Following by Faith


Friday, January 31, 2020


This month we have been inspired by the examples of fellow believers. Each of them was committed to reading God’s Word and understood its transformative power. Evangelist Dwight Lyman Moody often said, “The Bible was not given to increase our knowledge, but to change our lives.” He believed in studying the Bible, so it could be proclaimed to the lost. He once said, “If this world is going to be reached, I am convinced that it must be done by men and women of average talent.” Thus began his ministry of book publishing, founding Bible schools, and evangelistic outreach. Moody’s desire was to educate and equip the average person to be a soul winner and to do extraordinary feats for God’s glory.
In today’s text, the author of Hebrews has a similar desire for his readers. Verse 20 begins with a reminder that the main activator, the God of peace, has already done an amazing work in their midst: brought Jesus back from the dead. In verse 21, the author asks God to equip the recipients of this letter with every good thing to do God’s will and that God may do a mighty work in them. This work will be honoring and pleasing to Him.
Moody’s legacy is one of loving the Bible and doing God’s will. While Moody served the Lord, God was doing a mighty work in him. He continually made Moody into an advocate for Jesus and a leader in proclaiming the gospel. As you continue to grow in your walk with the Lord, allow Him to do a mighty work in you, work that is pleasing to Him.
What has God taught you this month? What passages of Scripture did the Lord place on your heart and mind? As you go through your days, ministry, and interactions with others, give thanks for those who have followed by faith and left a legacy for us!