In the photo above the words “Read Me!” are scrawled in the dust of an unread Bible. Most likely the work of Photoshop these days, but no matter the point is made. Reading though is only the first step. To read the Holy Bible and not understand it? To discern it incorrectly? Not rightly divide it? To get what God says wrong? Is a grave error. A great mistake. The greatest mistake anyone can make in this life.

Yet many who do get around to opening a Bible and reading it do so misunderstanding what it is they have read, or are reading. Are we praying to God not amiss, humbled, in faith, not double-minded as we begin? Believing His Word is inerrant, infallible and living? If so, are we thus also praying to God that He measures out His Spirit overflowing to us to rightly divide His Word? To discern what we read wisely? Not misunderstanding what it is we’re reading? Do we ever ask ourselves questions like this or similar to this upon picking up a Bible and beginning to read?

If we are not doing this then why aren’t we? Let’s get away from this “Two Minutes with the Bible” daily fast devotional, oh, I don’t have time, I’m so busy, life is so hectic I’ll get around to looking at a verse I like at some point today mentality. This way of living our supposed spiritual lives as professed disciples of Jesus Christ is not living a spiritual life as a disciple of Jesus Christ. Let’s stop deluding ourselves. How much time are we spending with God versus everything else in this life? If we’re but a breath in God’s Word in the 8,640 exhalations (on average a person breaths 17,280 times a day, thus they exhale then 8,640 times on average) I would feel safe in saying we’re all sorely, severely imbalanced. We are not living as disciples of Jesus. If we can only give the Lord a breath or two in each day He is the one making our every breath, our every heartbeat, our every day possible? Something is amiss is it not?

How about we become more Simon, who is called Peter and his brother Andrew (see Matthew 4)? And we drop what we’re doing and follow the Lord? Daily? And whenever any question arises? Any thought taking us from the truth? From God? We turn to God which means we turn to the Holy Bible.

Can we begin to do this? Rather than allowing the disarray, confusion, false doctrines, misunderstandings and encroachment of false teachings to arise? To then go from seed to full blown weed infested garden choking out the light, choking out the good fruit bearing branches?

How about we begin to think with the brains the Good Lord gave us?

Anyone saying, writing, thinking the Jews are the ones, the only ones that killed Jesus is a fool. They do not know or understand the Bible. Any of it. From Genesis to Revelation, from the beginning which introduces Jesus in Genesis 3:15, and even earlier if believing the light God brought over the darkness, before creating the sun, moon and stars with Jesus is the Light of the world, His only begotten Son, Jesus, His Spirit into the darkness — all the way through every book, every event leading up to Jesus being born fully God and fully human. To live, teach, die, conquer death in being resurrected on the 3rd day, to be seen by over 500 people for 40 days before ascending to the Father right in front of His disciples, right on through to the last word of the Book of Revelation. We are now living in Biblical times. Do not forget this. Bible times are not over. We’re all alive right now in Biblical times.

And EVERY ONE — EVERY ONE killed Jesus the Lord. Not only the Jews. Not only Pontius Pilate. Not only Herod Antipas, not only Caiaphas the high priest, not only the whole council of the Jews (Sanhedrin) meeting illegally according to their law, not only the heathen, the pagan — the Gentile. ALL KILLED Jesus! Everyone. Every one. Let us never forget this. Never allow the lies of the world (the devil who has reign over this world for a season and is the father of lies) to overshadow the truth. The words of Jesus. The words of the Word.

And may we all rightly divide the Word if we have not been doing so. May we all enter into prayerful meditation upon every time we turn to God’s inerrant infallible living Word and ask, literally ask the Holy Spirit to teach us. Guide us. Fill us. Instruct us. Lead us. To give us that which we could never reach on our own no matter how educated, no matter how much we read. If we’re not reading the Bible in prayerful meditation asking the Holy Spirit to teach us? To reveal to us? Then we’re just another person reading just another book.

And as such we’re inclined to get it wrong. To get it all wrong. And oh what a grave error that would be, is dear ones as mentioned in the video below (it’s only 3 minutes long)…


Ken Pullen

ACP — A Crooked Path

Tuesday, October 1st, 2019


Is Reformed Theology Anti-Semitic? (VIDEO)


September 29, 2019

From: ASKDRBrown