For decades popes of the church of Rome have been at work planning and attempting to construct a One World Religion. No other pope has worked as feverishly to bring about this false teaching, this heretical act than has the current pope, Jorge Mario Bergolio. Lying consistently regarding Islam, and other false faiths. Ignoring God, ignoring the Word of God, and working from a personal of the world agenda.

Just the facts. They may be difficult to digest for some, but they’re just the facts. Jorge is an idol-worshipping false teacher. A wolf in very expensive and ornate sheep’s clothing.

Do not be deceived.

And speaking the truth with regard to heretics, false teachers, unsound doctrines, false beliefs is not sacrilegious or being judgmental in an unbiblical manner. We are to wisely, constantly judge all things if they are of God, or of the world. Do they ring true with Scripture or are they in opposition, and thus at enmity with the Word, and thusly at enmity with God!

To remain silent, cover-up, or be concerned about speaking or writing the truth is what is wrong. Not in writing or speaking the truth. Let’s not become confused along the way.


Ken Pullen

Tuesday, February 8th, 2022

ACP — A Crooked Path


Jorge Mario Bergolio, a.k.a. the pope celebrates “unity in diversity” as Islamist persecution of Christians escalates worldwide


February 7, 2022

By Robert Spencer

Reprinted from Jihad Watch


Few Christians in the West say anything about the Muslim persecution of Christians, and those who do generally ignore the root causes of that persecution. They don’t want to harm the “Muslim-Christian dialogue” in which they place so much hope, and which has not saved one single Christian from being murdered.

Robert McManus, Roman Catholic Bishop of Worcester, Massachusetts, said it on February 8, 2013 as he was suppressing a planned talk (by me) at a Catholic conference on that persecution: “Talk about extreme, militant Islamists and the atrocities that they have perpetrated globally might undercut the positive achievements that we Catholics have attained in our inter-religious dialogue with devout Muslims.”

Remember that Mohamed Atta, about the plane he had hijacked on September 11, 2001, told passengers over the intercom: “Stay quiet and you’ll be OK.” The Catholic Church appears to have adopted that statement as its policy regarding Muslim persecution of Christians.

“Leave them; they are blind guides. And if a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit.” (Matthew 15:14)

“Francis Spins Failed Treaty with Grand Imam,” by Jules Gomes, Church Militant, February 4, 2022:

VATICAN ( – Pope Francis is trumpeting his concordat with Grand Imam Ahmed el-Tayeb as a triumph — despite the dramatic rise in Islamic persecution of Christians since the two leaders signed the Abu Dhabi declaration three years ago.

In a video message marking the third anniversary of the declaration on Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together, signed by Francis and el-Tayeb on Feb. 4, 2019, the pope saluted the world’s preeminent Sunni Muslim leader for walking with him over the last three years.

“This is a good day to extend a hand, to celebrate our unity in diversity — unity, not uniformity, unity in diversity — in order to say to the communities in which we live that the time of fraternity has arrived,” Francis declared.

Contradicting the biblical teaching that confers God’s promise to Abraham on those who “belong to Christ” (Galatians 3:7, 29), Francis included Muslims in “the promise of his descendants.”

The “promise has also been fulfilled in our lives, that of a fraternity as vast and bright as the stars of heaven!” Francis exclaimed, citing his own March 2021 address, delivered during the “Interreligious Meeting at the Plain of Ur.”

Speaking to Church Militant, Islamic historian Robert Spencer said that the persecution of Christians in Islamic countries had skyrocketed since Francis signed his declaration with el-Tayeb.

Spencer, author of bestselling The History of Jihad: From Muhammad to ISIS, elaborated:

The pope is whistling in the dark. The pact has not been a success — except from the standpoint of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Sayyid Qutb, who emphasized that building bridges with non-Muslims was solely for the purpose of bringing them into Islam, not for any genuine dialogue.

This is exemplified by the fact that the pope keeps telling Christians they must live fraternally with Muslims, while the Grand Sheikh of al-Azhar, his great friend, has made no comparable call to Muslims not to destroy churches, persecute Christians, etc.

Persecution Worst in Sunni Countries

Spencer also observed that “the persecution of Christians is most severe in Sunni nations, such as Afghanistan, Pakistan and Nigeria,” and that “if the al-Azhar’s pact with the pope had any substance at all, this wouldn’t be true, as al-Azhar is the world’s foremost Sunni institution.”

The 2022 World Watch List, released in January by Open Doors International, records a significant increase in persecution against Christians, with Sunni countries dominating the list of persecutors.

Four out of the five countries with the highest rates of anti-Christian violence are predominantly Sunni Muslim (Afghanistan, Somalia, Libya and Yemen). Afghanistan is now the most dangerous country in the world for Christians, with communist North Korea ranking second. The five highest persecutors are followed by Eritrea, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Syria — where Sunni Muslim majorities persecute Christians.

Lower on the list of persecutors are the predominantly Shia Muslim countries of Iran and Iraq and the overwhelmingly Hindu nation of India.

Francis has remained silent on the persecution of Christians in Islamic countries and did not refer to the emerging Christian holocaust in his speech.

The pope famously uttered a single (and feeble) sentence on the Islamic takeover of the world’s largest Byzantine basilica by Turkey’s Sunni Muslim president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, in July 2020.

Two months later, Erdoğan ordered the conversion of the Church of the Holy Savior (the nation’s best-known Byzantine monastic church) in Chora, Istanbul, into a mosque.

“The document on human fraternity that the pontiff signed with el-Tayeb states that ‘the protection of places of worship — synagogues, churches and mosques — is a duty guaranteed by religions, human values, laws and international agreements,’” Spencer noted….

Filed Under: Catholic ChurchdialogueFeaturedMuslim persecution of ChristiansUseful idiots