U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (Illinois)


Let’s see…a human sperm from a human man and a human egg from a human female fertilize and what is the result? What is it? From inception? Isn’t that conception? Of the human kind? And even at 15 weeks? Because once it reaches the age of 76 and ends up in the U.S. Senate it is difficult to then ascertain what it truly has become…because to deny humanity, to deny creation, to deny God, to deny biology, to deny the truth and facts certainly isn’t human now is it?

Well, in the sinful, fallen, walking in darkness nature of man in his rebellion and replacing God, imagining themselves as gods it’s certainly credible they would become so confused and turn to lies and double-speak and delusion.

But I’m pretty sure when a human sperm manages to break its way into a human egg in the womb of a human female? And conception occurs? And what is LIVING and GROWING in the woman’s womb is nothing but, only human. A human being living and growing within a human female,

What else could it be?

How backward and ignorant are people these days?

Would Senator Durbin, Senator Blumenthal, and many more walk up to a noticeably pregnant woman and in asking “Do you know what you’re having?” Mean, “Are you having a platypus? A crocodile? A raccoon, an elephant?”

No, they would only consider “Is it a boy or a girl.” A HUMAN boy, a HUMAN girl, and nothing else possible. Unless they are so lost, so ignorant, so consumed in delusion and darkness they wouldn’t even comprehend things on that basic level at this point of their deterioration.

This truth, this knowledge, these facts were known, accepted, understood, and realized oh, many thousands of years ago and it’s only within the last 50 years of world history human beings have become so thick, so dense, so ignorant on purpose to add to the confusion and rebellion as they love sinning more and lying more and they wallow in their lies and darkness and wickedness.

That smugness, that imagining you’re a god will come to an end.

So many can avoid the truth now but there is coming a time to pay for such behavior and way of living.

And to end up paying for living lies and living and promoting sin and evil for eternity is a terrible price to pay for serving their master, the devil for the fleeting years here on earth.

As they lack the understanding of the enormous price the Lord Jesus Christ and God paid in the sacrificing of Jesus for the sin of any person who comes out of the darkness and into the light. Seeking the Lord. Confessing their sin. Repenting of their sin. And living renewed of mind and spirit, transformed into a new life to be a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Because if they do not?

There will be an eternity to writhe in anguish, live in pain unfathomable, experience distress and suffering inconceivable to the human mind for certain deeds, words, actions, laws, beliefs opposed to God and God’s ways, God’s word…


Ken Pullen

Thursday, June 17th, 2021

ACP — A Crooked Path


Democrat Senators Can’t Figure Out if a 15-Week-Old Unborn Child is a Human Being


June 15, 2021

By Steven Ertelt

Reprinted from LifeNews


Two Democrat senators can’t figure out that an unborn baby at 15 weeks is a human being.

With the Supreme Court considering a Mississippi law that ban abortions on babies after 15 weeks, CNS News asked Democrat senators if the baby at that point in pregnancy is a human being worth protecting. They couldn’t answer the question.

As it reported:

At the U.S. Capitol on Tuesday, CNS News asked the senator, “The Supreme Court this fall will review a Mississippi law that bans most abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy. Is an unborn baby at 15 weeks a human being?”

Durbin replied, “We’re on the issue of DREAMers and immigration. We’ll address the other issues later,” in reference to the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act.

CNS News then asked the senator what species is an unborn baby at 15 weeks. He did not respond.

Another senator also had problems answering the basic scientific question:

Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) did not answer directly but said, “I’m going to wait for the Supreme Court decision.”

Blumenthal said, “You know, I’m going to wait for the Supreme Court decision. Right now, abortion at that point in a pregnancy is legal and constitutionally protected, and I believe it should be.”

When asked again if the unborn baby is a human being, Sen. Blumenthal did not respond.

The Supreme Court agreed last month to hold a hearing on a major abortion case that could limit Roe v. Wade and protect babies from late-term abortions.  The U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, a law that bans killing babies in abortions after 15 weeks.

The 2018 Mississippi law prohibits abortions after 15 weeks except when there are risks to the life or physical health of the mother, or fatal fetal anomalies. Based on state health records, about 200 unborn babies between 15 and 20 weeks are aborted every year in Mississippi and the law would save their lives.

Mississippi Attorney General Lynn Fitch asked the high court to consider the 15-week abortion ban last year.

“The petition asks the court to clarify its jurisprudence on abortion to allow states like ours to enact laws that further their legitimate interests in protecting maternal health, safeguarding unborn babies, and promoting respect for innocent and vulnerable life,” Fitch said in a statement in June. “We are hopeful that the court will accept our case and allow Mississippi to defend innocent life as the legislature and the people of this great state intend.”

Mississippi’s law highlights a conflict between the Supreme Court’s ruling in Roe v. Wade and the court’s repeated affirmation in subsequent cases that states have a legitimate interest in limiting abortion and protecting “vulnerable and innocent life” from the moment of conception.

“Every human life is valuable, and Mississippi’s law is a commonsense step toward protecting unborn children and their mothers from the harms of late-term abortion,” said Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Denise Harle. “The law protects the life of a baby who can already move around and kick in her mom’s womb—a child who has a heartbeat, can taste what her mom eats, and can experience pain. And the law also protects women, since late-term abortions grow increasingly dangerous to the mother’s health. Women and their children both deserve real health care; that’s why we’re glad the Supreme Court has decided to take up this matter.”

The state argues that “viability” is an arbitrary standard for determining when a state’s interests are sufficient to regulate, and that the Supreme Court has already recognized that the state has a legitimate interest in protecting the unborn infant and the health of the mother from the very beginning of pregnancy.

Polls consistently find strong public support for abortion restrictions after the first trimester. Gallup has been asking about the legality of abortions by trimester for decades. Its polls have found steady, strong opposition to abortions in the second and third trimesters.

Additionally, a 2019 Hill-HarrisX poll found that 55 percent of voters said they do not think laws banning abortions after six weeks – when an unborn baby’s heartbeat is detectable – are too restrictive.

In a separate case, Mississippi also is fighting in court to defend its heartbeat law, which would protect almost all unborn babies from abortions in the state.

The Supreme Court took away the states’ ability to protect unborn babies from abortion, and instead allowed abortion on demand through all nine months of pregnancy. Roe made the United States one of only seven countries in the world that allows elective abortions after 20 weeks.

There is more hope that the Supreme Court may consider overturning Roe, especially now that Justice Amy Coney Barrett has been confirmed.