Let’s get one thing perfectly clear and understood. A person cannot be, is not born anew, transformed, regenerated into a new creature, renewed of mind and spirit — “born again” — and a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ, a true child of God, a true Christian is they do not unequivocally believe and KNOW within their heart, their mind, their spirit, their soul, all their being THAT JESUS IS GOD. 

Jesus is God. Jesus was not created. Jesus was not merely a man, a good man, merely a prophet. And every other lie and deception these OVER 60% of professed Christians claiming to be “born again” between the ages of 18 and 39 believe!

This is the present state of what passes for evangelicals. The current state of what passes for the body of Christ, the Church.

Individuals who claim to be disciples of Jesus, as that is what it ought to mean to be a Christian, clearly never taught correctly in the Word of God, illiterate of the Word of God, refusing to believe the Word of God! Yet they claim with their lips they are “born again” evangelical Christians and Jesus is no different than Buddha or Muhammad!

And these are included, treated as if they are genuine, sincere, knowing, transformed by the power of the Spirit of God true believers in churches!

Woe to all those who follow this deadly, eroded, rotten to its core destructive path!

Jesus IS God.


When will those professing to be Christians, thus disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ actually be His? Be aware, be knowledgeable, be accurate in their doctrine and faith according to the Word of God — NOT according to the world, or whatever they concoct in their lost, dark hearts and minds!

And no one wants to set these folks straight? Anything goes these days, doesn’t it? I suppose if Mussolini and Hitler and Stalin were alive today, if Charles Manson if these said with their tongues, and we knew they were as they always had been, and they said they were “born again” Christians, evangelicals, that almost every church and almost every person would accept that, embrace them, include them, and allow them in to poison the body further with lies and deceptions?

Relativism is NOT the truth. This whatever a person believes is true because it’s their truth is NOT truth!

If a person does not believe, does not know, does not accept within their heart and mind and live with the knowledge that JESUS IS GOD they are not, cannot be a true Christian. They are false. Fake. Pretending. Still lost. Because they do not abide in and hold and have a solid foundation on which to build their faith. Period.

The church, the body is seriously diseased. Because the body has refused to eat and drink of the inerrant infallible living Word of God and teach thus, believe thus, live thus.

And these people ages 18 to 39 are evidence of this massive deadly disease within the body.

The massive amount of unsound false teachings and doctrines accepted and permitted.

Until and unless the whole of the Bible is taught. Without hesitation. Without limitations. Not worrying about scaring people, chasing people away, turning people off because it interferes with their ingrained worldly beliefs? The lies and delusions they’ve been taught and adopted since birth?

There is no hope for REAL growth, REAL health within the body. Since it refuses to listen to or believe the Head!

What a sick, lost, walking in utter darkness land and people we’ve become! And this those professing to be born-again evangelical Christians!

And we imagine we are going to take the gospel to the unbelieving and help them turn to Jesus? When the majority think upon, believe what they do with regard to Jesus and who He is?


Wake up, people. And woe to anyone who will not stand boldly and firmly in the Word of God, in the faith, knowing and speaking, peaching, teaching the truth — and that begins with Jesus IS God. Fully God. As He was fully man. But He has ALWAYS BEEN FULLY GOD.

And if that is not understood, believed, held within the heart as true? It does not matter what a person says they are. They are not one of His, not a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ, and not a Christian.

Not according to me.

According to the Word of God.

Perhaps it’s time those professing to be Christian actually got their hands on a copy of the Bible, an approved translation, and actually sought to read it, understand it, make it a priority in their life to eat and drink of the Word of God more than they eat and drink to preserve and maintain their physical body. Perhaps they ought to stop the malnourishment and poisoning of their souls, their spirits, their hearts, and minds in the doctrines of the world and turned to the Word of God as professed Christians!

Imagine that! Christians actually reading, praying upon, studying, and KNOWING what the Word of God says and means!

What a concept in the latter 20th and early 21st centuries!


Ken Pullen

Monday, August 23, 2021

ACP — A Crooked Path


More than 60% of professed born-again Christian adults under 40 say Jesus isn’t the only way to salvation; equal to Buddha, Muhammad

Survey shows pluralistic worldview expanding rapidly among American Christians


Sunday, August 22, 2021

By Anugrah Kumar

Reprinted from The Christian Post


More than 60% of born again Christians in America between the ages of 18 and 39 believe that Buddha, Muhammad and Jesus are all valid paths to salvation and over 30% say they either believe that Jesus sinned just like other people when He lived on Earth or aren’t sure, according to a new study.

There’s a “striking decline” in evangelical religious beliefs and practices over the last 10 years, as the number of self-proclaimed believers to hold these beliefs has increased by nearly 25%, says Probe Ministries in a statement announcing the results of its Religious Views & Practices Survey.

The study, which interviewed 3,100 Americans ages 18 to 55 in 2020 and looked at various other previous studies, saw a drop in “basic biblical worldview” — God’s attributes, the accuracy of the Bible, salvation and Jesus being sinless — from 47% in 2010 to 25% in 2020 among born again Christians.

The drop in the “expanded biblical worldview” — beliefs about Satan and morals being objective — went from 32% in 2010 to 16% in 2020.

“So, the percentage of Born Again Christians with a biblical worldview (of either type) has been cut in half over the last decade,” says the study, which compared the 18–29 age group from 2010 with the same age group 10 years later, now 30–39. “This result is a startling degradation in worldview beliefs of Born Again Christians over just 10 years.”

This means, even born-again Christians “can have a false view of Jesus Christ and embrace a pluralistic worldview,” Kerby Anderson, president of Probe Ministries, said. “Pastors and church leaders just can’t assume any longer that the members of their church or Christian organization have a biblical worldview.”

There’s an even greater drop off among the general population, the study found. For the basic biblical worldview, there’s a drop off from 13% to 6%. For the expanded biblical worldview, the decline is from 9% to just over 3%.

Anderson attributed the change to the continual and growing influence of media.

“These disturbing trends are, yes, due to pastors not consistently teaching biblical theory. But they can also be attributed to young Christians who are not paying attention, who are focused — nearly exclusively, it seems — on their phones, social media and other content they deem more compelling,” he said.

The study suggests, Anderson said, that “we have to continue to explain the cost of salvation … that there is no way to salvation, other than through the sacrificial and atoning death of a sinless Christ. That no one can come to the Father except through the Son, but also that anyone may come through Him.”

An article about the study’s findings on the Probe Ministries website notes that in the Roman Empire in AD 60, biblical worldview Christians accounted for less than 1% of the population. “Three hundred years later, virtually the entire empire was at least nominally Christian.”

“If we will commit ourselves to ‘proclaiming the excellencies of Him who called us out of darkness into His marvelous light,’ God will bring revival to our land,” it adds.