This year, Leicester’s famous multiculturalism, so praised by the establishment, exploded. Knife attacks, stone- and bottle-throwing, cars torched, religious symbols under siege, dozens wounded, including policemen… Then the hunt for Hindus began in Britain’s streets. No one knows what Britain will be like in 30 years. We might, however, be concerned about a scenario in which large parts of the U.K. and Europe could resemble Pakistan. Pictured: The Masjid Umar mosque in Leicester, England. (Image source: NotFromUtrecht/Wikimedia Commons)



Multiculturalism only improves a society when those entering a well established culture assimilate. When they bring the best of their culture if there are good traits to offer such as cuisine, arts, music, and specific talents to enhance an existing culture. Multiculturalism is not only a failure but a grave danger that leads to the erosion and demise of a longstanding society when those coming in refuse to assimilate. When people oppose any tolerance of the place they are entering and demand those that have either permitted or invited them in fall in line with their ways while not yielding to tolerate the laws, customs, and culture of the place permitting them entrance not only friction ensues — but a breakdown and failure within that society.

There is only one people, one culture in history that has refused to assimilate wherever they have gone.

Islamists. They enter in an orchestrated manner with the sole intent of taking over complete areas and establishing their culture, laws, and practices. At the expense of their host countries and people. Methodically using the constitutions, charters, and goodwill of their host nations against them to achieve their ends.

This has occurred wherever Islamists have been permitted to enter.

This is not bigotry, hatred, or prejudice. This is citing historical facts. Some of these can be found in the article below written by Mr. Giulio Meotti for Gatestone Institute, citing what has occurred in Great Britain when embracing multiculturalism while censoring any rational or objective views in that nation citing reasons to pause and consider the consequences of unbridled immigration of those that are known to refuse to assimilate.

This is not a leftist policy and that’s that. No, this is the doings of evil. Of rebellion. Inviting rebellion and destruction from within once the enemy is permitted to enter not even needing to build a wooden horse to hide in. No, in the latter 20th and early 21st centuries Western nations have thrown the doors wide open and poured out gifts, treasure, and rewards to the one culture, the one people who adamantly refuse to assimilate into Western cultures wherever they go. And they go to these Western lands with intent. To begin to destroy from within.

Don’t misunderstand. I’m not anti-immigration. I am against open borders and being naive or knowingly permitting people to come in that have no intent on ever assimilating and intend to do what they can to erode and undermine the foundations, the structure, the economies, and the culture of the nations entered.

I’m an American but go back a while and my ancestors were immigrants. This isn’t about being anti-immigration. This is about certain people refusing to assimilate into the culture they enter and not only refuse to assimilate but inflict great and growing harm where they enter and reside.

Do not be deceived. Do not fall prey to the lies that pour from the tongues of politicians, media, and folks claiming to be compassionate while in ignorance or denial invite a people in who in large part hate the people and culture of the land they invade. Do not be deceived that it’s all about jobs and poverty that brings the nonstop flow.

Also do not turn away or shrug saying to yourself, “Well, this is the U.K. and European countries’ problem, not ours!”

What may be taking place in Great Britain and throughout Western Europe may appear heightened and foreign to what you may be experiencing in America, but the seeds have been sown in America. And the light, life, and truth choking weeds of destruction are growing. By the week. In America. In every Western nation.

As cited in the article below; “For the first time since the 7th century A.D., England is no longer majority Christian.”

For the first time in our history, America is on the precipice of no longer being a majority Christian nation.

Try to dismiss the correlation. The connection. Not merely a coincidence. I would go as far to write no longer being a majority Christian nation is THEE prime reason for the decline, the demise, the destruction, the erosion, the increased violence and tension, and escalating problems on every front within any culture that for a long period of their existence have been a Christian majority.

Permitting the continued demise of true Christianity in a nation leads to decline and eventual fall. This anything goes que sera sera mindset is not progress, compassion, or the road to creating a better people and nation.

Judgments always come to those who turn from God. Great and horrendous judgments always come to those people and places that were the Lord’s and in their rebellion and disobedience, in their love of the lie rather than the truth turn from God to the lies.

America has been called the melting pot of the world. There is a tall stature in the New York Harbor making a declaration to the world.

The thing is throughout America’s brief history — compared to England, Scotland and Wales, and every other European nation — first English, Dutch, Scottish, Spanish, and Swedish arrived in large numbers. Many among them pilgrims or Puritans desiring religious freedom to practice their Christian faith without being under the thumb of the Church of England or the Church of Rome.

