According to the most thorough and accurate survey and polling source in America, the George Barna Group operating out of the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University only 6% of Americans have a “Biblical worldview,”

America is lost. American schools and education are lost. American government is lost. American families and parenting for the most part, what remains of such is lost. How can I write such things and judge this way? By the evidence all around. Look! Listen! See! Hear! You’ve got to then KNOW if you have eyes and ears and can still use that good mind God blessed you with instead of just turning it this way and that being lead about by the whims, trends, lying words, and ways of the world.

Bad ideas? How about downright evil permeating and consuming? How about more and more willingly enslaving themselves into ever deeper, ever darker, ever eviler thoughts, actions, deeds, and living when in truth they aren’t living since they are in reality the walking dead. Walking about foolishly believing they are enlightened and they are coming up with all these new ideas, calling it progress, freedom, rights, and equality when there isn’t a new idea in the lot. Just greater numbers and just the same old paganism, idol worship, immorality and lies, the works of Satan, and just more people being misled and falling deeper into the abyss. That’s all.

And young people, children of ever-increasing younger ages are being brainwashed, indoctrinated, and carried away in this cesspool of evil and darkness.

Satan, for millennia, focused on and was seemingly content, though he is never truly content, he was held back from mounting an all-out attack on children, on young people. The Evil One and his legions always focused upon as their primary prey adults or at least young adults. Not children.

But evil has been unloosed and its minions and agents doing the bidding of their master know that if they are to consume the world in darkness as they desire, if they are to in their vanity and foolish minds believe they can somehow defeat God? Make Jesus null and void? Discredit the Word of God? And cause such confusion, mayhem, rage, and rebellion — they cannot any longer focus on young adults or adults. They already had them in their snare and enslaved. No, they would go after the children. And the ever-younger the better. Pour the lies into the pliable young minds and make evil and the lies of Satan their foundation rather than God, the word of God, the ways of God, and the Lord Jesus Christ — as it had been for so long in America and other nations, other Western nations.

So, Satan and his hoards have set about an all-out last-ditch warfare move. Capture, ensnare, enslave, indoctrinate young minds and hearts, the minds and hearts of children, and defeat God, Jesus, and the truth of God, Jesus, and the Holy Bible.

It is a campaign doomed to failure and Satan and his leagues of demons, fallen angels and fleshly minions on earth know this, but like thieves in a vault full of gold bars and cash and treasure, they are grabbing as quickly as they can as much as they can while the alarm is blaring away and the Law, the Truth, the Light is drawing closer to capture and incarcerate them for eternity.

And the overwhelming majority of adults are aiding and abetting, serving the Enemy.

What to do?

Be in the remnant, fully attired in the full armour of God never removing it. Even when you turn in for the night and desire to enter into slumbers and restful sleep. Never remove the full armor of God in this constant, never a pause worldwide spiritual war.

Where every person is a soldier on one side or the other.

And there are only two sides.

Stop worrying about “offending” someone, about “being nice” and about “feelings.” Make the truth the priority. And that truth is the whole, complete nothing added to nothing removed from inerrant living Word of God. Period.

I have no affiliation with BREAKPOINT, the Colson Center, or this seminar mentioned in the article and audio below. No connection. No monetary renmeration. No ads here! The article below appears here because its theme of immunizing students and young people against evil, or “bad ideas” needs air, light, attention, and bringing about to fruition. Not necessarily via seminars asking for money. How about freely spending time with students and young people in the pursuit of the Word of God? In the pursuit of truth rather than concern about offending, or the government doesn’t want me doing this, my pastor says, our school says, he said, she said, they say…

What does the Word of God say?

The time is short. The darkness grows by the hour. Evil and Satan and his hoards never sleep, never rest. Why do those professing to be disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ keep falling asleep and not paying attention, not obeying just as Peter, James, and John?

Jesus Prays in Gethsemane

And they went to a place called Gethsemane. And he said to his disciples, “Sit here while I pray.” And he took with him Peter and James and John, and began to be greatly distressed and troubled. And he said to them, “My soul is very sorrowful, even to death. Remain here and watch.” And going a little farther, he fell on the ground and prayed that, if it were possible, the hour might pass from him. And he said, “Abba, Father, all things are possible for you. Remove this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.” And he came and found them sleeping, and he said to Peter, “Simon, are you asleep? Could you not watch one hour? Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” And again he went away and prayed, saying the same words. And again he came and found them sleeping, for their eyes were very heavy, and they did not know what to answer him. And he came the third time and said to them, “Are you still sleeping and taking your rest? It is enough; the hour has come. The Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of sinners. Rise, let us be going; see, my betrayer is at hand.”

Mark 14:32-42 — English Standard Version

The betrayer of God’s truth, of the Word, the betrayer of the Lord Jesus Christ is alive, active and at hand presently. Are you still sleeping? Are you waiting for someone else to do the work? Bear the good fruit? Stand boldly for the Word, for the truth, in this darkness be the light and the salt? Not hiding your light away?

