Dr. David Mackereth


To anyone out there doubting, refusing to believe, stubborn in their ways, blind to all that is occurring by the hour — totalitarianism, fascism is already deeply implanted in EVERY Western society and is growing. Casting an ever reaching shadow of darkness on every Western land and people.

A person can deny this all they want. Their denial, their ignorance does not belie reality.

Evil is growing. Evil desires to control every person if it were possible. In nothing but lies, confusion, delusion, and illusion. Following the lie to their eternal death.

There is no truth in evil and evil dominates and resides now at the rudder in EVERY Western nation, institution, organization, corporation. Or almost every one with rare exceptions.

Not a delightful thought. Not something folks want to acknowledge and admit.

But it is true. It is present reality.

And getting worse.

And it’ll continue to get worse. A lot worse.

Worldwide fascism, totalitarianism is coming. Sooner than later. All the pieces, parts, plans, bits, and ideologies have been put in place, or are being put in place. Much of what is found here on ACP in current event news stories is exactly thus. That’s why those articles appear here. To help show everyone along the way what is really going on. And why — because the spiritual aspect, the holiness or righteousness or unholiness and unrighteousness are always omitted by the world. God is always removed. Jesus is always removed. The Holy Spirit is even removed by the majority of those institutions, organizations, and individuals claiming to be Christian! The Word of God is removed — or else if permitted the Word of God is then always perverted, corrupted, misquoted, taken out of context by the cunning tongued and skilled in shackles to the devil carrying out his work.

Which is to see as many people end up in hell for eternity as he can possibly get there before every eye can see, every ear hears the Lord returning in the clouds on that white horse [see Revelation 19].

Oh, pass it on. Let others know this. Even if mocked, laughed at, ridiculed, ostracized, and scorned. Preach the gospel in season out of season. Always. From the Bible. Not off the top of one’s head free form. From the Bible. Take up the cross daily. Put on that full armor of God and keep it on and well maintained. Be the light of the world, be the salt of the earth — be a true disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ.

In this escalating spiritual war.

Because the Evil One and all his foot soldiers, minions, and workers never rest, never sleep, and are oh so cunning and convincing.

Also, the last day on earth as it has been known is closer than it ever has been.

Fascism increases and is readily accepted by the people. Just as it was in the recent past [only about 90 years ago in all of the timeline of world history] only this time fascism, the totalitarianism will not be contained in Europe and parts of Asia. This time it will be worldwide and so established, so accepted by the majority of people worldwide that it will become the awful, dreadful daily way of life.

It is coming.

Most of it is already here. Just fine and dandy with most people.

Imagine that…


Ken Pullen

Monday, February 21st, 2022

ACP — A Crooked Path


Doctor sacked for biblical views on gender to appeal against tribunal outcome


21 February 2022

Reprinted from The Christian Institute [in the U.K.]


A Christian doctor sacked for challenging transgender ideology at work will have his appeal against an Employment Tribunal ruling heard next month.

In 2018, Dr. David Mackereth was forced out of his job as a trainee disability assessor with the Department of Work and Pensions after saying he could not in conscience call a man “Mrs.” or “she”.

The Tribunal in 2019 said Dr. Mackereth’s biblical views on gender were not “worthy of respect”. But following Maya Forstater’s landmark win on a similar point last year, he believes there are strong grounds for appeal.

Male and female

Dr. Mackereth’s legal representative at the original hearing said his client’s belief rested on Genesis 1:27: “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”

But the Tribunal ruled: “belief in Genesis 1:27, lack of belief in transgenderism and conscientious objection to transgenderism in our judgment are incompatible with human dignity and conflict with the fundamental rights of others”.

While the judgment acknowledged Dr. Mackereth’s views were “genuinely held”, it did not accept they were protected under the Equality Act 2010.

Christian Concern, which is supporting Dr. Mackereth’s new appeal, has said its lawyers will argue that “the Forstater ruling has resolved the ‘central issue of law’ raised in Dr. Mackereth’s case”.

Maya Forstater

Former tax consultant Maya Forstater lost her job in 2019 after tweeting that biology determines whether people are male or female.

A subsequent Employment Tribunal ruling stated that her belief in “only two sexes” was incompatible with the fundamental rights of others and was therefore not protected under the Equality Act.

However, at appeal last year, Mr. Justice Choudhury declared that the Tribunal was in error and that Forstater’s beliefs were protected under the legislation.


Ahead of the Employment Appeal Tribunal in March, Dr. Mackereth said: “My case affects everyone, not just me and Bible-believing Christians, but anyone who is concerned by compelled speech and transgender ideology being enforced on the NHS and other public services.

“The judgment from two years ago said to Christians ‘you have to believe in the transgender ideology.’ That is totalitarianism.”

He added: “As Christians, we are not trying to be unkind to people in any way. As Christians, we are called to love all people with Christian love. But we cannot love people truly when we live and disseminate a lie.”


Doctor accused of transphobia for announcing “it’s a girl” at birth 

Sweden: Ethics board wants professor prosecuted for investigating migrant rape activity 

Also see:

Court rules belief in biological sex is protected by Equality Act

J.K. Rowling backs woman who says sex is binary

‘I lost my job over tweet challenging transgender ideology’

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