Then came the Irish, Italians, and Germans.

In 1882 there was something called The Chinese Exclusion Act that passed the U.S. Congress, due to a large influx of Chinese immigrants entering America in the 1850s. Of course, were it not for these Chinese, Irish, Germans, and most recent immigrants the intercontinental railway would not have been built and America’s growth stunted.

in 1891 the Immigration Act further extends those who cannot enter America.

Only to have Ellis Island open in 1892 and send us your poor, your huddled masses, and immigration in America begins to boom as never before. In 1907 immigration into America peaked in the nation’s history with over 1,300,000 people entering via Ellis Island alone. Prior to World War I breaking out my grandmother on my mother’s side sailed across the Atlantic by ship and entered America via Ellis Island.

The Japanese arrive over time. Then from all points north, south, east and west folks immigrate to America. For its freedoms, its opportunities.

For the overwhelming majority, those who entered were hard-working noses to the grindstone folks. Willing to do whatever work was available. Much of it was dangerous, deadly, long, difficult, and low paying just to have what they could not have where they came from.

Every group of people from every culture, race, creed, belief, and place on earth came. And assimilated. Oh, yes, we have our Chinatowns, all our Little Italy places, Germantown’s, and our cultural enclaves which present some of the rich cultures of the people who came but even these places in America are Westernized, Americanized. Not holding hard and fast 100% to the culture, the practices from where the folks came.

Only Islamists desire this. Only Islamists entering Western nations view their hosts as infidels. Only Islamists for the greater part don’t just refuse to assimilate — they are here on a mission to increase in numbers and turn where they go inside out and upside down to accommodate them. Not where they are willing to make the necessary changes to assimilate.

As a Westerner attempt to enter and reside in an Islamist state or nation. Anyone aware of or watch or read about the recent World Cup in Qatar? Aware of the restrictions established for every person entering that Islamist state? Compared to any Islamist entering a Western nation? The great difference? Every Westerner bowed to and complied with the demands of the Islamist state, Qatar — Islamists refuse to assimilate in the Western nations not only opening their borders to them but also giving them almost endless aid, welfare, and money.

Now, I’m not naive. I understand the history. That in every people, every race, every nationality, and culture there are criminal elements. Gangs arise. Violence takes place. People are inherently evil. Not good. No matter where they are born, what they are born into, no matter their race or nationality. I’m not saying one group of people are better than another. No, nothing to do with being better than others. Only about assimilating into a culture entered.

And in American history, and Western history Islamists are the only people refusing to assimilate.

And for the first time in history? England, Scotland, Wales, all of Europe save for a couple of Eastern European nations, and all of America have acquiesced and bowed before Islam and let Islam do as Islam demands. This escalated after September 11th, 2001. Think about that for a while.

Paralleling the decline the perverting, and polluting of Christianity in these places is the influx and rise of Islam and Islamist people.

The two cannot be separated. No matter how educated, sophisticated, and modern a person thinks or desires themselves to be. God never changes. And when a people have false gods, when a people lose their way, when a people permit and approve of false beliefs and the continued lowering, corruption, perversion, and decline of the Christian faith the best days for that land and its people do not lie ahead of them. Judgment is to come. Judgment occurs presently.

I had a man do some welding work for me a few years back. I had never met him in person before having him do a small job for me. I was referred to him by my cousin and lifelong friend who knows the man very well. The very first meeting with this man, once our business was discussed and we had agreed on the work to be done, we began to chat a bit in this man’s front yard on a fine summer day the Lord made for all the inhabitants of the earth.

This man is about my age. A Jew. Who is not and has not been a practicing Jew. For many decades. I knew this before meeting the man, as my friend informed me, and in the course of conversing with this man, he verified what my cousin and friend had told me. And this man said to me in the course of our discussion, “I’m not a religious person, I don’t go to church or anything, but you know what the main problem in America is?”

I asked, “What?” Desiring to hear his heartfelt take on America’s greatest problem.

“America is no longer a Christian nation. When we began no longer being a Christian nation everything began to fall apart.”

From an agnostic Jew.

What say you, Christian, thinking what you wear around your neck, or showing up in a place called church that does not abide in the Word of God on Sunday mornings is enough and the message heard is that we’re not liberal enough? We need to be more tolerant? We must not judge anything? Even though the Word instructs us throughout to use the mind God gave us to discern wisely, rightly divide, and judge all things. Yes—certainly do not sit in judgment over anyone as to where their spirit and soul will spend eternity. That is solely God’s doing. Not ours. But we’re to increase in wisdom, discernment, to think, see, hear, to know the signs, pay attention to the times, and rightly divide not only the Word but the world in which we inhabit. Judge all things. According to the Word of God. And in so doing…

If anyone thinks they can remove God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the Scriptures, the true Christian faith from this discussion and make headway and find a solution to the immigration problem that person, that government is among the most lost and deluded people on earth.

