration and all of the UFO extraterrestrial babel. “If only we can prove highly intelligent alien life exists, or any life other than on Earth, if only we could find a place to inhabit and make better than Earth, if only…” the inherently rebellious, God-hiding, God-denying, at enmity with God men and women recite within their conscious perhaps without even acknowledging the voice within. Yet being thusly motivated and directed.

A God-fearing, God-believing and serving, Bible-believing, well-founded and grounded in Scripture person would not in their discontent seek to find the answers to the universe outside of God and the Bible, in the depths of space, or pine away hoping that while they live extraterrestrials life forms from elsewhere would drop on by this spinning sphere in space. Placing hope in them to come and save the Earth!

Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit through faith and obedience save INDIVIDUALS.

God is in control of all things at all times. God is Sovereign. Not man. Not some beings from some other world out there…

Let’s be clear and honest, shall we? The core of all this wasn’t to develop new technologies to make life on Earth easier or better. It has always been about disproving the existence of God, disproving the Holy Bible at its core. Everything else has only been noise, icing on the cake, a grand distraction. All in the hope of either finding life outside of Earth by our exploration or having that life come visit us and when that would happen the faith of hundreds of millions of people, BILLIONS of people would falter, wobble, fail, and dissolve. And they would believe in the creatures that showed up from out there. From out there somewhere in the black vacuum of space.

Imagine that.

If the popes, the cardinals, bishops, and priests within the church of Rome truly knew, believed, and trusted in the Word of God, if they lived to live the Word and the gospel they would not ever mention how they would be willing to baptize extraterrestrial life forms that would happen to drop by this place. They would have a Biblical worldview rather than the worldly worldview they do, the unsound and faulty view they do. Turned to fables with itching ears. Think about that.

If there was life out in the creation the One True Triune God created and that life was more developed, advanced, and intelligent than us on Earth? Well, they would certainly then know of the God that created them would they not? If we do wouldn’t they?

And if you believe in alien life forms and they are manning UFOs buzzing about the Earth in ever-increasing numbers then you cannot abide in the belief in the whole Word of God, in Genesis, and you then believe there has to be some worlds, some realms outside and beyond God’s reach, God’s creation.

Think about it. Take the time to seriously, and deeply ponder these matters. And should you be alive when the unveiling of extraterrestrial life forms and all the signs and wonders, all the amazing things the Antichrist and his false prophet reveal to the people of this world do not be taken in. Do not become confused, fearful, waver, or fail in your faith. Do not abandon your faith instead let your faith be increased in the knowledge that every word within the Word is being fulfilled. Do not bow to the world or what it may present to startle, shake, or dissolve belief in the many, most. Resist evil and the lies and they will flee from you and with clarity, the truth will prevail.

In the meantime here are just a few of the most recent tidbits about all this nonsense, and it is distracting, taking away from God, away from Jesus, away from the Holy Spirit, away from the Bible noise and confusion. Lies.

And do not doubt for an instant that the coming Antichrist and his false prophet, in conjunction with large and leading religious faiths on earth won’t pull the extraterrestrial card out and use it to control the people, to have the people worship them and take the name of the Beast, the Antichrist in their flesh to bow to him as a god.

I heard on the radio quite a while ago a nationally known pastor and popular “Christian” man declare that if the pre-Tribulation “rapture” didn’t happen and wasn’t real as so many believe, that he would lose his faith.

Imagine that.

A pastor building all his faith not upon the Lord Jesus Christ, not upon the Holy Spirit, not upon God, not upon the whole of the Word of God — but upon the errant and unfounded belief of being spared the Great Tribulation and somehow Jesus is coming back to this corrupted and sinful world more than a Second time, He must then be coming Thrice. Which is not according to Scripture.

If a nationally known popular longstanding “Christian” pastor professes that he would lose his faith if the pre-Tribulation “rapture” isn’t real…

…imagine the hundreds of millions, the BILLIONS that would lose what faith they have at the appearance and introduction to extraterrestrial life forms!

Imagine that.

Do you believe?

Do you believe in the Triune God of the whole Word of God, or do you believe the words of man, of woman, of children? The words of God or the words of the world?

You can’t believe both. There are no gray areas. Contrary to yet another lie of people there are no gray areas. Everything is black or white.


Here are just a few of the recent mentions on this subject. An ever-increasing, rapidly growing, accelerating topic — to get the people ready.

As the Evil One realizes his Darwin failure needs something more powerful and convincing to turn people from God, and remove people from Christ and the Holy Bible. Something really, really convincing. And what would be more shaking to the core of beliefs and what is known and convince the majority there is no God, that the Bible is just a book of stories, of myths, nothing real within it than to introduce higher intelligent life forms from outer space — come to save the Earth and its people!

People get ready…

Scientists searching center of Milky Way galaxy for advanced alien life (msn.com)

UFO report includes hundreds more sightings; 171 will require more analysis : NPR

Las Vegas workers claim UFO sighting, police body-cam captures mysterious flash | KABB (foxsanantonio.com)

Did Night Vision Footage Show ’10ft Alien’ From Las Vegas UFO Crash Report? (msn.com)

More than 350 new UFO reports received by US government | CNN Politics

New footage emerges of suspected UFO sighting over California military base (nypost.com)

Are We Finally Ready to Admit UFOs Are Alien Visitors? (yahoo.com)

UFOs over Las Vegas? Previous sightings above southern Nevada (msn.com)

Lies, Damn Lies, and UFOs: Deciphering the Truth Hidden Amid Decades of Propaganda | The Jewish Press – JewishPress.com | Gatestone Institute | 24 Sivan 5783 – June 12, 2023 | JewishPress.com

7 Wildest UFO Sighting of 2023 (So Far) (msn.com)

UFO Sightings Just Skyrocketed, Feds Say—Here’s Why (forbes.com)

US urged to reveal UFO evidence after claim that it has intact alien vehicles | UFOs | The Guardian

Hundreds more UFO sightings included in latest report – CBS News

Is the U.S. Military in an Arms Race for Alien Tech with Russia and China? (msn.com)

National UFO Reporting Center (nuforc.org)

Audience spot moment ‘1,000mph’ UFO photobombed airshow (ladbible.com)