A child born with Lissencephaly.


In the image of God…


Monday, January 24th, 2022

by Ken Pullen

ACP — A Crooked Path


So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

Genesis 1:27 — English Standard Version

but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. With it we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse people who are made in the likeness of God. From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things ought not to be so. 

James 3:8-10 — English Standard Version

See James 3


I just finished reading an article with the heading “Jewish Lives Matter.”

Yes, they do. No kidding.

And we’ve been indoctrinated, saturated, lambasted, blasted, and drowned in the dung of the pagan, unholy Black Lives Matter Movement.

And within all these “Police lives matter,” “Black lives matter,” “Jewish lives matter,” “White lives matter,” “Latino lives matter,” and on and on and on relentless like so much garbage flowing down a swollen river after a massive flood, within this flood of poisonous tongues, unbridled tongues, in this torrent are many professed Christian tongues.

All of whom ought to know better.

For all lives matter. A statement that outrages many and brings a swelling of anger into their hearts and minds.

The godless, the heathen, the blind, lost, and walking dead. Walking dead in their sin;

And you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience— among whom we all once lived in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of mankind.

Ephesians 2:1-3 — English Standard Version

Most deny, most ignore, almost all rebel — including those professing to be a Christian, but unless and until truly renewed of mind and spirit and transformed by the Supernatural power of the Spirit of God? All are the walking dead. Blind. Dead in their sins. Period. Not because I or any person said it or wrote it — but rather because it is the words from God within His living Word.

We’re all created in the image of God.

We’re all knitted in the womb by the miraculous creation of life, of God, from God, by God.

All with a purpose for God.

Even the little daughter of my wife’s nephew. Little sweet Hanna. Born with LISSENCEPHALY. A birth defect wherein a child is born with a smooth brain. No wrinkles, crevices in the brain. Medically it is termed a defective neuronal migration that occurs within the 12th to 24th week of gestation. Most children born with this very rare birth defect only live between 5 and 7 years. Their mental and physical ability only attains that of a 3-month-old child. Hanna has never walked. Never spoken. But she hears and smiles all the time. Her life has been more than I can comprehend. She grows. She is only fed through a tube surgically inserted into her intestines. Previously she had a tube inserted into her stomach and was fed with a puree from a syringe that injected the puree into her system to keep her nutritionally fed. Now she is fed with baby formula directly into her intestine, due to her being unable to keep the puree down at this point in her life.

Most people in this country, in the West, and around the world at this point in history would play the part of a Caesar in the old Roman Collesuum and give the sweet blessing of life in God’s image the thumb’s down and want her murdered at birth. That’s the way in America, in the West, and around the world.

My brother-in-law, the husband of my wife’s sister, the father of the man who had this child come into his life, the brother-in-law now deceased for many years, a man who did not believe in Jesus, did not believe the Bible, and did not believe in God, a man who once told me as I spoke to him about faith and the Lord said to me, “Unless you can make my dead parents appear to me right now unless this Jesus you believe in can make my dead parents appear in front of me right now you can take your faith and ________________ it!”

The one and the same cursed God for having sweet Hanna born as she was.

None in that family ever taking a moment to think how she was born in God’s image as was, is, will be every other human being.

None in that family ever taking a moment to ponder the possibility of the BLESSING the birth of Hanna into that family could bring.

Cursing God. A God the majority in that family do not believe in, refuse to believe He exists. Yet when it comes time to place blame? Point anger? Curse? Well, then God appears to them in their lost, blind, dark, and foolish dead cold hearts.

Enough of this life matters, these lives matter, oh these lives matter more or most…

And on and on and on it escalates.

And this among many professing to be Christians! Professing to be disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ!

Become literate, fluent, accomplished, aware, understanding, wise and discerning in the Word of God. Above anything of worldly wisdom. Worldly understanding.

And do not even stick a toe into the swirling vortex, the consuming whirlpool of worldly thinking and ideologies, philosophies, and misguided false practices and beliefs. Because you may perhaps not be strong enough to retrain, resist the current, the undertow, the sucking of such proportion and darkness and be swallowed up.

Don’t say in your mind or aloud, “That can never happen to me, no way, not me!”

For millions have thought or said the same.

And the river of life, the sea of life is filled with their dead bodies, their dark souls, cold hearts, and lost spirits.

Do not fall. Do not tempt the Lord. Do not debate the Lord or his inerrant Word.

Do not become angry with God.

And may we all humbly submit, bow, and live to live in the image of God. As created. Which is to serve the Lord, love the Lord, obey the Lord.

And enough of this narrow, ignorant, totally wrong selective process of determining which group, populations lives matter.

When every life matters before God the Creator.

And those who think themselves great? Intelligent? Wise? Better? They will be the least if they make it into the kingdom of God at all. Again, not according to me. Find this on your own in the Holy Bible. It’s there. You can’t miss it if truly searching out this truth.

Where’s the humility? The submission before God? The belief in the Word? The living out of the Word of God? The true discipleship? The true people of God? Shouldn’t we be seeing the Light emanating from them rather than appearing just like those consumed in and by the world?

Let each of us watch our tongues. Our words. What is in our heart and comes out our mouth defiling us.

Let us bow humbly before the Lord.

And be the creation in His image to the best we can be in this sin-filled, corrupted fallen world before finally being perfected in the new heaven and the new earth to come.