There has been, there is none, there will be no war more vital, more important, more deadly or life-preserving than the spiritual war every person is enjoined in whether they know this, believe this or not. And, again, there are only two sides.

Darkness, lies, and death. Perpetual eternal death and misery. Forever.

Or the light, truth, and life. Eternal life in faith of, belief in, and obedience to God the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the word of God.

That’s it. That’s what EVERYTHING no matter what is said or thought or even preached — THOSE are ALL EVERYTHING is about.

And evil is working overtime everywhere to enslave and destroy young minds and hearts, to steal children from the truth.

Will you remain asleep in the garden? Focused more on self, the fleshly matters, your job, so on than you are in and about the truth? Eternity?


Speak the truth even if your voice shakes. Even if it puts you at risk of offending, of not being liked, or “hurting someone’s feelings” and having them disagree with you, or even begin to hate you.

It’s about the truth of God. It’s about eternity. It’s about salvation, spreading the gospel, and overcoming darkness with light.

Isn’t it? Or do we just say these things with our lips but refuse to live them out in our daily lives bearing good fruit?


Ken Pullen

Friday, February 18th, 2022

ACP — A Crooked Path


Immunizing Students from Bad Ideas (Audio)

Passing on a Christian worldview to our kids requires much more than just telling them the truth. It requires us to help them love the truth, and gain spiritual immunity against infectious bad ideas.



By Wayne Stender

Reprinted from BREAKPOINT



Many Christian parents worry about passing on the faith to their children. Sadly, statistics suggest they should. In 2020, the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University found that just 2% of millennials, a generation now well into adulthood, have a biblical worldview. That’s the lowest of any generation since surveys began. Lifeway Research reports that two-thirds of those who attend a youth group as teenagers will drop out of church as adults. 

A significant aspect of the battle for the hearts and minds of the next generation has to do with ideas. Helping students think correctly about life and the world, God and themselves would be hard enough if they weren’t facing such strong cultural headwinds. But they are, and bad ideas are like viruses. They spread from the mind to the heart, and from person to person, even infecting entire populations.  

Many young people today leave the faith because they lack the necessary immunity from the bad ideas of our culture. Christian parents must not only present the truth to their kids, they must find ways to immunize them against lies. To do that, we need to know which teaching methods work and which don’t.   

Dr. Jeff Myers of Summit Ministries points to the work of a Yale psychology professor from the 1950s. Dr. William McGuire suggested that bad ideas behave like viruses. Specifically, the more exposure one has to bad ideas in a controlled setting, the less likely they are to fall for those ideas later. 

McGuire performed a series of experiments in which he tried to convince subjects of a lie, that brushing their teeth was actually bad for them. Those with no preparation for what they were about to hear were more easily convinced to stop brushing, and those who were warned against a specific bad argument they would hear were harder to deceive. No real surprise. 

More surprising were the groups that were easiest and the hardest to dupe. The group most vulnerable to falsehoods was not the one with zero preparation, but the one who’d merely had the truth reinforced. In other words, the subjects most easily deceived were told things like, “You know brushing your teeth is good for you, right? You’ve been taught this since you were little. Trust us.” When they heard arguments they’d never heard before, this group felt sheltered and even deceived. 

The least vulnerable group were those who had not only been warned against a bad argument they’d hear, they were also taught how to respond. And, they were warned they could face additional bad arguments, so they needed to be aware and vigilant. 

What does this experiment teach us? Well, for one thing, that the method many Christian parents and churches use to pass on the faith—reinforcement without taking seriously counter ideas—is doomed to fail. In fact, it can leave young people more vulnerable to lies.  

It also teaches us that we don’t have to give kids all the answers, but they do need to be aware and ready to think for themselves. This requires that we give them a framework, or a pattern, of responding to bad ideas thoughtfully and confidently.  

This is what the team at Summit Ministries has been doing with students for decades: immunizing them against bad ideas and preparing them for challenges to their faith. The results are measurable and impressive.    

An independent 2020 survey of Summit alumni showed that just 40% felt able to defend their faith against challenges before attending a student conference. After attending, that number skyrocketed to nearly 90%. Before Summit, only 44% claimed a strong commitment to Christianity. Afterward, 77% did. And, almost 97% of Summit alumni indicate they are currently attending a church that holds to the truth of the Bible. 

Chuck Colson called Summit Ministries “the gold standard” for training young adults in Christian worldview. I agree. I’ve personally witnessed and been part of the transformation that happened at Summit. Each 2-week student conference—held at Covenant College in Georgia and at the Summit headquarters in Manitou Springs, Colorado—shapes a robust, biblical worldview in young people, while also preparing them for divisive topics like abortion, doubt and deconstruction, evolution, gender identity, God’s existence, sexuality, and more.  

If you know a student who needs to attend a Summit conference this summer, get a $100 discount with offer code “BREAKPOINT22.” You can also save $200 when you register before March 31 for any in-person Summit Student Conference. Simply visit 

The numbers speak for themselves. Passing on a Christian worldview to our kids requires much more than just telling them the truth. It requires us to help them love the truth, and gain spiritual immunity against infectious bad ideas.
