God loves us as we are - Pope to young transgender person



God loves us as we are? Not so, Jorge. But then knowing and speaking Scriptural truth is not your strong point. Mr. Jorge Mario Bergoglio, one of the most visible and vocal false teachers, people pleasers and appeasers, who tens of millions believe speaks for God is in truth speaking for and doing the bidding of his master, the Adversary, the devil.

Harsh? Hardly.

Think about his statement and who it was directed to. A confused, lost and immoral individual that clearly has not sought Christ, genuinely, truly, but rather lives to please themselves, their desires and pleasures, their sin.

Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.

Galatians 5:19-21

Think about Jorge’s statement. If true, then God loved Adolf Hitler just as he was. No change needed within Hitler. God then also loved Nero as he was, no change within required. Caligula. No change needed. Josef Stalin. God loved him as he was and no change required to be found pleasing and acceptable before the Lord? To enter into eternal life in the presence of God. Right? Wrong!

Not according to me — according to the inerrant infallible uchangeable Word of God!

Yes, God is love and God does love us. He created us in His image. But do not be seduced, beguiled and totally misled by the soft, honey-dripping, seemingly compassionate and Christian loving words of the venomous serpents appearing as ministers of light and truth when they are mirror images of the master they serve, the father of lies, the devil, who appears as an angel of light. Not as the red being with horns, a tail and a pitchfork. No, that would frighten folks. Evil appears lovely, seductive, cunning, subtle many times, it appears to be good and right. That’s the snare. The way to fall into the pit.

God loves us so much that He came to earth in Jesus Christ. Who, like John the Baptist who came before Him and announed His comnig, preached repentance. One MUST BE BORN ANEW. Made a new creature, regenerated, transformed from within by the Supernatural power of the Holy Spirit. To put aside the earthly and dwell in the spirtual. This is only accomplished by the free gift of grace by God, and a sincere contrite repentatnat heart and mind of an individual.

NOT whatever you do, whatever you beleive, whatever you are is just fine with God. No change required.

Jorge is also a man, a worldly, lost man spewing unsound doctrine and out and out lies to the ithcing ears that abound, but he also works continually to embrace Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and every false and lost world religion under the Christian tent.

Jorge espouses all the worldly doctrines. If he were not the pompous papal pagan idol worshipper he is and dressed in Western attire, and had the world stage he would sound and appear like the CEO of a very liberal corporation, or a far left-wing politician. But, he is in the office he is and folks automtically believe him to be holy. Right. Speaking the truth. When nothing could be further from holiness, roghteousness, or the truth.

Don’t like this? Don’t beleive this? Well, I urge you to then begin searching the Scriptures. Dilgiently. Not in a personal manner trying to prove me wrong. Search the Holy Bible, God’s Word, with an open heart an mind to hear God. No man. To just hear God. Clearly, pleainly, truly. Finally.

For you may be sure of this, that everyone who is sexually immoral or impure, or who is covetous (that is, an idolater), has no inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God.

Ephesians 5:5

For you see, Jorge is a politician more than a prophet, saint or holy man. Jorge is the CEO of a major international corporation. Spewing the doctrines of the world. Loving the world and appeasing to people more than loving the Word, preachign the Word, and standing truly, strongly, firmly in the Word.

God loves us for who we are? If that were true than every unrepentant adulter, idol worshipper, murderer, thief, liar, homosexual, sexually immoral, drunkards and the greedy among many others will not inheret the kingdom of God. If God loved us jsut as we are and did not require us to seek Him, to hear Him through His word, to acknowledge our sinful state and need to be cleansed and forgiven to enter into His presence, well then, everyone would go to heaven would they not? And there would be no need for judgment, Jesus coming to earth and dying on the cross and rising from the dead, and for most of what is contained in the Word of God.

Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

1 Corinthians 6:9-11

And that is exactly what Jorge and every false teacher, the world at present, thus every minister of Satan is working 24/7/365 to accomplish in the hearts and minds of every person they can confuse, further delude, ensnare and take with them to the eternal pit of hell. Which is very real. And will not be an empty echo chamber with no one there. For eternity.

Yes, God loves us. So much that He sent His only beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ to come to earth, live among us as fully truly man, fully truly God. To teach us. To be sacrificed on the tree of shame for our sins, so that those who hear His voice, seek Him, turn to Him, beleive Him and OBEY Him making Him LORD of their life can receive the gift of free grace, the gift of the Holy Spirit to enter into them and be transformed of mind and heart from within.

For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins,

Hebrews 10:26

And until and unless that has occured in an individual they will not undertand. Will remain blind and in darkness. Speaking as the world. Beleiving as the world.

Until and unless a person is born again, renewed of mind and spirit they can’t know. Can’t see. Can’t hear. Not as a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. Not as a child of God.

Oh, you thought everyone on earth was a child of God because that’s what the world has indoctrinated people to adopt, accept, and believe? Not so. For unless born anew, in Christ, truly repentant, truly transformed a person remains a child of disobedience. At enmity with God.

Do not be deceived or greatly, dangerously misled by the seductive, appealing, feel good words that sound sweet to the ear but are dung and rot and deadly poison to the soul, the spirit, the heart and the mind.

Search the Scriptures. Continually. In fervent faithful  prayer. More than listening to, beleiving any man or woman. Especially one so clearly a minister of Satan appearing as a minister of light and truth. Know whereof he belongs and serves. And it’s quite simple really. By the fruit they bear. By their words. Are they sound and found in God’s Word, or in the words and doctrines of the world?

In these last of the last days a person must be diligent. They must sift and sift and sift among the muddy waters continaully flowing at this time to push the muddy water out to find the nuggets of pure gold. Given from God. Easy to mine if only one would go to the river of life and truth for one and all — the Holy Bible. Where everything is clear. True. Unchanging. Holy. Not the philosophies of the world that lead to destruction and death.

More Holy Bible. More fervent faithful prayer not amiss. Less world. Less social media. Less confusion. More purity and clarity — and that only comes from more time in meditation, deep thinking within and on God’s unchanging inerrant infallible Word and in faithful prayer.

Less of those like Jorge.

More Jesus Christ’s words, sacrifice and love filling us.

For the miniters of Satan do not speak for God. Do not be deceived. By their fruits you can clearly know them. Search the Scriptures like a Berean to cross reference anything and everything you may hear or read from any man, any woman, including your pastor.

For the times at hand require this of us, if we desire to continue to walk along side the Lord rather than on the path of the world.

Ken Pullen, A CROOKED PATH, Tuesday, July 25th, 2023


God loves us as we are – Pope to young transgender person


July 25, 2023

By someone who’s initials appear to be KCQ

Reprinted from Ansa


(ANSA) – ROME, JUL 25 – God loves us just as we are, Pope Francis tells a young transgender person in a new podcast produced by Vatican Radio ahead of World Youth Day in Lisbon and released on Tuesday. ‘The Lord always accompanies us, always. Even if we are sinners, He draws near to help us,” said the pope after hearing the story of Giona, who spoke about the challenges of being a believer, while accepting the reality of having physical challenges and being transgender. “God loves us just as we are,” he added. “Do not give up, keep striving ahead.” In the Italian language ‘popecast’, Francis also had words of encouragement for Edward and Valerij, who are both serving time in a juvenile correctional community, and for Arianna who struggles with bipolar disorder. World Youth Day 2023 will take place in the Portuguese capital from August 1-6. (ANSA).