Onward, Christian Soldiers


Subscribers, frequent visitors to this place if only reading a couple of the prefaces I have written attached to articles here know how I continually rail against making everything political in nature.

This malady in America, which certainly could be terminal, is equally shouldered by those professing to be Christians as those in the world openly opposed to God, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the whole inerrant infallible Word of God.

It has been, it is so easy to go to the automatic kneejerk reaction of dividing things politically, especially in America, where everything, every person is either red or blue, liberal or conservative, and staunchly entrenched in the political ideology quagmire.

When, as my redundancy and annoying words to many continue on declare everything and everyone need to stop stopping at the political ideology altar and carry on, move on, get those hearts, minds, feet, bodies, spirits, souls, and lives focused upon and understanding everything and everyone are truly on one side or another. Yes, certainly. But not political in nature or foundation. Spiritual in nature. Spiritual in deed. Spiritual in word.

For, whether liking it or not, agreeing or not, believing or not everything and everyone is part and parcel of the ongoing ever-increasing spiritual war. And, here I go again, until and unless all those professing to be disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, children of God rather than children of disobedience make everything shed in the light of Scripture, in the light of this spiritual war nothing will ever be accomplished. Just as nothing has been accomplished other than more division, increased tension, anxiety, hostilities and rage.

It hasn’t been working folks to organize and stage a political warfare campaign against the world, against the ministers and minions of Evil. Face it. Admit it. Wise up. Finally.

The only war to wage, the only war to fight in [because we’re assured victory in the end, and it ISN’T ABOUT AMERICA and things here — it’s all about heaven, hell, eternity, and where every person will eventually reside for a long, long, long, really long…as in unending time] so, the only war to engage in and wage is the spiritual one. NOT a political one and in making everything political no one really wins. Do they? Do you think if the politician you adore, approve of, and idolize wins an election that you’ve won? That what we as Christians are to know, believe, and do wins? We’re sojourners here! Pilgrims here! America and no place on this earth is really home. To anyone. The REAL home for everyone is WHERE THEY WILL RESIDE FOR ETERNITY.

THAT has been missing from the minds of almost every professed Christian writer, speaker, and individual in America over the past few decades.

Truly a lost nation.

A lost people.

And it begins in the Church. It begins in the heart, mind, spirit, soul, and life of EVERY professed believer.

We are either truly disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, truly His and God’s, and understanding what that means — which requires Bible literacy and fluency, requires discernment and wisdom and understanding beyond natural and normal human comprehension — or we are not. There are no other options, roads to travel, or sides to belong to.

Until and unless every professed Christian writer, speaker, preacher, pastor, and individual sheds the truth killing weight of the cloak of everything is political and puts on the clean, fresh, true garment which is light to wear and carry if faithful, if having confidence in God, if having some Bible literacy and having been truly renewed of mind and spirit, reborn, transformed and changed in heart and mind to God. to Christ, for God, for Christ, with the Holy Spirit residing within them and REPLACES RIGHT NOW all their political dung, earthly dung, American dung and replaces those things with the spiritual truth and words within the Word of God all is for naught. A waste of time. Taking the wrong road which leads nowhere except into the hands of the Enemy!

We’re to be a light unto the world. Not be indistinguishable from them. We’re to be the salt of the earth having NOT lost its flavor, its saltiness! We’re to be disciples, disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ knowing and understanding what that means. We’re to SPREAD THE GOSPEL — NOT of the Republican party platform, not of American government and politics, not have our idolized and loved politician win an election, not as anything of this passing temporary earth. But as children of God. Sojourners. Pilgrims. Disciples of Jesus. Not registered voters, protestors, and political mouthpieces.

Our priorities, focus, and efforts have been in vain due to our foolishness and wandering about in a wilderness of lies and distractions in which the noise of the Evil One and all his followers have clearly been able to lead so many astray from what is important, what is the priority, the focus, and where efforts ought to be placed.

Not in an election.

In being the elect of God!

Do that and many things troubling you, troubling this nation would be remedied. Truly. Where is the faith in God, in the Word of God? It has been replaced with faith in people, faith in a place, a temporary nation, in things and instruments of this world!

