How the media mislead about Americans’ consensus on abortion


Abortion is murder. No semantics or verbal antics are required. Abortion is the premeditated murder of a human. Period. A small, developing human being, but no mistaking what a living human egg and a living human sperm come together in the miracle of life as created by God — to begin instantly in that union a new living human being.

Developing and growing from the instant of conception.

Tragically, adult humans, mainly those in positions of government or information appear to have no conception of the truth. As do their lost in total darkness adherents mimicking their lies and murderous rantings and chantings.

Abortion is murder. Any abortion at any time. Is the premeditated murder of a human being. Small, defenseless, unable to speak yet able to know pain.

Incredible how every human being on earth in stubbing their toe, closing a hand in a door, sleeping awkwardly, and awakening by the sheer grace of God experiencing some neck pain can focus on their minor fleeting pain, most even exclaiming verbally of their little inconvenience, their small “ouch,” yet do not consider for an instant the excruciating pain and suffering of the human being murdered in the womb, ripped from the womb, ripped asunder in many instances while breathing, living, a poor, defenseless child.

Crying into heaven.

And while there are no tears in heaven what is felt by God the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the angels who are given the ability by God to witness the events on earth are most certainly grieved and feeling such pain for the sin and callousness, the selfishness, the lying of so many among all the dying, all the murder of the innocent.

Abortion is murder. Premeditated murder of another human being. Of the worst kind. Of the defenseless, the innocent, the unable to speak — yet they cry out into the consciousness of our souls do they not as we know our sin though we pretend we do not.

And folks wonder why the events taking place and shaping America, Western nations, and our world are occurring. Do we imagine that such murder, such sin, such arrogance, such lying could go unpunished without consequences?


How arrogant, how like the devil. The media mediates, propagates, and exaggerates for their master, Satan.

We need to repent of our sin, be it a sin of silence, and turn to the Mediator, the Lord Jesus Christ, asking sincerely for forgiveness and healing. For the truth to be seen and heard through the din, the thick choking fog of what passes for news and information, for leadership in high places.

Because right now somewhere a human child is being torn asunder, ripped from the womb, and murdered. With intent. With evil intent.

And on and on and on and on and on and on and on it goes…

Ken Pullen, A CROOKED PATH, Tuesday, July 11th, 2023


How the media mislead about Americans’ consensus on abortion


Tuesday, July 11, 2023

By Marjorie Dannenfelser

Reprinted from The Hill


Fox News host Shannon Bream recently pressed Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.) on whether he supports any limits on abortion prior to a baby’s due date. The Democrat gave an uncommonly clear answer: “No.”

Bream’s pursuit of such clarity is, sadly, rare in her field. Around the first anniversary of the Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade, newspaper headlines and television chyrons have largely clung to the familiar narrative that the consensus among Americans favors radical abortion policies like those generally espoused by Cardin and his party.

This couldn’t be further from the truth.

Even after 50 years under Roe, the American public strongly embraces protections for human life before birth. One major reason is that scientific advancements since the 1970s have given rise to greater understanding of babies’ development during pregnancy.

Today, more than ever, Americans recognize the humanity of the child in the womb. For instance, medical advancements have demonstrated that babies need anesthesia for surgery in utero as early as 15 weeks. Certainly, these tiny humans deserve protection from brutal life-ending procedures.

The idea of protecting children in the womb from pain is not controversial. It is a belief most Americans share. Marist polling has been tracking opinions about where to draw the line on abortion for over a decade. In that time, opinion hasn’t changed much, as indicated in the 2023 findings showing that almost seven in 10 Americans support limiting abortion to the first three months of pregnancy at most.

And despite the media narrative to the contrary, this poll is not an outlier  in fact, Marist’s results track with recent Gallup, NPR, Harvard-Harris and Associated Press polls.

When asked for their specific views  in terms of weeks or trimesters  Americans consistently express a desire to protect the unborn throughout most of their nine months of gestation.

The media generally frame their coverage in a way that lines up with Democratic messaging, labeling any protections for the unborn as an outright “ban.” Even laws that allow for abortions for any reason for five full months get the absurd misnomer “20-week ban.” In case they missed it, the dictionary definition of “ban” is “to forbid someone to do something.” In no state are all abortions forbidden.

Every state that has enacted life-affirming laws makes some exceptions.

The partisan press further takes a side on this issue by blacking out references to the humanity of children inside the womb, including scientifically observed milestones such as their heartbeat, fingerprints, development of unique facial features, and capacity to feel pain. The Associated Press even instructs journalists to use the cold and clinical “cardiac activity” instead of “heartbeat.”

This framing is a key component of the Democrats’ political strategy. It comes straight out of their carefully poll-tested messaging playbook.

Between the Dobbs decision and the 2022 midterm elections, Democrats’ top strategists conducted detailed polling to investigate what media messages would resonate best with voters. This research yielded a “clear conclusion” that the “most potent messaging for Democrats was to keep the conversation broad by casting Republicans as supporting a national ban on abortion and avoid a discussion over the details about gestational week limits,” the New York Times has reported.

As longtime Democratic pollster Celinda Lake, who has conducted some of the post-Dobbs surveys, put it: “Debating weeks is not where we want to be [because] people are terrible at math and terrible at biology.”

I disagree. In fact, Americans are far more knowledgeable about prenatal development today than they were in 1973, when Roe was decided. Recent generations have grown up observing babies in pregnancy through 2D, 3D and 4D ultrasound images. More and more Americans know someone who underwent surgery in utero, which routinely requires anesthesia, not only for the mother but also specifically for the child patient.

What is true is that Democrats know their position of taxpayer-funded elective abortion through all nine months of pregnancy is not only inhumane, but also polls only up to 20 percent on a good day — and generally far lower than that. The media’s avoidance of this fact is an example of bias, a gift to the Democrats.

It’s time to bring honesty and clarity to our national conversation about abortion. If the mainstream media are willing to return to impartial journalistic ethics, we’ll see a very different story. It will be abundantly clear that Americans are reasonable and compassionate and overwhelmingly want pro-life protections for both mother and child.

Marjorie Dannenfelser is president of Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America.