Paul Joseph Watson in his videos [watch the one found below these comments] is clearly a purely worldly man. There is no hint of knowing God or Scripture in him. And his presentation, as in everyone in whatever form or media by those not truly transformed and renewed by the power of the Spirit of God will reveal they possess worldly wisdom, and can see a wee bit, but they attach a political bent, a political ideology on everything and stop there.

This video is presented here to show how godless nations such as Imperialistic Communist China and godless Imperialistic Russia are keenly aware they don’t need to do a thing to usurp America and dominate the world. Because each godless nation ruled completely by evil rulers can see, are keenly aware that due to America’s lost ways, America’s obsessions to focus on banality, weakness, racism where none exists — making everything about race, exalting every sin, immorality, and abomination under the sun such as the constant push and promotion of homosexuality and transgenderism, as well as its misguided obsession with diversity, multiculturalism, feminism, and environmentalism [mere;y rebranded paganism to appeal to the lazy, weak, ignorant of history Western mind] — and we could go on, but both these godless evil nations see and know America doesn’t need to be invaded, attacked militarily because America is rotting, in rapid decline from within. And America will collapse. At its present trajectory unless something very dramatic occurs in the not too distant future. Because almost every child in every school is indoctrinated in New Age [paganism], wickedness, immorality, and the ways of Satan rather than the ways of God. History is being removed and replaced with a made-up version. Like a false front in a bad Holly wood movie. What now passes for “family life” is an abomination and has never existed before as it now is in all of human history. What is taking place in more and more so-called “Christian churches” with the rise of false teachers, unsound doctrines, the mingling of faiths, the introduction of everything worldy and immoral as these very same sit in judgment of God, of His Word and remove the truth as they either remove or add to the Word of God to suit their vile and wicked agenda.

All done under the delusion of making America better. Bringing people together. Creating a Utopian society. A godless society in which only those accepted religions, all of which are false and lead to eternal death is permitted, and what remains of Christianity is so perverted, so corrupted, so torn apart and patched up by liars and despots and the purveyors of evil as to be unrecognizable. Existing in name only but having not a thing to do with true Christianity. Just as America will exist in name only but all of its greatness, principles, the beacon of light, liberties, freedoms, and what was right will be lost, removed, and forever gone.

Because we are living and breathing in Romans 1 [as well as many other reference points in the Word of God in these last of the last days] as the people in America refuse to believe this. Why even the majority of those professing to be Christian refuse to acknowledge this as the majority of those professing to be Christians don’t read the Bible. Don’t know the Bible. Are Scripturally illiterate. Do not possess a Biblical worldview.


WAR! — No longer just a rumor…

How a Racial Hoax is Killing America

A University Professor’s Sobering Picture of Christianity in America Today

The Church in the Metaverse 

The Church has lost the fear of God, says R.T. Kendall
A Professed Democracy Attempts to Ban the Gospel: Church leaders present ‘conversion therapy’ letter to Downing Street

Spiritual Warfare in the Culture War
The Gospel Defined Worldview
Schools Conspire With Outside Groups Behind Parents’ Backs to Counsel Kids on Myriad Gender Choices
This is America Today. Still going with that “we’re the greatest nation around” pile of propaganda?
Only 6% of Americans have a “Biblical worldview,” research from George Barna finds


True, transformed by the Holy Spirit, renewed of mind, and spirit disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ are not racists. Supremacists. Or they ought not to be ever! Nor should any get caught in the snare of the devil in this multiculturalism, political correctness, wokeism, lost ideologies — New Ageism [paganism]  that have arisen in the past 60 plus years to overwhelm and overtake all objectivity, logic, sense, critical thinking, and replacing morality with banality and utter insanity. if truly regenerated and born anew? None should be eating of these wicked and unrighteous ways all presented and consumed by the walking dead of the world from Satan, by the devil. All the Evil One’s handiwork to increase rebellion, pull many away from the truth, cause dissension and chaos and mayhem all founded on his lies. It’s what he does.

Do not comply. Do not fall prey.

If you have? If you’re sympathetic to all the dung flung about, all the lies? It’s time than to repent, turn back to God, and faithfully, repentantly fervently pray.

Living in the Word. Living in the Lord. Living in the reality of the times in which we all live. Living in the reality of the escalating spiritual war we’re all enjoined in.

What is labeled as multiculturalism, political correctness, wokeism and the like are not a “sickness.”

they are all pure sin. Pure evil. And orchestrated by the prince of the air and his legions of minions to add to the noise, the confusion, the rebellion, and the removing people from God, from Jesus, from the Holy Spirit, and from the Holy Bible. To remove people from the truth.

And to keep them shackled, enslaved in the darkness.


It isn’t political. It isn’t a sickness.

It’s sin, it’s evil, it a weapon in the spiritual war. Inflicting more and more casualties by the hour.

Wake up from the lie of wokeism, New Ageism [paganism, i.e. feminism, environmentalism, so on] political correctness so incorrect, and break away from the doctrines of the world which may seduce and appear so wonderful and right.

There is only one right. That which is contained within the word of God and lived out as faithful disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Period. It should be rather clear, really. Why all the noise and confusion? Why the great falling away if one was in place rightly from the beginning? Why all the inclusion of the world, politics, worldly ways within the churches, the hearts and minds of so many professing to be Christian?

Time for individual revival and renewal and to run from, cast aside all the worldly influences and doctrines weighing upon and weighing down so many folks, folks…

Where is God in all of this in each life? Where is God placed in each life here?


Ken Pullen

Tuesday, February 22nd, 2022

ACP — A Crooked Path

Paul Joseph Watson Video — Multiculturalism is a “Sickness”

According to China.


Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Copied from FrontPageMag