Fix Your Eyes on Jesus!
By A.W. Tozer
“What I believe about God is the most important thing about me.” ~A.W. Tozer
Every man has some contribution to make to your life if you know how to receive it; certain men will astonish you with their ability to answer your unexpressed question and tell you what is in your heart. But never attach yourself to any man as a parasite. Adopt no man as a guru. Apart from the inspired writers of Holy Scriptures no man is worthy of such confidence. The sweetest saint can be mistaken.
I repeat, never let any man become necessary to you. Christ alone is necessary. Apart from Him we are completely wretched; without Him we cannot live and dare not die. Our need of Him is real and vital and will outlast time and go on into eternity. That deep and desperate need is met by Christ so completely that when we have Him we need no one else. We may receive help from our fellow Christians as they from us, but our need for them is relative and fleeting. Let anyone become spiritually indispensable to us and we have deserted the Rock to build on shifting sand.
It requires deep consecration, I admit, and complete detachment from earthly interests to reach such a place of independence. And it is only after we become completely dependent upon God that we can walk without leaning on men. It takes much prayer and quiet contemplation to maintain the nice balance that will permit us to receive help from our fellow Christians and at the same time be sweetly independent of them. But we should not despair; it is not beyond the possibilities of grace. Not even for such weak Christians as we are.
Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. Hebrews 12:2
God ministers to us through other believers whom He has gifted. We can be aided by others who are more mature than are we. But it is on Christ our eyes are to be fixed. He is the author and perfecter of our faith, as well as our perfect example.
Thank You, Lord, for those through whom You have ministered to me but may my eyes be fixed not on them but on You.
AUDIO SERMON: (Hebrews – Part 40): Keeping Christ in Full View by A.W. Tozer
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