Living with Wrong Decisions
written by Mary Whelchel
Reprinted from: Christian Working Woman
I’ve made many decisions that were wrong, some more so than others. The worst decisions were the ones I knew were wrong when I made them. But there have been others that were not so intentional, just misguided. For example, financial decisions that were made too hastily, and ended up costing me money.
But I’m here to tell you that God remembers our frame and knows that we are dust, so it doesn’t surprise Him to see how often we make wrong decisions. What must, however, break His heart is to see how we wallow in those wrong decisions and allow them to keep us living in guilt and despair instead of taking our medicine and going forward. What must break God’s heart is to see how we don’t learn lessons that we need to learn from our wrong decisions, and we keep making the same ones over and over. It must indeed grieve God to see that we don’t allow him to turn our deserts into gardens and our ashes into beauty.
God can give you the grace to live with whatever bad or wrong decision you have made, even the ones that last for a lifetime, if you will allow Him to do that in your life. And you will be amazed at how you can find joy and peace and fulfillment and be used of God even though you’ve made some wrong choices and bad decisions.
That’s the kind of God we serve. He has all power. He can do anything. Are you willing to let Him take your wrong decision and make something good out of it? Are you willing to stop using your bad choices as excuses for not going forward with God and being a blessing to others? Are you willing to allow him to put your past behind you so you can be all that God wants you to be? Are you willing to learn from those wrong decisions so you don’t heap bad decisions upon bad decisions? If so, you can find a fresh start today, even though you may have to live with the consequences of your wrong decisions.
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