The Apostate Church

The Rise of False Teachers, Heretics, and Unsound Doctrines

The Last of the Last Days…


Wales has gone from John Penry, Vavasor Powell, Daniel Rowlands, D. Martin Lloyd-Jones, and other faithful to the Word of God, devout, highly spiritual, and sound doctrine preachers and pastors to where they are now, what has become of the Welsh, English, and Scottish Church [I included the names of those known to either be Welsh, Puritans, of sound doctrine or having known to preach extensively in Wales].

From an excerpt of the article below:

“The Evangelical Fellowship within the Church in Walesdeeply regrets the recent decision of the Governing Body to authorise a liturgy to bless same-sex civil marriages and partnerships [and] we recognise the difficulties faced by the bishops and others within the Church in Wales as they have wrestled to bring better pastoral provision for those who are lesbian, homosexual, bisexual, or transgender,” the statement reads. 

The statement acknowledges that the church has “not always engaged well” with the lesbian, homosexual, bisexual, and transgender community by being “deeply insensitive” and “hurtful.” 

Appeasing sin, bowing to sexual immorality, abandoning the inerrant Word of God over the lies of the world is not the way to bring BETTER PASTORAL PROVISION or to help those who are lesbian, homosexual, bisexual, or transgender.

The TRUTH is what is required and needed most. The TRUTH of the whole inerrant infallible Word of God.

Not ignoring or appeasing sin and immorality. That goes against the Word of God.

God’s Word could not be clearer as to what end, what judgment, what consequences, what eternity the sexually immoral, those who lust after their own kind, male with male, or female with female. Or a male saying they are female, or something altogether different, or a female claiming to be male. Bowing to these sins, these immoralities does not rewrite the word of God and make these sins, this sexual deviancy, this sexual immorality now approved and acceptable in the sight of God.

Man is not the decider. The determiner of what is acceptable or unacceptable to God the Creator, Jesus Christ the Lord, and the Holy Spirit.

And man cannot remove, alter, add to or omit from the Word of God to please themselves.

They ought, instead to humble themselves, repent, and desire to with the remainder of the days the Good Lord blesses them with serve Him diligently, faithfully, truthfully according to His Word!


Ken Pullen

Friday, October 1st, 202

ACP — A Crooked Path


Evangelicals push for new bishop after Church in Wales allows pastors to bless homosexual “marriages”


Thursday, September 30, 2021

By Nicole Alcindor

Reprinted from The Christian Post


Evangelicals who hold to traditional Christian teaching on sexuality and marriage are pushing for a new bishop to be appointed in the Church in Wales following the results of an early September vote to allow pastors to bless same-sex marriages.

The Church in Wales, composed of six Anglican dioceses in the United Kingdom, does not allow clergy to conduct legally binding same-sex marriage ceremonies. However, in a Sept. 6 vote of 28 to 12 in favor with two abstentions, clergy were approved to host blessing ceremonies for same-sex unions in their churches.

On Monday, members of the Evangelical Fellowship within the Church in Wales expressed formal disagreement with the vote.

In a statement, EFCW addressed the Church in Wales Governing Body, asking for more “clarity and consistency” in the plan to protect and care for dissenting churches and leaders.

EFCW is calling for a new bishop, whom it said, can represent those who “hold to an understanding of the doctrine of marriage as only being between a man and a woman.”

The fellowship further expressed that it finds that the Governing Body of the Church in Wales “no longer properly represents the convictions of the wider membership of the Church in Wales.”

“[EFCW] deeply regrets the recent decision of the Governing Body to authorise a liturgy to bless same-sex civil marriages and partnerships [and] we recognise the difficulties faced by the bishops and others within the Church in Wales as they have wrestled to bring better pastoral provision for those who are lesbian, homosexual, bisexual, or transgender,” the statement reads.

The statement acknowledges that the church has “not always engaged well” with the lesbian, homosexual, bisexual, and transgender community by being “deeply insensitive” and “hurtful.”

“This is something of which we repent unreservedly,” the statement expressed. “The Good News of Jesus Christ is for all people, regardless of sexual orientation. However, the decision to introduce a rite allowing for the blessing of same-sex unions, while well-intentioned, is the wrong step for the Church to take.”

The EFCW finds that the Church in Wales has “departed from” the apostolic faith as revealed in Scripture.

“The only biblical context for sexual activity is heterosexual marriage,” the statement argued. “The new rite for the blessing of same-sex unions, which introduces liturgy permitting the blessing of same-sex civil marriages, has, de facto, changed the Church’s doctrine on marriage.”

EFCW also said they find that the approved vote has caused damage to the Church in Wales’ relationship with “the majority of the provinces in the global Anglican Communion” — which has taken a stance “committed to an orthodox understanding of human sexuality.”

Relationships with bishops and clerics who choose to perform such blessings are now “impaired,” the statement stated.

“This decision has brought disunity to God’s Church,” EFCW added. “Such disunity is a grave and serious matter which grieves the heart of God. The decision dishonours those who, persuaded that Scripture teaches that sexual activity is restricted to heterosexual marriage, have chosen to remain celibate, often at tremendous personal cost.”

As a result of the vote, ECFW claims there are a “significant number of Welsh Anglicans” who are faced with the “tough decisions as to where their future spiritual home lies.” There “have been and will be resignations from Clergy, Lay Readers, Worship Leaders, Church Wardens, Sunday School Teachers and parishioners.”

“A number have withdrawn their regular giving to their churches. Others are determined to remain in the Church in Wales structure. A significant number are seeking help and guidance on deciding their future in the Church in Wales,” the statement adds.

“EFCW is committed to helping in this discernment process, including conversations with those offering alternative Anglican structures, and will continue to offer fellowship for all Evangelical Anglicans regardless of whether they stay in the Church in Wales or leave it.”

While some clergy have been told that dissenting ministers will not have to surrender their church buildings for blessing services, the statement warns that other bishops “believe they can exercise their prerogative to insist that a same-sex blessing service take place in any building in their Diocese, regardless of the conscience of the local cleric.”

“This needs clarity and consistency across the Province with details on how dissenting PCCs, Lay Officers, congregations (as well as ministers) may be protected and cared for if they do not wish their church buildings to be available for such services,” the statement asserts.

Even with the current “difficulties, pain and grief,” the fellowship assures that it will continue to place its “hope and trust in God.”

“God has not abandoned Wales or His people,” the statement concludes. “We pray for all those engaged in proclaiming Christ boldly and faithfully to this nation, for it is in Him that help and salvation are found.”