Here’s a simple question — if you’re a Christian why do you insist on using acronyms to mention or describe immoral, sinful acts? Do you truly believe Jesus would use acronyms? Why do professed Christians almost to a one resort to pleasing the world and being lazy, pleasing the prince of the air rather than pleasing the LORD?

Enough of the acronyms! Enough of being lax! No one is LGBTXYZ+43 and on and on and on it goes. Write what they are. Speak what they are. Write what their sexual practices are. Acronyms mean nothing. And that’s the point. This is something. Really something. Why play into the filthy hands of Satan and make this heinous and immoral something into nothing by resorting to acronyms?

Where it stops, well, that’s in the Bible and a lot of folks are going to have a lot of accounting to do before the LORD.

Immoralities, sin, evil should never be reduced to euphemisms, abbreviations, laziness in speech or writing, concern with pleasing people rather than God — or acronyms! or perverting language in writing or speaking of a sexual perversion and sexual deviancy? No homosexual is “gay.” Stop corrupting language and appeasing evil. Speak and write clearly and truthfully. And, yes, it matters. The erosion of language matters.

When you read “LGBT+” your mind numbs out the acts these letters define. The same if a person says those letters and you hear them, or you say them to someone and they hear them. It’s mind-numbing. To gloss over. To keep readers or hearers actually having the acts mentioned written or spoken as to enter the mind and register. And that’s the point of using them. Along with those using them being lazy.

Take the 2.8 seconds to write out clearly the sin, the immorality. And speak the same.

For this occasion, I have not removed the acronyms as I usually do. Read them in the article below. And seriously, truly think to yourself upon finishing the article if the acronyms really relayed to your mind, your heart what’s really taking place.

It is homosexuality, transgenderism, bisexuality, and lesbianism [which is homosexuality] Wow. That took so long to plunk out! And I’m pushing 70 years old with pain in every joint in every finger. Sure, would be a lot easier to type out a few letters in caps. But why make the devil happy and bypass pleasing the Lord and actually using LANGUAGE? Imagine that! Actually using the English language.


Ken Pullen

Wednesday, January 19th, 2022

ACP — A Crooked Path


Christian Schools Who Uphold Biblical Sexuality Being Targeted


January 18, 2022

By Tony Perkins / Family Research Council

Reprinted from Prophecy News Watch


Inflation is off the charts, Russia’s on the verge of a Ukrainian war, shoppers can’t find a bagged salad to save their lives, and what is Joe Biden’s focus? Transgenderism.
While the country fights to stay above water in the COVID surge, worker shortage, price hikes, and every other crisis this administration has made worse, the Department of Education has decided to take the fight over gender identity to Christian colleges. If this is their attempt to change the conversation, it’s a pathetic one.
Secretary Miguel Cardona must be a glutton for punishment, because fresh off of the news that he was responsible for the “parents-as-domestic-terrorists” letter scandal, he’s directing his attack dogs at the Office of Civil Rights to investigate Lincoln Christian University in Illinois for not indulging the fantasy of one of its male students who wanted to be treated as a girl on campus. Kalie Hargrove, the young man in question, claims the university “discriminated against him” by associating him with his actual biological sex.
Hargrove, who’s no longer at LCU, complained to the Religious Exemption Accountability Project (REAP), who is systematically targeting Christian institutions who uphold biblical sexuality. Now, the extremists at REAP have apparently convinced the DOE to act, writing, “In August 2021, the University discriminated against Kalie Hargrove (Student A) on the basis of sex (gender identity) by directing her either to withdraw from classes or face discipline because she publicly identified as transgender.”
Of course, under Title IX protections, any school that receives federal funds has to adhere to the far-left’s definitions of “sexual orientation” and “gender identity.” The exception — the one REAP is desperate to undermine — is for religious institutions like LCU. But the DOE is apparently image-conscious, worried more what people will think if it doesn’t uphold the Left’s standard of wokeness than the First Amendment. In the lawsuit, REAP has damning words for the department, accusing it of turning a blind eye “to the abuses that thousands of LGBTQ+ students have endured at taxpayer-funded religious colleges and universities.”
Interestingly enough, back in June, Cardona’s agency seemed willing to defend the exemption, even as it promised “a comprehensive review of its regulations implementing the law.” REAP was apparently unsatisfied with that and demanded an investigation. Even so, they aren’t optimistic. “We are glad to see the Office for Civil Rights take this important step in protecting the rights of LGBTQ+ students at taxpayer-funded religious colleges,” REAP founder and director, Paul Southwick, said in a statement. “However, we fear that the religious exemption to Title IX will likely result in the dismissal of Kalie’s complaint.”
Even if they aren’t successful, REAP’s inroads at DOE sound an important alarm. This is the canary in the coal mine when it comes to religious freedom. Because the real goal here isn’t just agreeing to call a boy a girl. It’s about driving all Bible-believing Christians, Christian education, and Christian institutions into some sort of spiritual ghetto — far away from the public square.
This push to undermine the religious tenants of these institutions may be part of the Left’s response to the growing enrollment at Christian colleges and universities while secular institutions are seeing significant declines. It’s also driven by the idea that religion is something we should keep to ourselves. And eventually, as we’ve seen in oppressive regimes throughout history, even that won’t be enough.
As FRC’s Meg Kilgannon, a DOE official in the Trump administration warned, “The reality of sex is under attack by the fiction of gender. At the same time, respect for religious convictions and legal protections for believers are being undermined LGBTQ activists. Religious colleges and universities have every right to their beliefs. And so do LGBTQ activists. What they can’t do is force their beliefs on others. But that is what groups like REAP want to do — force a religious college to allow a man pretending to be a woman to study on campus, when religion and science both reject the notion that a person can change his or her biological sex.”
Unfortunately for the Left, they’ve picked this fight at exactly the wrong time. Yes, extremists finally have a radical president in the White House who agrees with their twisted priorities. But that’s all they have. The public — especially after incidents like the Left’s pool party last weekend — has turned on the idea that Americans should accommodate this gender madness at their children’s expense. The transgender movement knows it. Pollsters know it.

For a lot of families, especially in sports, the transgender debate is no longer an academic one. And as this conversation hits closer and closer to home, America’s reaction is becoming a lot like the swimmers’ parents at the recent Ivy League meet: this is “messed up.”