I don’t know you, but I care about you…
Thursday, March 21st, 2024
by Ken Pullen
The world is in such a place, so many people in such a state, and I realize as a believer, a person who was lost and only by the grace and love of God saved, by the Supernatural working of the Holy Spirit in my heart and mind to bring me out of my state of perpetual darkness, and being lost…
That I have not loved others enough.
I have not followed the two greatest commandments I have known yet have not always practiced them.
Which Is the First Commandment of All?
But when the Pharisees heard that He had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered together. Then one of them, a lawyer, asked Him a question, testing Him, and saying, “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?”
Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.”
Matthew 22:34-40
Far too often I have been harsh, distant, and otherwise occupied. Spending too much time on matters that I cannot change and must place complete trust in God and His working, His plan unfolding
Also, at times, I am fearful of how I would be thought of, if I would flub things up as I am more than capable of doing, keeping me from faithfully serving the Lord and obeying the Lord Jesus Christ’s instruction to His disciples when at the time there were 11, but by faith and the power of the Spirit of God many millions since the Lord ascended into heaven in front of His disciples on the day He said to them;
The Great Commission
Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, to the mountain which Jesus had appointed for them. When they saw Him, they worshiped Him; but some doubted.
And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.
Matthew 28:16-20
I have not shown compassion and love as I ought to. I have not lived to bring my faithfulness to others as I ought to have. For all I know and have come into contact with, and how I have constructed much of what appears here on A Crooked Path which has been many times contrary to what I could be, should be doing for the Lord.
In my heart, I have had the fire, the awareness, the compassion, caring, and consuming constant attention that unless the people I meet, have access to, are made aware of the Lord Jesus Christ, shown genuine love to my neighbors, to complete strangers, to everyone as God desires everyone comes to the Lord and is saved sparing them of the eternal firey depths of hell — as I know heaven and hell are very real. A greater reality than this passing and to be forgotten earth and all that has transpired here — that at one time I was destined for that place of horror, terror, pain, and void, the absence of God. And I can no longer remain as I was knowing so many are lost, so many are in darkness, so many may have faith but are in neutral, not active, that I asked the Holy Spirit to work in me to do what God wants —that it is past the time for me to humble myself, repent, and to follow the instruction of my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, to love others as myself. To love my enemies. And to show compassion, caring, agape love because I do not want anyone to go to hell who doesn’t need to go there — forever. FOREVER.
And that I have been lax and not showing kindness, mercy, caring, patience, and love of others who may be lost, feeling alone, seeking God but no one showing them love or lending a helping hand so they can take comfort and solace in the knowledge someone does care about them does love them — even though they might not even know them.
For me to remain silent, to not show them the Love of Christ, to not live as the Lord commands me to live is to then appear to hate others as I am not speaking up about God, asking others if they need some help, if I can pray for them, showing them some kindness and genuine caring and love. If I do not do this there is no neutrality — I would then be showing them ambivalence, the opposite of love and caring for their soul, their wellbeing, their eternity.
Even though I may not know them…
A complete stranger showing care and the love of Christ, the love for others Christ instructs me to have as His faithful disciple.
This said I am prayerful the tone of this place changes to reveal my sincere hope and prayer that I can show care, agape love, compassion, patience and not use words that drive a person away from God, away from Jesus, away from the Holy Bible — but that the Holy Spirit will give me the words, the gentle boldness to speak of God’s love and mercy to others, to let them know even though I don’tknow them that I care. I love them and desire in my heart that they come to the Lord.
And that the angels rejoice and another soul ponders, believes, and practices the ways and Word of the Lord. Faithfully. To enter the fold.
If you have something that you would want me to pray for you, something to help you and add my heartfelt attention towards the Lord carrying your requests to Him. Let me know.
Power in prayer.
We all need someone, others while here in the flesh.
We all sin and need to know someone will listen, care, maybe show some love, and that would give them just give them a little tug within their heart, provided not by me but by the Holy Spirit — I am just the vessel the words, perhaps only a few words. Words I pray the Holy Spirit gives to me as Scripture declares, and I believe every word within the Word.
I do this not to win points. To impress.
I do this because I see and know the errors of my past ways, that the time is short and no one knows how much time they have remaining, and foremost I am thankful to God and Jesus daily for forgiving me of my sin, sparing me from God’s wrath and providing eternal life with Them and all the heavenly hosts due to my faith alone, in Christ alone — and I want to tell others of this in the hope that in a few words, a slight gesture, that the Holy Spirit works in them and the seed of kindness and genuine love germinates in them as they are opened to allowing themselves, perhaps for the first time, hear and recognize the working of the Holy Spirit in them.
Anyone desiring another person to pray for them, perhaps to just reach out in some words assuring them that someone does truly care, that loves them and wants them to know God loves them so, so much and He is always there. Always there to help. To lift up. To save.
Just leave your prayer request in the comment section, or let me know you’re there and need someone to truly care for them as a Christian ought to love all.
Depending on the responses I would then look into getting another email address so folks could email me directly and I would reply to them and perhaps a wonderful faithful relationship would develop, or at least a singular moment might help — while the Lord tarries and we await His return and to be carried heavenward, heaven bound with Him.
May the One True God bless you, and may I be an obedient and faithful servant to my Lord doing what He has instructed and commanded me to do with regard to others.
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