God will not be mocked. Even in a culture like America that deludes itself about what it truly is and how impervious and forever it thinks it is no matter what direction the people take, where the people place their hearts and minds.

Want a sign? Always asking and seeking signs? Well, look no further than the United Kingdom, the rest of Europe, other places around the world, and in your very own neighborhood, city, county, state, and nation named America!

What to do about it if a true Christian?

Don’t get political. Don’t waste time writing or emailing your representatives in Congress [more and more each election are Islamists and atheists, pagans and anti-Christian]. Don’t get filled with anxiety and fear.

When an opportunity arises and presents itself when with those of the Islamist belief? Be that light unto the world. Be the salt of the earth. Be that true disciple spreading the gospel — which is Jesus Christ the Lord. Sure, it might not be easy. In all likelihood, you may be rebuffed. You may even be cursed at in a language you do not understand. You may even be spit upon. But do the work of a true disciple and leave the rest to the Lord, to the Holy Spirit.

Why do I write this? Because if you would only take a few minutes of your time you can learn how the greatest growth in the Christian church is in Islamist dominated places and countries. All of these are austere and severe. The missionaries going to Islamist nations and states face death, or at the very least imprisonment or deportation. These are violent barbaric places and nations. Among the most corrupt and violent governments on earth.

Yet these places are where the Christian faith is growing mightily. Where the Word of God is preached, heard, taught, believed, and followers of the Lord Jesus Christ increase.

While in the U.K, throughout Europe, in America where Christianity fades, falters, and fails those remaining true in the faith remain inert, impotent evangelists for that faith, that life-giving, eternal life leading faith they profess is the foundation of their life — refusing to offer that to another in great need of the Truth, the Way, to Light and Life — the Lord Jesus Christ. Not Muhammed. Not Buddha. Not any other false prophet or god.

Leading people to the Lord Jesus Christ!

In America. The most fertile missionary field in all the world, save for all of Europe!

Multiculturalism only truly succeeds when the existing Christian culture reaches out to the incoming immigrants and the incoming immigrants if not already Christian are willing to listen to the Word of God and allow the Holy Spirit to work in them.

THAT is the assimilation that leads to real progress, true opportunity, and a better life — eternal.

How can I make such a claim that seems rash to most? Because when England, Scotland, Wales, America, and other Western nations were majority Christian nations and did not replace good with evil, sweet for bitter, and were more upright than abandoning God and Christianity their cultures thrived, and those entering those nations also thrived.

It’s historical fact.

What now in comparison?

Ken Pullen, A CROOKED PATH, Sunday, December 18th, 2022


Great Britain: Multiculturalism and Islam Turn It Upside-Down



  • This year, Leicester’s famous multiculturalism, so praised by the establishment, exploded. Knife attacks, stone- and bottle-throwing, cars torched, religious symbols under siege, dozens wounded, including policemen… Then the hunt for Hindus began in Britain’s streets.
  • “Leicester to be first city where white people are minority,” announced The Independent in 2007. Some understood that it would not end well.
  • What happened? Leicester became Islamized fast. In 2001, the Muslim population was 11%. By 2017, it made up 20%. Among children, Islam is dominant.
  • For the first time since the 7th century A.D., England is no longer majority Christian.
  • A British bishop, the brave Michael Nazir-Ali, was attacked for denouncing the existence of “no-go areas” in the U.K.
  • No one knows what Britain will be like in 30 years. We might, however, be concerned about a scenario in which large parts of the U.K. and Europe could resemble Pakistan.


“Leicester has become the poster city for multicultural Britain, a place where the stunning number and size of the minorities – the 55 mosques, 18 Hindu temples, nine Sikh gurudwaras, two synagogues, two Buddhist centres and one Jain centre – are seen not as a recipe for conflict or a millstone around the city’s neck, but a badge of honour,” was how, in 2013, the British liberal newspaper The Independent celebrated the transformation of Britain’s tenth-largest city.

