“Almost twenty centuries after it happened, churchmen are still sitting in panel discussions arguing over whether or not the resurrection really took place. If we have not arrived at head-certainty by now, we had better explore some other avenue. The shortest and surest road to assurance in this matter is to accept the Bible as God’s Word by faith and see what happens. It proves itself, and men who have dared to say, “Let God be true but every man a liar,” have found themselves in possession of a weapon before which the devil himself gives way.”
I have a life with Christ to live;
But ‘ere I live it, must I wait
Till learning can clear answer give
To this and that book’s date?
“Absolutely not! God’s Word is its own best argument. Its authenticity and reliability are built in and beyond the shadow of a doubt to any who will accept it, affirm it, and assert it.”
~ Vance Havner
If You Can’t See, Look!
By Vance Havner
Looking unto Jesus.
Hebrews 12:2
We are looking unto Jesus, not at Him. There is a world of difference. F. B. Meyer says something to the effect that if we cannot see Him we can look in the direction where we know Him to be. Alexander Whyte puts it: “He does not say, See; He says only, Look.”
The snake-bitten Israelite, far to the rear in the multitude, may not have been able to make out clearly the outline of the serpent, but he looked that way. What matters most is not how clearly we perceive Jesus but the utter dependence of our look. If a friend should assume a debt for us, we would look, not at him, but unto him, to meet the obligation. Sometimes our view grows dim and we cannot feel or think with satisfaction. Darkness veils Jesus’ lovely face, but if we rest on His unchanging grace, looking His way in the fog, that is it.
Look His way, face His direction, as you move through the mist. Look unto Him, even though you cannot look at Him. He will not fail, though you cannot feel. He abideth faithful.
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