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Judges 21:25 and Isaiah 5:20


In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.

Judges 21:25 — English Standard Version

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Isaiah 5:20 — King James Version


Sunday, June 12th, 2022

Linda Kimball’s words below are reprinted with permission from PatriotandLiberty

Additional comments by Ken Pullen at A CROOKED PATH


Even infrequent visitors to this place must be aware of my use of Isaiah 5:20. For two reasons. Those 28 words in the King James Version were spot on in the days of Isaiah, as they are spot on in our days.

Today, the world is full of kings, and the people do now what is right in their own eyes I would attest more so than did the people of Israel 3,000 years ago, or so.

My redundancy continues in my continual addition of Romans 1 again, because those words of the apostle Paul from verse 16 onward apply to any hour of our days.

The walking dead in their sin on this earth are as consumed with, by, and for evil as were the people in the times of Noah.

Relativism reigns supreme. Truth has been not even relegated to the trash heap because what is truly true is denied to exist.

Insatiable lusts, violence, brutality, excess, lying, and in all the talk of “mindfulness” a key branch in the rebranded paganism now consumed in inordinate portions by the self-idolizing gluttons of this world have in reality been given over to reprobate minds, the word given in the King James Version of Romans 1 KJV.

To most folks paying even a modicum of attention, they might say people have lost their minds, and gone insane.

From my English heritage, folks are mad, they’re all a bunch of nutters.

In truth, as the Word of God clearly tells us to trivialize what has taken place in those explanations falls short of the reality of what is going on. God has given people over to their wicked, evil, unrighteous minds due to their blatant open denial and hatred of Him, their blatant and open hatred of His Son, the Saviour to those who believe and obey and make Him, Jesus Christ, Lord of their lives. To all others, the only use they have for Jesus is to use His name in vain, to mock, deny, and belittle the God who each will ultimately be before, actually, really each person that ever lived before He who was fully truly man, and is eternally fully truly God, the Lord Jesus Christ!

Today, tell a person the truth and they at best will refute and refuse to believe what is spoken or written.

Today tell a person lies and they will consume them like starved hogs in a forest filled with truffles.

The people, the overwhelming majority, including all the kings, have been given over to their lustful, self-absorbed wicked, and evil minds due to their refusal to acknowledge the truth and their insatiable appetite to serve evil in its every form.

We do not know how much time remains for this world as it was created. No one knows the Day except the Father.

What to do?

Well, if reading this and you know within your heart, mind, and spirit that you have been renewed of mind and spirit, truly regenerated by the Supernatural power of the Spirit of God, your life changed as it never was nor never could be by anything you did we are to live upright godly lives. Obedient to the Living God, our Father in heaven, obedient to our Friend, Redeemer, and Lord, Jesus Christ. We are to be a light unto the world and it is our commandment given by our Lord to make disciples of others. To spread the word of the good news of the Word, which is the gospel, which is Jesus Christ. That is what we are to do.

If reading this and you believe yourself to be a Christian because you were raised in a home of a specific denomination? Or you try to get to a church as much as possible, you may even make sure you attend every Sunday, and you make sure that shiny piece of human jewelry, the crucifix, is actually a symbol of great shame that does not make the wearer any the wiser in the Word of God, nor validate them as being a true Christian, a person that has experienced the transformative power of the Holy Spirit in their life?

Well, that is like aiming for a prize and missing the mark. Instead of making the most serious reality, an eternal matter into a game, an outward appearance, “I’ll do this and that and God will certainly let me into heaven,” believing it is by what they do? By their works they are saved? All those need to spend considerably more time with their eyes, hearts, and minds in the clear and inerrant living Word of God, a lot more time in humble fervent prayer not amiss.

Lastly, if for some reason you’ve found yourself in this place and it is not comfortable, you don’t like this, you don’t agree with what’s in this place? Perhaps you are seeking something, an answer, the meaning of life, as everything else tried hasn’t been the answer, placing faith in other people has never worked, and you are sincerely desiring to get things sorted? Find the answer you’ve been seeking? Come to know what is true and what is not and how you can somehow live with peace within as you’ve never known? Do the most important thing in your life that can be a living example to others of more meaning than being rich in earthly material goods, or famous?

There is only one source of eternal living waters to quench that thirst. Only one place to eat of the life-giving bread to abate that perpetual hunger — the Lord Jesus Christ. Find Him within the Word of God. Find Him by humbling oneself, literally asking for Him to come into your life, actually taking the time of an earnest heart and spirit to come to the Lord and His Word and discover He has always been there, waiting for you, as Friend and Saviour has died and risen from the dead about 2,000 years ago to wash away your sin and make you as white as snow, clean, saved for your faith in Him, your obedience to Him and His Word, and by living as a changed person, a disciple of His.

For that is the only way to the Father and eternal life.

Do not, no matter who finds themselves here, be one of those, either king or commoner, that does that which is right in their own eyes, but live to do that which is right in God’s eyes, according to His Word. From this day forth.

Okay, now here’s Linda Kimball…

In those days, as in our own, there was no Higher Authority to which everyone must submit.  Each person was then and is now, his or her own authority, thus, barbarism, lawlessness, chaos, violence, broken trust, systemic lying, economic breakdown, looming famine and other disasters, plus excesses of vengeance were then, and are now, the order of the day. 

Barbarians have fallen deep within the disordered passions of their own souls and imagine they are not men and women, as the Lord created them, but 100’s of alternative genders identifiable by pronouns. With all of these alternative genders some desire that children be taught that pedophilia is an innate sexuality. (1) Others imagine that the energy they worship, meaning evolution, has become aware of itself, and because it is at work in AI, then AI is sentient. (2) So rather than Reality, we dwell in dark fantasia where madness rather than sanity reigns. Rather than light there is darkness. In place of sweet there is bitterness for they call evil good and good evil. (Isaiah 5:20) 

In Israel’s time the dread lessons of calamity were fully learned until the nation was ready to submit to God. Western civilization is not Israel however, so as it falls ever deeper into barbarism, superstition, and insanity under God’s Judgment, we know not its end, so we pray unceasingly for His mercy that rather than an end there might be a new beginning and brighter days.   ~Linda Kimball

  1. Queer’ Academic Suggests Pedophilia Be Taught in Schools as an Innate Sexuality, Genevieve Gluck, Reduxx, 6/9/22
  2. Google Engineer Goes Public to Warn Firm’s AI is Sentient After Being Suspended For Raising the Alarm: Claims It’s Like a 7 or 8 Year Old and Reveals it Told Him Shutting it Off ‘Would Be Exactly Like Death for Me,” James Gordon, Daily Mail, 6/11/22