There are places in Europe that visited the future sooner than others: Malmö in Sweden, Trappes and Roubaix in France, Cologne in Germany, Molenbeek in Belgium, Leicester in England…

This year, Leicester’s famous multiculturalism, so praised by the establishment, exploded. Knife attacks, stone- and bottle-throwing, cars torched, religious symbols under siege, dozens wounded, including policemen. The burst of violence began after a cricket match between India and Pakistan on August 28. According to the media, some members of the Indian community in Leicester celebrated with the call “Pakistan Murdabad” (“Death to Pakistan”). A Sikh was attacked in the street. Social media networks spread the false news that the victim was a Muslim. The house of a Hindu family celebrating the Ganesh Chaturthi holiday was attacked and social media went wild with the false news of a “premeditated attack against a Muslim.” According to another false posting, a Muslim girl was allegedly harassed by three Hindus. Then the hunt for Hindus began in Britain’s streets.

Just a year ago, Leicester was celebrated by the Institute of Historical Research in London as the most multicultural city in the U.K.

“Here, everyone is a minority,” headlined The Guardian in 2010, rejoicing that “Leicester will soon become the first British city with a non-white majority”. Christianity had been replaced by Islam:

“Here, a Deobandi mosque, built in 2000, faces the Edwardian church of St. Philip’s, started in 1909. The church’s congregation is about 30, mixed white, Indian and African; the mosque across the road holds 500 people. And on Fridays ‘it’s full: prostration room only, with another hundred outside on the pavement,’ says the rector of St. Philip’s, Alan Race.”

“Leicester to be first city where white people are minority,” announced The Independent in 2007. Some understood that it would not end well. “Plural cities, opportunities or time bomb?” the Commission for Racial Equality headlined a conference seminar about Leicester.

What happened? Leicester became Islamized fast. In 2001, the Muslim population was 11%. By 2017, it made up 20%. Among children, Islam is dominant.

Data from the Office for National Statistics recently revealed that, in a major change since 1991, when ethnic minorities made up just over a quarter of the city, 59.1% of Leicester’s population comes from ethnic minorities. Minorities also make up more than half the population in Luton (54.8%) and Birmingham (51.4%), the second-largest city in the U.K., where, 20 years ago, 70% of the population was native English. Leicester, Luton and Birmingham are among 14 large areas of England where people who identify as “white” now make up the minority, The Independent noted. The highest proportion are found in the London boroughs of Newham (69.2%), Brent (65.4%) and Redbridge (65.2%). Outside London, the highest proportion of non-whites is in Slough (64.0%), followed by Leicester (59.1%), Luton (54.8%) and Birmingham (51.4%).

The most popular name among those born in England in 2022 is Mohammed.

Fewer than half the people in England and Wales are now Christian, the recent census revealed, with atheism and Islam gaining ground. For the first time since the 7th century A.D., England is no longer majority-Christian. That was 1,300 years ago, when the islands were converted from paganism to Christianity. In 2011, in the previous census, Christians numbered 59% of the population. Now, they number 46%.

Islam has quickly advanced on the religious scene. In the census of 2011, there were 2.7 million Muslims (4.9% of the population). In the 2021 census, there were 3.9 million Muslims (6.5%): an increase of 44% in just 10 years.

Nearly 10 years ago, the Daily Mail newspaper published an article about a church and a mosque a few meters from each other in the heart of London. At St. George’s Church on Cannon Street Road, there were no more than 12 people to celebrate mass. When the church was built in the 19th century it was designed to accommodate 1,230 worshippers. The numbers were similar in St. Mary’s Church in Cable Street, which opened in October 1849. Built to seat 1,000 people, there were no more than 20 worshippers there. While the two churches were empty, the mosque in Brune Street Estate had a different problem:

“The mosque itself is little more than a small room rented in a community centre, and it can hold only 100.

“However, on Fridays, those numbers swell to three to four times the room’s capacity, so the worshippers spill out onto the street, where they take up around the same amount of space as the size of the near-empty St. Mary’s down the road.”

Christianity is becoming a religion of the past; Islam appears that of the future. In 2015, the Spectator featured on its cover “The Last Christian”, in which an elderly lady was the only worshipper in a cathedral. The former Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Carey, warned that Christianity “is a generation away from extinction”.

The U.K., over which the late Queen Elizabeth reigned for decades, has gone with her.

We now face the aging and self-destruction of the Christian populations of Enlightenment and their religious and cultural traditions; the exponential growth of Islam; the elites celebrating multiculturalism rather than working for the integration of minorities, and overturned demographics. What could possibly go wrong?

