by Cornelius R. Stam
Have you been disappointed in your pastor or the officers of your church or perhaps in Christian leaders in general? Have you placed great faith in some spiritual leader only to be disillusioned and to find out that your faith has been misplaced? Have you observed the growing popularity of some evangelist or Bible teacher whom you “know” to be insincere, while noting that
another, whose fidelity and sincerity are beyond question, seems to get nowhere?

How it helps, in such situations, to be able to “rightly divide the Word of truth,” and to enjoy “the full assurance of understanding” that comes with “the full knowledge [Gr., epignosis] of the mystery”! (Col. 2:2).

In “this present evil age” we are living under “the dispensation of the grace of God.”


God is not saving good people today, nor even people who will repent and “do works meet for repentance.” Rather, He is saving poor sinners who will come to Him with all their sin. This is God’s gracious response to man’s rejection of the King and the kingdom as offered at Pentecost.


Look at the way believers lived together in love and harmony during the Pentecostal era and you are apt to exclaim: “Why can’t we live that way today? Let’s get back to Pentecost.” But look at the way believers lived together after the raising up of Paul, even among his beloved Philippians, and you will say: “It is no different today.” This is because the believers at Pentecost were all filled with the Spirit in fulfillment of a prophetic promise, while today He has in grace committed His message to failing men and women, who indeed possess the Spirit, but often grieve Him.