United Nations Human Rights New York Office Director Craig Mokhiber ...

United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Craig Mokhiber.



Contrary to perception and beliefs nothing happens spontaneously. Nothing happens without a reason. And what occurs today is exactly the identical human nature, the same inherent evil always just beneath the surface waiting to reveal itself.

We pretend to be civilized, and caring of others, when in reality the truth is — we’re a hair’s breadth away from a total breakdown of everything and chaos, rage, violence, and evil to occur as in the days of Noah. Perhaps it would be advisable to get ahold of a Holy Bible and read and study that time, meditate upon it, and also come to terms that since the Garden of Eden and man and woman’s selfish rebellion against God to serve and obey sin, evil, Satan that human nature has not changed one iota. There’s just more of us. That’s all.

There is nothing — nothing but wickedness, a frothing building evil, a rage, a violence either just under the surface or openly exposed among the people of the world. They finally allow what has been harbored within them to be released or they keep it fermenting under the surface.

Or, there are people, far fewer in number, that live to follow the Lord and His Word and ways and to exhibit in their daily lives via what lies in their hearts and minds due to God seeking them for salvation and their finally hearing, seeing, and responding — to then live changed from within striving to exhibit righteousness daily.

Those are the two sorts of people on this earth. Truth be told. Something few will do, few will be honest about.

Oh, when things are coasting along, no need to make a declaration, nothing occurs wherein an individual must finally reveal what truly lies within their heart and mind it appears the overwhelming majority are good people, benign, just wanting to get along and get through this life — but when pressed, when something happens that forces them to declare what is truly within them? What spirit?

Well, take a look outside the windows, take a look around, listen, inhale deeply, and smell the stench of sin, of evil, of lies, of lifetimes of pretending — see, hear, even smell the rage, the anger the true evil within the hearts and minds of men and women. How all the day long their imaginings are nothing but evil.

Not according to me. According to God. So why do we rebel from such truth and refuse to acknowledge the true condition and state of man and woman?

Because we’ve never changed one iota from the time we disobeyed God exhibiting our true inherent natures and listened to the devil and destroyed Paradise and eternal life and choosing the course we have and got booted out of the Garden to feel pain, to suffer, to die.

Nothing has changed since Cain in his jealousy and anger, in his rage murdered his own brother, Abel, in cold premeditated murder. Due to the nature within him, within us. Let’s not kid ourselves, shall we? We’ve just progressed to billions and billions of murders, billions and billions filled with jealousy, envy, coveting, rage, anger, hatred, lusts, and every sin and abomination under the sun rather than pursuing the Lord and desiring to abide in His Word, His ways. Nothing has changed at all in our inherent nature since our time in the Garden.

Loving the delusions, the illusions, and the lies more than the truth regarding who and what we really are.

Either one of the wicked and unrighteous in continual rebellion against God and His ways and Word.

Or one who was exactly like that, but by the grace of God heard His calling, His truth, His life and light and responded. To live now to exhibit more righteousness than the inherent evil that lies within our rebellions lying hearts and minds.

Let’s finally be honest folks, shall we?

A perfect example lies below. This festering hatred has existed for thousands of years — thousands of years. Nothing new. At times it seems to regress from a boiling point to be something set aside but it never has been and it never is and it never will be. Blatant hatred of the Jews and a white-hot lust to remove them and Israel from the face of the earth. Now all done under the guise of human rights, equity, civility, doing the right thing.

Imagine that.

Evil becomes more cunning while it becomes more emboldened and reprehensible as it knows its time is rapidly coming to an end and we are now closer than ever to the Lord Jesus Christ returning a Second and Final time fulfilling every jot, tittle, and word within the Word of God.

Dear reader, who are you among the two types of individuals mentioned above? Knowing that we’re sinners, inherently bad inside, willful, tendency to lie and deceive, to lie to ourselves and hide from the reality, the truth as laid out clearly within God’s Word for us to see, hear, understand, and believe…

Or, are you aligned with the likes of Mr. Craig Mokhiber espousing human rights, tolerance, kindness, and equity and using words that sound so buttery and soothing and just — just as the Serpent did in the Garden only it was and is all a lie masquerading as love, hope, tolerance, justice, and equality.

All wickedness and utter rebellion against God, against the Lord Jesus Christ, against the Holy Spirit, and against the whole inerrant infallible living and active Word of God.

Only two sorts upon this earth.

The walking dead in their sin, wicked within — not good people no matter the works they appear to do in order to deceive.

Or those who once were like those but now through the grace and mercy of God have been transformed, born anew, changed from within in their heart, mind, thinking, and life making the Lord Jesus Christ their Saviour and Lord of their life, obeying God. Living in and living the Word of God relying on God in all things, thankful in all things. Living and knowing real hope. Real love. Real truth. Real Sacrifice and thankful for that Sacrifice and love and mercy.

