Is Revival Possible?
We have never concurred in this view. Verses 2-7 of this passage describe the condition of the ungodly about us. These have “a form of godliness” but not the reality and it is these who will “wax worse and worse” (Vers. 5,13). “From such” the Spirit exhorts us to “turn away” (Ver. 5).
But why, in the midst of these “perilous times” should the Church not be strong and united? The Word of God often shines brightest when the days are darkest.
It is true that our Lord said about the coming “tribulation,” that “because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold” (Matt. 24:12), but this was a prediction concerning a particular situation, and while similar causes often produce similar effects, this is not always so. Not infrequently the wickedness of the world has driven saints to their knees and to the Word, with blessed results.
True spiritual revival takes place in the blood-bought Church of God not in the wicked world about it. That which is dead cannot be revived but that which has life can and should be. We know of no Scripture that should deter us from praying for a true spiritual awakening among God’s people. Indeed we must be careful lest we cease praying and toiling for a revival on the grounds that “times are getting worse and worse and there’s not going to be, a revival.”
It seems to us that one of the surest ways to grow spiritually indifferent ourselves is to conclude that God will not grant us a spiritual awakening no matter what we do.
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