Woe to U.S. Woe to all of us…

Read on…

Ken Pullen, A CROOKED PATH, Saturday, June 24th, 2023


Onward, Christian Soldiers

If the church doesn’t start engaging every facet of culture with the Bible (including politics) America will be lost.


Friday, June 23, 2023

By Dr. Jerry Newcombe

Reprinted from The Stand


America is going to Hades in a handbasket. A large portion of Americans agree we’re headed in the wrong direction. But when Christians try to get more involved in the culture and politics, they are often told to cease and desist – sometimes even by fellow professing Christians.

In fact, if a pastor were to preach on today’s moral issues, he might be accused of “preaching politics.”

But Dr. D. James Kennedy once observed that in recent times, abortion has come to be viewed as a “political” issue. So if a minister speaks out on abortion, he is accused of supposedly “preaching politics.”

But, he noted, the church of Jesus Christ has, from the beginning, been opposed to abortion and has provided loving alternatives to it through the centuries.

John Stemberger of the Florida Family Policy Council says,

“Everything has become political. The weather’s political. Covid is political. There’s no area of life that has not been politicized in some way, and the church has been trained wrongly.”

He explains,

“The Scripture speaks to all areas of life. Now, admittedly, it speaks to some areas more clearly and prophetically than others. And where it does speak that clearly, pastors need to be equally clear about life, about the nature of marriage, human sexuality, gender, and all these things that are up for grabs….It’s not politics, it’s ministry. It’s teaching the Bible, and it’s what pastors should be doing.”

As Tony Perkins, the head of the Family Research Council notes, “Surrounded by evil, with your own children at stake, there is no retreat.”

Some well-meaning Christians accuse those wanting to see American renewal as embracing “Christian Nationalism” – by which they mean putting America above (or on an equal footing with) Jesus. That is something no true Christian could do – but it doesn’t follow that we should abandon attempts to renew the country.

A classic hymn of the 19th century is “Onward, Christian Soldiers.” The music of that hymn was written by Arthur Sullivan, as in Gilbert and Sullivan.

It’s interesting to note that “Onward, Christians Soldiers” has actually been removed from some church hymnals because it’s viewed as too jingoistic.

Of course, this is a metaphor and not in any way an endorsement of real violence, which is against the teaching of Jesus, who said we should love even our enemies.

Recently, I got to speak on a radio segment with Cheryl Chumley of the Washington Times, who wrote a book called, Socialists Don’t Sleep: Christians Must Rise or America Will Fall. The very last words of her book are, “Onward, Christian Soldiers.”

Cheryl told our listeners,

“It’s my premise that Christians are facing some dark times right now, largely because those who know best about freedom, those who understand God-given liberties, who understand God and read the Bible – the Christian community – have failed to speak up, as we’re supposed to do.”

She added that Christian silence and inaction have left a vacuum – which is then filled by large government.

She told me,

“Socialism comes when government grows bigger. So what happens is, as we move further and further away from the idea of light coming from God, which is a natural consequence of America’s turning away from God and forgetting God. That leaves a void for government to enter. And that’s where we’re at right now.”

Chumley also noted,

“It’s no coincidence, therefore, that government is growing bigger because it picks up where God leaves off. When people don’t turn to God for solutions and provision, they turn to government for that. And’s how socialism, communism, Marxism, collectivism creeps in.”

How different was the vision of America’s founders on this point. George Washington famously said in his Farewell Address that religion and morality are “indispensable supports to our political prosperity.”

Dr. Peter Lillback, the founding president of Providence Forum, for which I serve as the executive director, says,

“Christianity is the leavening force, the moral influence, the guiding star, the spiritual zeitgeist, the essential moral compass, the spiritual compass of a nation that intends to have ordered liberty.”

He adds,

“This means that Christianity provides the sense of human dignity, the principle of transcendent law, the idea of limited government, the standard of universal justice and equity, all under a common law, with the duty to seek to fulfill the Golden Rule of doing unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

Indeed, Jesus said,

All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.

So, Onward, Christian soldiers