There are millions and millions and millions of Mr. Craig Mokhiber’s and his ilk around. They abound and are the majority. If we’d only be honest. Just that most of the Mr. Craig Mokhiber’s are not known publically nor hold such positions in this life and appear invisible to almost everyone else.

Walking dead volcanoes just awaiting eruption.

Don’t believe this? Just look around. See and hear where we presently are and how swiftly we have arrived where we are. And then where we are headed. To truly grasp this reality it would behoove everyone to get ahold of a Holy Bible and take its truth into the heart, the mind, the soul, the spirit in belief, in faith, and come to see, hear, and truly understand.

Because of the only two kinds of people on this earth?

One kind upon dying in the flesh will die the Second Death and spend their eternity in the depths of hell. Really, they will.

And the other kind of person, if dying in the flesh before the Lord returns, which He will, though no one knows that day and time, that person will by their faith, their obedience, their being transformed from within by the power and grace of God will delight in the unspeakable joy that awaits them in the eternity in heaven with God, to be in God’s presence! To be with the Lord Jesus Christ in His presence! To be with the Holy Spirit, all the apostles and heavenly hosts — for eternity and all that holds and is and will be. For ever and forever.

Read on…

Ken Pullen, Wednesday, November 1st, 2023



Outgoing senior U.N. official calls for a one-state solution slams U.S. and Israel: “Chilling words”


Tuesday, October 31, 2023

By Kyle Morris

Reprinted from FOX News Digital




Ahigh-ranking United Nations official has retired after calling for a one-state solution to the Israel-Palestinian conflict. In his letter, the official wrote on what he called “essential points” regarding the war between Israel and Hamas terrorists.

In what was described as his “last official communication” as the director of the New York Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Craig Mokhiber sent an Oct. 28 letter to Volker Türk of Austria, the U.N. high commissioner for human rights, detailing what he believes a “U.N.-norm-based position” on the war would look like.

In what critics are calling comments devoid of historic fact, Mokhiber called for a one-state solution, which could mean the end of the Jewish state.

“We must support the establishment of a single, democratic, secular state in all of historic Palestine, with equal rights for Christians, Muslims and Jews, and, therefore, the dismantling of the deeply racist, settler-colonial project and an end to apartheid across the land,” Mokhiber stated.

“Mokhiber wrote this letter as one of the U.N.’s highest ranking ‘human rights’ officials, on U.N. letterhead, with a U.N. email address,” Professor Anne Bayefsky, the director of the Touro Institute on Human Rights and the Holocaust, told Fox News Digital. “As such, his overt call for the destruction of the Jewish state, lays bare what is really going on at the U.N. in the war now being waged by and at the U.N. against Israel.”

“Listen to Mokhiber’s chilling words. Yes, Israel is engaged in an existential fight. At the U.N., there are human rights for everyone but Jews, who are supposed to lay down their arms in the face of a genocidal enemy currently enslaving their people. Mohkiber’s phony ‘human rights’ cover is extremely disturbing. He says equality means 21 Arab states, 56 Islamic states and zero Jewish states. That’s antisemitism dressed up as human rights,” Bayefsky added.

Just last week, Israel’s U.N. ambassador, Gilad Erdan, called for the secretary-general’s resignation following a speech on the issue. Antonio Guterres said Hamas’ attacks “did not happen in a vacuum,” and the “Palestinian people have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation.” Erdan called Guterres’ words a, “pure blood libel.”

Guterres responded to the criticism against him, saying, “I am shocked by the misrepresentations by some of my statements yesterday in the Security Council. As if… as if I was justifying acts of terror by Hamas. This is false. It was the opposite.”

The U.N. has long faced accusations by critics of antisemitism and anti-Israel hatred. Mohkiber’s letter also took aim at the U.S. and Western allies.

“This is a text-book case of genocide,” he wrote. “The European, ethno-nationalist, settler colonial project in Palestine has entered its final phase, toward the expedited destruction of the last remnants of indigenous Palestinian life in Palestine. What’s more, the governments of the United States, the United Kingdom, and much of Europe, are wholly complicit in the horrific assault. Not only are these governments refusing to meet their treaty obligations ‘to ensure respect’ for the Geneva Conventions, but they are in fact actively arming the assault, providing economic and intelligence support, and giving political and diplomatic cover for Israel’s atrocities.”

In a statement to Fox News, the office of Human Rights said, “Mr. Mokhiber retires today. The views in his letter are his personal views. The position of the Office is reflected in its public reporting and statements.”

Bayefsky noted that, “If he indeed suddenly ‘retired,’ instead of immediately being fired, it means the U.N. has made some kind of deal to save his pension. A new outrage – and one that leaves U.S. taxpayers on the hook.”

A spokesperson for the U.N. secretary-general did not immediately respond to Fox News Digital’s request for comment on whether Mokhiber’s comments were representative of the U.N. as a whole or whether they are sentiments shared by Guterres.

Fox News’ Benjamin Weinthal and Courtney De George contributed to this article.