Why shouldn’t the Victoria and Albert Museum and other British museums remove portraits of the Islamic prophet Mohammed so as not to offend Muslims? Why shouldn’t cinemas ban the viewing of films that “offend Islam”? Why shouldn’t cities approve public calls to prayer over the outdoor loudspeakers of minarets? Why, in areas where Islam is dominant, such as the London borough of Tower Hamlets, shouldn’t patrols be formed to enforce Sharia law on alcohol-drinkers and homosexuals? In Luton, there are schools where 95% of the students are Muslims. Why shouldn’t sharia courts be allowed to decide family issues? The former president of the U.K. Supreme Court, Lord Phillips, has said that English law must “incorporate” elements of sharia. Why shouldn’t Muslims protest against “Islamophobic professors“? Why shouldn’t Sky News black out the Charlie Hebdo cartoons about the prophet of Islam?

A British bishop, the brave Michael Nazir-Ali, was attacked for denouncing the existence of “no-go areas” in the U.K.

An American writer for the Wall Street Journal, Andy Ngo, recounted a visit to Luton, population 225,000 and approximately 32% Muslim:

“At the Central Mosque, I met a friendly group of Punjabi-speaking young men. ‘You’ve come to see Luton?’ one struggled to ask me in English. The young men asked me to follow them through the town center.

“Within minutes, we walked by three other mosques, which were vibrant and filled with young men coming and going. We passed a church, which was closed and decrepit, with a window that had been vandalized with eggs… All the businesses had a religious flair: The eateries were halal, the fitness center was sex-segregated, and the boutiques displayed ‘modest’ outfits on mannequins. Pakistani flags flew high and proud. I never saw a Union Jack.

“The men finally led me to a discreet building that housed a small Islamic center. They spoke privately to its imam. I was led upstairs to see him. The imam asked me if I was prepared to convert.”

Here is the situation today in major British cities and boroughs. The total population is listed on the left, the Islamic percentage, in parentheses:

  • Birmingham, population 1,149,000: (29.9%)
  • Leeds, 792,000: (7.8%)
  • Sheffield: 584,000: (10.3%)
  • Bradford: 536,000 (30.5%)
  • Manchester: 553,000 (22.3%)
  • Bristol: 467,000 (6.7%)
  • Cardiff: 357,000 (9.3%)
  • Leicester: 357,000 (23.5%)
  • Nottingham: 331,000 (12.2%)
  • Newcastle: 315,000 (10.3%)
  • Blackburn with Darwen: 148,000 (35%)
  • Fenland: 101,000 (12.2 %)
  • Luton: 218,000 (32.9%)
  • Slough: 164,000 (29.4% )
  • Watford: 96,000 (13%)
  • Pendle: 91,000 (26%)
  • Oldham: 237,000 (24.3%)
  • Rochdale: 211,000 (18.8%)
  • Kirklees: 438,000 (19%)
  • Barking and Dagenham: 211,000 (24.4%)
  • Brent: 331,000 (21.4%)
  • Newham: 352,000 (34.8%)
  • Redbridge: 303,000 (31.3%)
  • Tower Hamlets: 319,000 (39.9%)
  • Westminster: 261,000 (20%)

And now let us imagine these cities in 10, 20, and 30 years. The Muslim total population in Britain is estimated to be 13 million by 2050According to Ed Husain, one of the leading Muslim intellectuals in the United Kingdom:

“With almost five million Muslims, there are thousands of new buildings with domes and minarets and in the decades ahead, mosques are predicted to mushroom across the whole land.”

Nothing to worry about. Half of the mosques in the U.K. are affiliated with the Deobandi movement, adhering to the same Hanafi school of law that created the Taliban in Afghanistan.

Soon, half of Birmingham’s population will also be Muslim. “There were 301,000 Muslims in Birmingham in 2018, making up 27% of the local population,” wrote the Birmingham Mail in 2019. “The number of Muslims has risen by 21% from 249,000 in 2011.” The same newspaper noted that Muslim children in the city now outnumber Christian ones.

“In the working-class district of Small Heath, in the eastern part of the city, 95 per cent of the population is Muslim,” Le Figaro reported in 2017 about Birmingham.

“Some shops have different closing times corresponding to those of the daily prayers… The bookstores are religious. Travel agencies guarantee ‘Muslim friendly’ holidays with destinations where customers – especially female customers – are offered access to facilities with non-mixed spaces and swimming pools where women can swim and ‘preserve modesty'”.

No one knows what Britain will be like in 30 years. We might, however, be concerned about a scenario in which large parts of the U.K. and Europe could resemble Pakistan. Brexit or not, that would be the end of Britain as we know it.

Giulio Meotti, Cultural Editor for Il Foglio, is an Italian journalist and author.