Christianity vs. Baseball and if Hitler had been successfully assassinated would the allies have won the war — and other thoughts today


Wednesday, March 16th, 2022

by Ken Pullen

ACP — A Crooked Path


In America, for a lot of folks, baseball is a religion. Sacred. Not to be tampered with. And those folks will get really riled up whenever even the slightest changes are even mentioned let alone implemented. Attempt to make a rule change? A change to the game? And the devout and committed to their religion, their faith stands firmly against altering that which is held sacred.

Yet what calls itself Christianity in America [we’ll let them think they’re Christians even though by their fruit and words they are known not to be] has no problem changing radically. Sinfully. Against God. Against the Word of God. Homosexuals, lesbians as pastors. Accepted. Prosperity “gospel” accepted. Corruption, the Evangelical Industrial Complex. Accepted. Celebrity big-name “star” pastors? All the rage and growing and becoming more worldly by the week. The celebrity pastors of these mega-churches don’t know their congregants for the most part from Adam. Too busy. Too many meetings. Taking calls from their agents. Setting up the next speaking engagement. All in the name of Jesus Christ while making sure it’s all done in the name of the Almighty Dollar. The lines getting very blurred as to which takes precedence really. The Lord or the Dollars. Their fame, or the preaching of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

This brings to mind what passes for American Christianity having a close resemblance to a long-running game show, “The Price is Right,” which lathers up the congregants in a materialistic frenzy and if selected what gets them out of their seats is the tag line, “Come on down!” To which they are more than eager and willing to lower themselves in the hope of acquiring much in the way of either money or materialistic goods. There is much applause, oh we must have the applause you know [along with the obligatory rock band in almost every professed church these days. De rigueur as the automatic line given in justifying this is we must do these things and all manner of “entertainment”  to appeal to the young people, as well as the old crusts because, well, you know, the Word of God just won’t suffice these days, you know. The real root of it all? Never enough money, money, money checks in the collections leger, book deals, syndication, speaking tours, conferences ad nauseum. Do you imagine the apostle Paul saying “Hey, my latest epistle is now out and it’s on sale for only 20 shekels, get yours while you can!”


Well, that’s what American Christianity is in truth. For the greater part.

False doctrines bought in, false teachers, yoga, Eastern religions, sorcery, paganism? No problem. Accepted and growing within what is called “Christianity” in America. Sexual predators, perverts in what passes for the pastoral fabric? No problem. Oh, they might be disgraced for a  bit if caught, But like influenza, they’ll make their return most likely. And guess what? Yep, you guessed it. Be accepted. Going against the Word of God, but why pay attention to what God says when relativism, feelings, and making sure the ways of the world have replaced sound doctrine? There no longer is reproof, admonishing, any rebuke. Can’t have that. People might have their “feelings” hurt, come to understand what it truly means to obey God, and they might not come back rather than being honed and refined and put on the right path. No, no, no can’t have that! Just constant erosion and allowing in anything and everything. Anything goes these days in what are called Christian churches in America. And all the love language tossed about? That language that is taught resembles more of an old Beatles tune rather than as defined and ought to be understood according to the Word of God,

And this brand of so-called “Christianity” is being exported worldwide.

Baseball is held more sacred by more people than is the inerrant Word of God, which the overwhelming majority of those calling themselves “Christian” can’t really be bothered to read or understand or discern wisely.

A baseball fan, a true baseball fan can cite history, statistics, what happened every pitch in every inning of a game. They know what they follow and believe in. They are devout.

Most of those professing to be Christians don’t know much about the Bible. Many don’t believe in the virgin birth, the resurrection of Jesus, or that Jesus was truly fully God while also being truly fully a man. Most may kind of know a verse or two — but not much else.

Compare a true baseball fan to someone professing to be a Christian and see who really knows more of what they’re talking about relating to what they say they believe and follow. Because by their fruits they are known. By their words, ways, and practices.

True baseball fans greatly resist any changes to their beloved game. What they follow, who they believe in, what they believe in.

Most Christians in America accept and allow anything that comes along these days.

The designated hitter was initiated in the American League in 1973.

