ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTE — None are with an excuse. No one can say they didn’t know. No one told them.

In these last days of the latter times there is more truth pertaining to what it is people believe and practice, and the origins of those beliefs and practices, i.e., Christmas, Halloween, Mardi Gras, Easter, etc. that no one — NO ONE can use the excuse “I didn’t know I was practicing and elevating paganism!” or “I did it for my children!” or “Everyone else was doing it I didn’t see any harm, why, it’s all innocent stuff, right?!”

Pagans practicing their pagan ways. Period.

No. It isn’t benign and innocent. It is popular and pleasurable and grows like cancer for a reason. And that reason is not that the people desire to serve God our Father and to serve righteousness. Remove the trappings, lies, and bringing of death for practicing the ways, beliefs, customs, and traditions of this world while you still can. I know of women who are more adamant and firm in their belief they will not cease in the teaching of their children about Santa Claus, look forward to partaking of Samhain, All Hallows Eve, and going on Easter egg hunts than they are firm in their faith regarding God, the truth regarding Jesus, and the inerrant Word of God — and these women call themselves “Christians” to your face and get angry if their “Christianity” is ever questioned.

Get right with the Lord now — while you still can — for if you do not stand against unrighteousness, stand firmly against evil and the wiles and ways of Satan and this world, and you shrug? You refuse the truth? You look the other way? Or worse yet, you join in? Tell us how you plan to stand before the Lord our God upon His return to judge the quick and the dead. Proclaiming oneself a “Christian” and going to church while partaking in the ways of this world does not save one. For even Satan himself believes and knows that Jesus, born in Bethlehem, of the virgin Mary, and Joseph, was and is God come to earth as fully truly man, fully truly God to save those who not only believe in Him — but follow Him, obey Him, take up their cross and serve Him daily as a true disciple. Even the devil knows and believes that — but he isn’t going to heaven now is he? Or has your corrupted false teachings and worldview even gone to such a level of perversion such things are now also taught!?



The Pagan Roots Of Halloween