God Will Not Be Mocked
Wednesday, November 6th, 2024
by Ken Pullen
“Do not err; God is not put to shame, for anything that a man sows he reaps.”
Galatians 6:7 — Aramaic Bible in Plain English
“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.”
Galatians 6:7 — New International Version
Today, many have reaped what they sowed in their mocking, their denial of God, in their using God as a convenience for their own personal gain, or the hope of their own personal gain. All the while mocking God, by their deeds revealing the true lying and dark character of their souls, hearts, minds, and lives given over to Satan and wickedness.
Starting today all articles that pertain to the election will begin to be removed. They are no longer relevant due to the outcome reached last night. I will keep one article on ACP, directly tied to my opening paragraph, but all others regarding the past election will be removed. For multiple reasons. As mentioned, no longer relevant, and I also pay for server space and there is no point in keeping something that no longer applies. Right? Time to clean house and move forward.
A fresh start. Let us not become arrogant, lazy, complacent, or boastful again as we have in the past and realize the opportunity the blessing from God bestowed upon this nation this week, yesterday, last night, and may we have the understanding, the wisdom, the revelation that what occurred in our nation was not the doing of any group or societal shift, not due to the economy, the border, or anything the victory for Mr. Donald Trump, Mr. J.D. Vance, for the Republican U.S. Senators, as I write this and matters have not been determined for the potential of Republicans retaining control of the House of Representatives has been and is being attributed to, and may we acknowledge, humbly, what took place in America was due solely to God working His will. God stirred the people to pursue righteousness and push back against the wickedness, and the lies that were dominating our landscape.
Time to give God the glory.
Time to be thankful for what the Lord has made possible.
Time to acknowledge the Lord and His Son, Jesus, and to turn from our wickedness and to Him and His Word.
Time to be a light unto this nation, unto the world and all that means — resisting evil, pushing back against the darkness, EVERY individual no longer fearing being bold and speaking up, becoming equipped in the Word, and pushing back against the darkness.
No longer allowing the liar, the thief, the enemies of the Lord Jesus Christ, the enemies of God, the enemies of the Holy Spirit, the enemies of the Holy Bible to be as loud and dominating as they have been.
Time for individual revival leading to a much larger revival. The only kind of good revolution. A revolution for Jesus, with Jesus, to glorify and live in the life afforded only by Jesus. Who was and is God come to earth to live fully truly as a man while also being fully truly God, sacrificing Himself in the only atoning way to cleanse us of our sin and escape the wrath of God, as that is all we truly deserved.
Time to remain steadfast, FERVENT [in fire!] in daily prayer from here on out, not becoming lax, for Mr. Trump, Mr. Vance, all those in our government, in our institutions, our agencies to put their trust in God and to serve the Lord above all else thus providing the greatest of possible service to we the people and this nation.
Time for thankfulness and giving the glory to Whom it belongs.
God. Jesus. The Holy Spirit. The fervent prayers of the faithful avails much.
Now is not the time for boasting or sitting back savoring victory. We’ve just managed to pick ourselves up off the ground, thanks be to the Lord, and now it is time to stand, to speak, to move forward in the full armor of God in this daily spiritual war. Never wavering. Never weakening. Never falling away. Growing in faithfulness and spiritual maturity.
To allow our Good Good Great God to work His will in each of us, in our people, in our nation, in our elected and appointed leaders and officials.
Now is the time.
It is what we have been given.
Let us not squander this great blessing, answer to many prayers, and opportunity unlike any as many thought possible, as it is today the Lord has given to us and blessed us with.
And if we’re blessed with another and another day?
Not becoming lazy, bloated, arrogant, complacent, or boastful.
Ever more humble. Ever more seek to serve the Lord by living out of the Word of God destroying the wickedness before us. Making the way of salvation for others.
Understanding the big eternal picture this opportunity, this blessing has been given to U.S.
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