It has taken 49 years for baseball to finally allow the designated hitter in the National League so that the designated hitter is now universal in baseball.

In the last 10 to 12 years a growing number of homosexual/lesbian “pastors” have been permitted to be ordained and given church congregations to lead.

One will not likely have to endure hellfire for eternity for no longer permitting pitchers to bat in a ball game.

Can the same be said with regard to what so many denominations and independent churches allow? What so many professing to be Christians allow, practice, and believe?

Who is the more faithful? Those who hold firm to which foundation? Baseball or Christianity?

In America, tragically, it’s the true baseball fan as there are truly few true Christians remaining. In the most extensive surveys conducted only 6% of the people in America maintain a Biblical worldview.

More than 6% of faithful baseball fans hold the view there ought to be no changes, no erosion, no corrupting and perverting of the game.

Yet those professing to be Christian have no apparent problem with what passes for a Christian church, or Christianity to be indistinguishable from anything in the world.

Imagine that. if I’m lying or out of order be sure to let me know in the comments box below. Keep scrolling down. Can’t miss it.

This brings us to Adolf Hitler and World War II since the words of war fill the air so much these days.

I don’t know your interest in history. I’ve been very interested in history ever since I was able to read. Every person is a thread in the unbroken weaving of history on the loom of this world. Contrary to the lie history is not boring or irrelevant.

Consider this…

According to HISTORY and other sources, there were as many as 40 attempts made to kill Adolf Hitler between 1932 and 1945. Hitler believed he was somehow invincible and protected by a supernatural entity. The occult was big with the Nazis.

I’m not the first to think how if Hitler had been successfully killed prior to his eventual suicide in the bunker in Berlin the Allies might have lost World War II. Hitler was in truth inept. He was not a military tactician or strategist. The Nazi’s early successes were a combination of the Western world — all except for Winston Churchill and an American diplomat who was dismissed — appeasing Hitler and Germany and refusing to believe he was serious or capable of doing what he and Germany did. The infamous German Blitzkrieg was not from Hitler but from a German general. The idea that Hitler needed to remain alive was even something the Allies knew and they were even known to thwart an attempt on Hitler’s life in 1943. German officer Axel von dem Bussche who was the poster boy for Hitler’s Aryan ideal witnessed over 3,000 Jewish civilians being executed at the old Dubno airport (now in western Ukraine). And upon witnessing that atrocity he determined he was going to kill Hitler. His plan was thwarted by the Allies though.

Had Hitler been killed prior to that day in the bunker under the  Reich Chancellery competent military tacticians would have been able to advance their plans for the war rather than living in fear of Hitler and having to carry out his orders no matter how they were doomed before they even began — such as fighting a war on two fronts, or everyone afraid to wake up the drug-addled Fuhrer on June 6th, 1944 so all the Panzer divisions sat idle until Hitler woke up and by then the Allies had a foothold on the beaches of Normandy, France.

Hitler was evil incarnate. One of the most heinous and evil men to ever live. But had someone successfully killed him in the late 1930s, during the war as many tried? It is possible that under very good German generals and someone other than Hitler leading Nazi Germany that they may just have won World War II.

It may be difficult to stomach, believe, or accept — but it is possible there was Providence in keeping Hitler alive rather than allowing him to be killed.

This shows that we don’t really know but God does. We may think we know what’s best, and think, “If I were in charge it wouldn’t turn out like this…”

No, you’re right. It most likely would turn out a lot worse if any of us were truly in control of the events of this world. God knows. God’s plan is at work. While our sensitivities, our humanity, our limited understanding may have great difficulty in discerning how it could have been beneficial an evil man such as Hitler was allowed to remain alive after so many attempts on his life just look to the outcome. Think things through.

Place all faith in God. Place all faith in God’s Word and not in ourselves or any man or woman on this temporal earth.

No one ought to debate God, or lower God to our level, or think we know better than God, or question God, or ignore the Word of God and its instruction to each of us as to how to live and believe, how to walk as true disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, as true children of God rather than as the world stumbles about in darkness as the children of disobedience.

Where is the obedience in what is called the Christian church today? The body is ill. Because it refuses to obey the Head.

I’ve had a lot more thoughts today but these will suffice.