I am very aware that almost to a person the thing to do is ascribe a political bent to everything. And if conservatives blame everything they don’t like or believe is wrong on the liberals, and vice versa. Yeah, that really moves things along and gets to the heart of everything, doesn’t it? Hasn’t it? For a short bit of instruction on how this works and has gone through the ages find two three-year-olds. With one toy. And in observing them wrangling, whining, wrestling, wailing, and throwing a fit you’ll see in graphic illustration what all this pointing a political leaning as the root cause, the foundational problem to things.

I realize folks don’t like to place spiritual realities on most things. It’s the stop finding Satan around every bend, under everything.

Well, I realize in putting on your shoes, going to your mailbox, driving to the grocery store, and a lot of daily life such applies. But not in anything of a group maneuvering, of a social shifting, of cultural upheaval. Of massive cultural or belief system changes.

All those “political things.”

Almost to a person, we stop at the political. And figure it’s been determined what the problem the root cause is. So, let’s blame it on the left, blame it on the right, do the hookey pokey, and call the whole thing off!

Or, we could finally be willing to learn, ascribe, and accept the realities of the spiritual war we’re all in.

And this cannabis in the U.K., marijuana in America and elsewhere legalization? Claiming its many “health benefits” malarkey? This is the work of evil. Pure evil. Oh, you may think it’s mere politics, economics — but at its core, at its dead drug-addled lying heart lies lying and dark and deadly evil. The Evil One. The father of lies and liars.

Don’t be fooled or foolish. Don’t think if you place sin — ah, there’s a good place to take step one. Is it a sin before God? — and you then can come to truly see and understand almost all these matters we have deemed political, leftist, or conservative are in fact rooted in evil.

Satan may not be under every rock, or around every corner — but in group movements? In cultural shifting? In making laws lawlessness and immoral? In large shifts in viewpoints, actions, habits? In how people fashion themselves and what they permit in their lives? What their belief systems are or have become?

I don’t care what any pastor of Christian writer may say or write, or what the world claims — Satan is found there. In all those places.

Don’t be deceived. Don’t imagine yourself so wise, fluent, sophisticated, or informed.

Because that’s EXACTLY as and how the devil likes folks to be.

And as drugged up, deluded, living in an illusion, living in a fantasy world rather than reality as possible.

Read on…


Ken Pullen

Friday, January 21st, 2022

ACP — A Crooked Path


Mental health crisis among over-55s for cannabis addiction


21 January 2022

Reprinted from The Christian Institute


The number of older people seeking treatment for mental health problems as a result of using cannabis has soared.

Examining NHS data, consultant psychiatrist Dr. Tony Rao found an astonishing 777 per cent increase in people over the age of 55 accessing mental services due to addiction to the Class B drug over the past 15 years.

According to the figures, which were published by the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, the number of over-55s attending treatment for cannabis addiction rose from 374 in 2005-06, to 3,279 in 2020-21.


Speaking to The Times, Dr. Rao said there had been: “a sharp rise in the number of people in older people’s mental services”, due to cannabis.

“It is still regarded as a recreational drug with little awareness of the harm associated with its use.”

He continued: “There is a cohort of people over the age of 55 who grew up in quite a permissive culture with a lack of harm awareness of substances.”

Consequently, he concluded, we are now seeing “the seeping through of people with cannabis addictions coming into mental health service with problems like depression and anxiety”.

“It is still regarded as a recreational drug with little awareness of the harm associated with its use.”


The support group Marijuana Anonymous (MA) also told The Times that it had witnessed a growth in the “older age bracket” attending its meetings.

An MA spokesman said prolonged use “has created more mental health issues and I think we can correlate that with the influx of older people seeking help”.

He added: “Marijuana addiction is insidious, it will creep up on you over a long period of time.”

Health risks

Last week, in a letter to The Times, Professor Stuart Reece, of the University of Western Australia, warned that the health risks of cannabis use go well beyond mental health issues.

He explained that cannabis can result in “damage to both the genes and the complex system that regulates and controls genes”, as well as “elevated rates of many cancers”, “dozens of birth defects”, and the “accelerated ageing of human cells”.

Research conducted by the University of Bath recently has shown the potency of cannabis has increased over the past 50 years and its effects have become progressively worse as a result.

Also see:

New NHS clinic for treating cannabis psychosis overwhelmed by demand

Psychosis and “scromiting” on the rise among young U.S. cannabis users

U.N. downplays cannabis danger

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